Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2630: Dry Ye Contrast Mo Chenghu

"Li Lang, sing a song! Thinking about the emperor penguins, I'm in a bad mood, so sing a song that fits the situation."

After dinner, Princess Yongmu pulled Xiaolan over to look for Li Yi to listen to the song. The two of them got used to it, and Li Lang was omnipotent.

If another person suddenly asks you to sing a song, the other person may be forced to commit suicide.

When writing poetry, it’s okay to meet Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Li Bai, Bai Juyi, etc. No, anyone who is qualified to conduct video conferences on both sides is fine.

If you want a song, you have to compose the music, the lyrics are the lyrics, the music is the music, it is almost like Li Longji, Li Longji's talent is like this.

Li Yi nodded, no problem, I copied it, I really couldn't do it.

Give me a guitar, I'll play it slowly, maybe it's okay, but it's not good enough.

The words are obtained before playing. The first time is to find the main melody line, the second time is to determine the melody, the third time is to consider the climax, and the fourth time is to add harmony.

This is the skill of the older generation of composers, especially those in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Li Yi's mind is not on this, how can anyone give him time?

He simply came to the small concert hall of the cruise ship. There was no hall, and it was not a real cruise ship.

He plays the synthesizer: The road of life is like a long road.

"Uncle, this is not good, it's too depressed, it's sunny." Queen Wang was unhappy.

Li Yi looked at Princess Yongmu, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan nodded, then looked at the others, everyone wrote their emotions on their faces.

Li Yi nodded to show that he understood, and instantly edited it with a synthesizer, and the messy voice sounded for about two minutes.

The prelude starts, the drums sound.

Li Yi: Proud ~ gas! Proudly laughing at ten thousand waves ~ hot ~ blood! The heat wins the red sun... go for my ideal~ Chuang! Look~ The blue waves are tall and strong and the blue sky is vast and majestic~~

After he sang it once, everyone found the instruments here, and the tuner was in a low tone.

Ten seconds after the second time, all the instruments join in, and the others start to accompany the dance, which is a normal operation.

Listen to the song once, if you can't give the soundtrack and make up the dance moves in your mind, why are you on this aircraft carrier?

When Li Yi sang for the third time, the orchestration and dance were all unified, and the movements and positions of the lead dancer and backup dancer were determined.

The fourth and fifth times begin to play, reaching a climax.

Li Longji and Li Chengqi played different drums and seemed very happy.

Li Longji wiped his sweat: "If anyone comes to me in the future, just follow Brother Yi's operation."

Other courtiers: "..."

Then what a shit? If anyone has Li Yi's 100% ability in all aspects, he would dare to take the exam directly, why should he take the exam?

Look at Ron, Ron is on the boat, coming with Princess Yuzhen, hiding beside him and shivering.

Your Majesty, why don't you just say that whoever wants to make fun of you will create an aircraft carrier that everyone is riding now, so that people will die.

If you say no, don't! Wow what an excuse!

"Is the requirement a little higher?" Li Longji reacted by himself, and he said that he can't take Yidi as a reference.

"It can be downgraded one or two." Song Jing nodded, it was not an ordinary difficulty, Your Majesty.

"Uh..." Li Longji looked at the three young girls Qingdai, just now the three children sang children's voices together, and played cymbals and pipa by the way.

Li Guizang played the cymbal, while Qingdai and Zhuozhuo played the pipa, but did not play the main chord.

The children also study hard, and a large group of teachers teach skills.

"If it falls, according to..."

"Your Majesty! How can Tang Xiangrui be used as a comparison?"

Lu Huaishen hurriedly stopped, you don't compare Xiaoyi, you replace them with three?

Is it possible to directly select materials in the Tang Dynasty? You should... oh! Ron is actually pretty good.

You refer to him, and it's almost up and down.

He looked at Ron, who was hiding behind Princess Yuzhen. Ron was helping him a couple of times just now. They worked hard.

"Oh~~" Li Longji patted his forehead: "No hurry, let's talk."

The two ships came for a short time and returned for a long time. They went fishing while they were fishing, and it took six days to return to the South Island.

The wharf is extended, and some deep-water ports are also ready to be berthed at any time.

Many fish and shrimps are caught. The fish are steamed and dried with salt, without their heads, tails and internal organs.

Boil the shrimp too, put the salt to boil the shrimp, and keep it short without the salt.

After cooking the whole thing, put it in a bag and smash it, smashing the head, tail, and shell, and the rest is shrimp.

There is still skin on the shrimp, continue to dry and beat, so the cost of the shrimp is high.

Loss cost and labor cost, but the shrimp meat is good, all of them are reddish and light yellow, which can be eaten as snacks.

At this time, whether the taste is good or not depends on what kind of salt is added when cooking. Refined salt is not bitter, and large grain salt or industrial salt is slightly bitter.

It doesn't matter if you eat less of the industrial salt, and eat too much will have a great impact on people's health.

The abalone and black gold abalone fished on the island are also dried. After drying, the big abalone has high requirements. It is not worth eating now. It is better to eat fresh abalone and leave it for a few years.

The two boats come back to the port directly, without additional traction, the yacht is towed by the cruise ship, and it is more free.

"Your Majesty, the proprietor, Bei Dao is also occupied. There are indeed no indigenous people. A supply point is being built to facilitate the arrival of ships in the future."

Fei Lin Feiqi, who is in charge of doing things here, reported that they had figured out the two islands in New Zealand in the past few days.

A large number of trees were felled, and the trunk was separated from the branches.

The trunk is used to make building materials, and it is dried first, and the branches can be used as ignition materials as long as they are dry.

Use a stove to burn coal, put soft firewood at the bottom, that is, small branches and grass, and put hard firewood on top of the soft firewood, and the hard firewood is wood firewood split by relatively thick branches. UU Reading

The coal can only be put in when the hard wood fire is burning. If the coal billet is put, only one piece can be put first, and it will be broken into pieces.

Once the coal billet is fired, the bottom has to go down through the furnace from the grate.

The large stove is no longer needed, just draw out the fire, and the coal can't be put in, keep burning firewood, stick to the stove, where is the coal stuffed? There is no grating support below, and the bottom wind cannot be entered.

Large stoves and small stoves with grates operate in different ways. Add an indoor vertical stove, the type of iron chimney, and you have to cover the stove ring, and the size of the ring varies.

The middle piece of the stove ring is hooked up, and a large enamel jar can be placed. If you continue to take it, you can use a kettle, a small iron pot, a steamer, and even a large iron pot. Go to the big stove over there, and you can't put it here.

The increase or decrease of the stove ring of the small stove family is in charge of boiling water, cooking, steaming, and keeping warm.

There are two to three chimneys. Whether to burn the kang depends on the weather, and then put slate to block it.

In the summer, when the indoor mess stops, I go to the outdoor stove to cook. Most of the soil is used to build it. If the family is in good condition, it can also be built with bricks.

This is real life, not playing. When it rains in summer, you can only change the stove in the house, block the slate, and the chimney outside the chimney fires additional fire.

When there was no electric induced draft fan, Li Yi operated it like this, especially in the north, when building a house, he had to take all aspects into consideration.

Which one's kang is not well-coated or blocked, which one's stove does not burn clearly, wait for soot poisoning! A family died, especially at night with coal billets and coal ash.

As soon as the air pressure is low, the smoke was originally poured, and the result is carbon monoxide, which is colorless and odorless.

Experienced people look at the sky, and under uncertain circumstances, they would rather turn off the kang and do not dare to suppress the fire at all.

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