Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2623: video conference cheating says

"You should cooperate! It's like a dead pig." Li Longji complained after turning around with Li Yi in his arms.

Queen Wang came over, reached out and rubbed Li Yi's flat head: "Uncle is exhausted from this time, Yuanyuan, no, Wen Tian, ​​he won't help him to rest."

Princess Yongmu pouted, I am going just now, you are the first.

My family, Li Lang, slept ten hours in four days, and was always on the road and in the intensive care unit.

"It's alright, you can sleep while watching, as long as the instrument doesn't ring, there used to be... not to mention, I'll take a shower and sleep."

Li Yi didn't think it was too hard, he was able to listen to the sound of the device.

The kind of didi that has a fixed rhythm, he listens to it as a lullaby. If the rhythm is changed, or even the sound of other instruments is added, he will wake up instantly.

If the voice is normal, it sounds like a dream wedding of piano music, and I take a nap, suddenly the voice changes, Turkish March, rescue.

After the rescue, the patient was very tenacious. The 1812 Overture, the theme part of the Yugoslav folk music, Swish Swish Do ~ Do Lai Lai ~ Swish~~ Mi Do ~ `Mi Do La ~ Fa ~ Lai ~ Xi ~ Duo…

"I'm just tired." Princess Yongmu was unhappy, holding Li Yi's arm and Xiaolan on the other.

"Tired!" Li Yi admitted, being carried to the bathroom to enjoy the beauty bath treatment.

Rubbing and rubbing him, he fell asleep, without any other thoughts, really tired.

The three little guys are also tired and have been guarding the intensive care unit. Now they are finally relieved, and they cry in their dreams when they sleep.

Master said that it was a shame to die in a heavy prison instead of dying in the emergency room.

They are children, have fast metabolisms, need more sleep time, and end up stubbornly going 'home'.

"This is the pillar of the Tang Dynasty." Li Longji was distressed, and the three children followed.

These are not the three children in medicine, they are the third and third subjects of the Children's Department, the Jinshi Department, and the Scholars' Department.

When I went to Mount Tai to Fengchan, I focused on mentioning the auspiciousness of the Tang Dynasty.

Later, the more than 6,000 survivors grabbed the food with their hands and drank the soup with their spoons. They were all happy.

For the dead clansmen, they don't have too much sadness, they are used to it.

The living must be strong, go hunting and gathering fruit, and there will always be people who will leave due to various circumstances.

Now there is delicious food to eat, a powerful team to help kill crocodiles, and a magician who can cure diseases.

The sun sets and rises again and again, and the wounded and sick are getting better.

The 12,230 indigenous people lived in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, and they all worked hard to learn the Tang dialect.

The fleet went out to fish, everyone made dried fish, dug out wild vegetables and dried in the shade, made bricks, made pottery, smelted iron...

Whenever the chief saw the fishing nets of the Tang Dynasty ships, he would show a shy look. At the beginning, he wanted to pass on the net weaving skills of his tribe to the gods and witches.

Li Yi didn't say anything on the spot to give him face, but only expressed his gratitude.

Now he knows that Datang is better than his tribe in every aspect, but fortunately, he has become a Datang.

To be able to work carefree, no more beasts and venomous snakes to kill.

The brick-built house has tiles, and it does not leak when it rains.

There is an iron pot on the stove outside, and a shovel for cooking. There are firewood piled up into hills, and there are black stones that can be burned.

Everyone has their own plates, saucers, bowls, large water tanks, jars, and clay pots.

The bow that is willing to drill the wood to make fire will catch fire when it is turned, and the matches that are unwilling to be drilled and ignite at the touch of a button should be placed in a dry and not hot place.

The salt is fine and salty, not bitter at all.

The wood spear is covered with an iron tip, which can pierce a tree, and a crocodile can be easily cut in by a large blade.

The chief was in a trance, not yet fully adjusted, and the rest of the tribe always felt like they were dreaming.

The good days come too suddenly, as long as you work every day, you can eat enough.

Li Longji is homesick, to be precise about the people of the Tang Dynasty.

He held a video conference, and a group of officials left behind showed up.

"Someone wants to rebel?" Li Longji came up and asked first.

The people over there looked at each other, rebelling? Rebellion in Datang? What to make?

"Your Majesty, the court and the place are stable, and the people's livelihood is hopeful. Why is there a backlash? Your Majesty is outside, and you should pay attention to your health."

Yuan Ganyao reported and was concerned about Li Longji's health.

Next to Zhang Jiazhen, Li Chaoyin, Li Yuanhong, Pei Yaoqing and others nodded in agreement.

Now the officials who stay in Datang and follow Li Longji to the outside are the strongest lineup in Datang.

Including Shangshu and Shilang, they are all named in the history books.

As for Jiang Jiao, Li Linfu, and others, I'm sorry, Li Yi has already taken it down, and can't come up in the future.

Jiang Jiao would hang up in two years, and Li Yi promised not to save him.

"I'm here to find the survivors, it's time for the battle, and a video is sent back, I can teach the Honglu Temple and all the envoys to know, if there is an emergency, ask for help.

In addition, officials from various surnames and clans in the court will appreciate it together, so as to know the ability of the Tang Dynasty to deal with disasters and avoid disasters. "

Li Longji held the meeting for this purpose, and showed people the pictures of killing crocodiles more than 720 kilometers away.

Datang is currently so fast, if there is something to talk about in the future, can Datang help?

The video was passed on, and Li Longji didn't care, and other courtiers asked about the situation.

People in the flood-affected areas have repaired their houses and replanted corn.

The water in Xingdaofang was pumped early, and sand and stones were poured into the foundation. A lot of concrete was poured in. The building was raised above, and the heating and boiler were quickly installed. Xingdaofang has heating in winter.

Other workshops think it is good, and UU Reading will carry out renovation next year.

During the renovation process, people do not need to spend money, and the living area will become larger. Even if they live upstairs and there is water running, it will take a while, and no subsidy will be given for this delayed time.

If you want to subsidize, you need to pay for the extra area of ​​the house. The heating fee depends on the cost of materials and fuel.

I don't make money now, so I'll talk about whether I want to earn heating bills in the future.

In some places, autumn grains have been harvested, and silage has been prepared.

The winter wheat area was planted, and the vegetable crops were planted with cabbage and radishes ahead of schedule...

Officials are fully aware of the same issues related to people's livelihood, including greenhouses and vegetable cellars in the north, and winter vegetables and plum vegetables in the south.

State officials from all over the country had to fill out forms, airships helped to transport them, and piles of forms were sent to the imperial court, which then entered the general forms and drawings.

If there is any urgent telegram communication, the four teams of inspectors make unannounced visits, and do not miss any blind spots, such as the school and the sad field.

After an hour and a half, the video conference between the two parties was over, and the data was transmitted through the small robot, which will be reviewed and audited here.

"Am I cheating too much? Video conferencing, when did it only exist?"

Li Yi did not participate. He was busy in the hospital. The field cabins exchanged took a lot of his life, and the equipment inside was valuable.

But he helped more than 6,000 natives, not only did he not lose his lifespan, but instead earned it.

Six thousand people can still reproduce, loyal to the Tang Dynasty.

The specific process makes the monarch and minister more confident. After passing it back, others can see the whole process, which is very important to the stability of the Tang Dynasty.

"The biggest cheat is that it doesn't cost money to check the data. The data is the most important, otherwise you can understand so much? A smelting furnace will make it difficult for you, not to mention steam engines, diesel engines, gasoline engines, and oil refining."

The 033 little robot despises, you cheat and cheat while you shout.

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