Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2620: Offensive for 9 days and thousands of miles

The chief couldn't tell his age, and hung a necklace around his neck. It looked like a crocodile tooth and had thick pulp.

He went directly to the ground in front of Li Yi, and lay down with the people he came.

The chin touches the ground, the face is raised, and the palms of the hands are facing up, indicating that there is no offensive ability.

Li Yi thought for a while, and went to help him. He got up as soon as he helped the other party, obviously he didn't want to lie down.

Li Yi helped one by one, there were thirty people in total, and they should be at the upper level of the tribe and have the right to speak.

The chief glanced at the half-bun that Li Yi had placed next to the little robot, and began to speak.

Little robot translation: "Thank God's tribe for coming to help us, don't know what we do for God?"

"He didn't eat, right? I saw that he was swallowing. He ate steamed buns and soup first, and said while he was eating, I only ate half of the steamed buns, and I could eat two and a half more."

Li Yi felt that it was not good to put forward conditions now. How could he be able to repay people with grace? As a remnant of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty was obliged to take action.

The chiefs really didn't eat, they were more polite and had to meet people.

Now, as soon as I hear the meal, I wash my hands immediately, grab the big meat buns and eat them. The fish stuffed with wild vegetables contains emu eggs, and there are no leeks or garlic sprouts.

There are wild vegetable leaves and dried tofu in the soup, thickened with starch, and a lot of pepper, a simple version of Hu spicy soup.

Thirty people looked at Li Yi while eating, and they could see who was the leader.

So far, they are still a bit at a loss. Last night, everyone lit torches to fight the crocodile. There was a rumbling sound in the sky, and then a spot of light fell, and a louder rumbling sound came, and the river washed ashore.

Then a big guy fell, and as soon as he landed, he rushed down and started to save people.

Wait a minute, this guy with three children flew from the sky in that thing's belly.

This one is a big...shack with a wave of his hand.

The child who vomited blood went in and looked at the place where the talking thing was. The child's stomach was cut open, and the first and third children were busy there, and then closed again.

The second one is still open, and then closed. The third time, big guys flew in, more shacks came out, and a group of people opened the injured one by one.

As for the one in front of him, the speed of opening and closing the stomach is the fastest, and no one will die. After a few have their stomachs opened, they will be replaced by casual closing, and they will die.

This morning, many people who opened their stomachs and closed their eyes opened their eyes, and children could even turn their heads to look around.

You can still live after vomiting blood, which tribe of gods is coming?

Li Yi finished eating first: "Let's talk about it first, some people were in the river and on the bank, and we killed them."

The chief hurriedly swallowed the buns in his mouth, and then drank the soup Shun Yishun: "If you don't blow up more, you won't be able to survive in the water."

He knows the truth, people enter the crocodile group to fight, and the people who go in and the people on the shore know the result.

"Why don't you leave? Do you want to kill the crocodile?" Li Yi asked about the situation.

"There are many fish in the river, and we have good things to catch fish. When it rains heavily, we rely on the fish in the river to survive."

The chief hesitated when he spoke, his eyes became firm again, and he said to the person next to him: "Bring the good things we caught."

The man turned and ran away, not long after he brought a fishing net, made of leather strips and woven straw.

After opening, it is two square meters in size, and the chief said solemnly: "We are willing to teach you."

"Thank you!" Li Yi thanked first, it's not easy! The other party is willing to teach advanced fishing techniques.

"Let's eat first. There is something that needs to be said. Let it tell you about the fact that we used to live in the same place."

Li Yi let the other party continue to eat, and the rest of the work was handed over to the little robot, and he had to go to the intensive care unit to guard.

If he didn't care, forty-one people would still have to die.

The lights of the little robot flickered, and the screen turned on: "Look at me, look at my head, it was said that the world was in chaos..."

"Don't talk from Pangu Kaitian, I'm busy."

Li Yi actually understood this sentence and entered the ward after speaking.

"Okay! I'm going to fast forward..." The little robot was kind.

It starts from another time period: "After the opening of the world, there were sun, moon and stars in the sky... I don't know when, there was a goddess with great powers, her name is Nuwa..."

Li Yi, who had not gone far, stumbled under his feet. He took a deep breath, shook his head, and ignored it.

"Hehehe..." Li Longji, who was watching the situation on the screen, finally felt better.

Others showed relaxed expressions, the battle was too tragic, and the indigenous people really tried their best.

The attack method of the drones was even more shocking. After sixty drones took off, the speed was very fast, and the speed of the last ten drones was displayed on the screen at 1,500 kilometers per hour.

Such as a comet hitting the moon, a suicide attack, and hundreds of crocodiles were shaken and bleeding at the same time.

The indigenous people were bombed together, and no one survived.

"Xiaoyi really hid the means. This side is: good attackers move above the nine heavens. The two armies face each other, and it is impossible to guard against them."

Yao Chong rubbed his face with his hands. He didn't sleep much last night and always got up to check on the situation.

Change it to a large li, 1,500 li, and it takes less than an hour from the launch of the drone to the end of the attack, that is, a little more than three quarters of an hour.

Originally, I was worried that Li Jiazhuangzi's Sky-Changing Monkey could hit the Chang'an Palace if he had a long range, but now I understand it and don't worry.

This confirms once again that Xiao Yi is unwilling to be the emperor.

"The mode of war has changed." Chidai Zhudan was the most emotional, his Tubo was powerless to fight Datang.

I live in the Red White House, and once the war begins, it will only be more than 4,000 miles away.

As long as Li Yi is willing, he can dispatch more drones to relay.

Does it take three hours? Booming a swarm of dynamite-laden drones razed the Red White House to the ground.

The army in the Red White House has not been assembled yet, and there are no people.

He didn't know that Li Yi was determined to do that, and it would never be a drone relay, and a medium-range ballistic missile would go directly to it.

How can I use three hours? Thirty minutes is too much to say.

Zhang Jiuling's focus is different: "The ability and speed of other nurses to perform operations are not bad."

"Therefore, Datang needs more good nurses, and it has already grieved Tianfang's contribution."

Lu Huaishen used to be very reluctant to let the deceased in Beitianfang become a general teacher.

Now he thinks it's the right thing to do, and everyone should practice with fresh corpses.

Some sick people in Sadianfang died on the operating table and could not be rescued at all. Li Yi's shot resulted in the same result.

People in Beitianfang in Jingzhao Prefecture and Henan Prefecture go to the hospital when they get sick, and they can survive and continue their lives, but those who can't become teachers of the general body.

After studying, it will be stitched up, put into a coffin, and buried in the tomb on the other side of Tianshu.

In such a place, you don't have to worry about lonely ghosts and wild ghosts. Let's serve incense together, and Datang will be worthy of them when they are alive.

"Look at the route, the yacht can pass from the seaside, and then enter the river, the yacht... Where did the yacht go?"

Li Chengqi said and looked at the pier. It was still parked last night, but now he has disappeared. (To be continued)

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