Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2664: Piff's ambition is immeasurable

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The two talked, put the things down, and then went to get them, and then they were distributed uniformly to see who was missing what.

The family members of brothers who died in battle should pay more. Women who remarry are also married to other brothers, and the parents of both parties have to take care of them.

Black Spot continued to lie there and leaned back, looking at the mountain dog in front of him, and wagging his tail occasionally.

It was staring at the leader mountain dog of Shi Xiazi, who was the most powerful in the entire team.

Shi Blind came out of the team and walked towards the black spot. His mountain guard raised his chin slightly, and the black spot did not move.

"Whose dog?" Shi Blind came to Black Dot, who had yellow hair all over his body, and a black pinch of black hair between his eyebrows.

"My family, I usually can't control it, take our dog to run far away to bully other dogs, and even go into the mountains to catch snakes, rabbits and other prey.

Don't go forward, outsiders will bite, don't bark, take a bite when you're not paying attention, or fall over.

Why! Stop, black dot, you lie down, lie down, eat meat if you dare to bite, eh? "

The sergeant looked at the man who was obviously blind in one eye and walked forward, talking for fear of a dog biting him.

Immediately, he became confused again. When he saw someone passing by, you rubbed his head, and he wagged his tail. He lifted his chin, and he stood up and raised his head to cooperate.

His eyes were squinting, and he glanced at the mountain dog from time to time.

Shi Blind touched and pinched Black Dot's body, and the Black Dot grinned, not baring his teeth, like a smile, his eyes slanted in front of him.

"What's wrong with the black spot?" The sergeant's master wondered, usually when I pinch you, you hide, why today...

"It's alright, it's too late, one year and four months, good dog! An ordinary mountain guard can't hold back you dogs alone."

After the stone blind man touched it, he judged the age and the state of the dog.

When a mountain guard dog in a team comes over, the dog in front of him will bring a group of dogs to deal with it, not afraid.

Without special training, it will not be able to pick a mountain dog in a one-on-one fight, but it is different with a group of dogs.

The other dogs showed their belly in the face of the army formation, expressing submission, so they moved back on their stomachs, trying to move to a safe distance and run.

When you find that you can't do it, you should immediately compromise. You can't work hard, and you will suffer. The main reason is that the distance is not enough, and you feel that you can't run.

It's brave and resourceful, but unfortunately, it lacks training and doesn't know how to bring other dogs along for strategic transfer.

"My black spot is good? How much can I sell it for? It always bullies the dogs outside. I can't bear to kill it. Do you think it can be a hound?"

The sergeant understood, the other party took a fancy to his dog, sold it, and caused trouble everywhere.

"How much do you want?" Shi Blind asked.

"The black spot grows so big, how many meals can you eat if you kill meat, and you can go to the mountains to catch game, is it worth five hundred dollars?"

The sergeant began to consider the price of the dog. If he could catch a rabbit or something, wouldn't that be meat!

"Don't sell, Dad, don't sell black spots. I studied hard in school and made money for you. I promise to make five hundred dollars in the new semester. Dad, don't sell my black spots."

An eight- or nine-year-old boy ran over, turned his head to look at the army formation on the opposite side, then looked up at Shi Blind, turned around and came to the boy's side, blocking the child with his own body.

Its eyes slowly changed, its mouth opened slightly, its tail stopped wagging, its forelimbs bent, its head pressed down, and its chin raised.

Shi Blind looked at the dark spot, turned around and made a gesture, and instructed his mountain dog, "Bark!"

'Ow~~~' The leader-level guard dog made a wolf-like bark, and the other dogs followed, 'Ow~~~'

The surrounding dogs shivered directly, and the black spot shivered too. It turned to look at the boy, its eyes bulged out, and its mouth opened, "Ow ooh~~ ooh ooh..."

The shivering dogs looked at it, then at the other side, moving their limbs incoherently towards it.

The army did not move and did not call.

Some of the other dogs were scared to pee, but they still came around the black spot and adjusted. Facing the army, they trembled and didn't run.

"Is it still sold for five hundred dollars?" Shi Blind asked the sergeant with a smile.

The sergeant was equally shivering and excited, and he shook his head vigorously: "Not for sale, not even five hundred pieces."

Others, including Fei Lin Feiqi and Li Jiazhuang Ziren from the southwest were surprised at the same time, and the dog was so arrogant.

The other dogs were frightened and pissed, but they still obeyed its orders and assembled to meet the enemy.

This charisma and the ability to stabilize the military's heart are handsome!

Everyone knows that these dogs in Zhechong House can't beat the team of hounds no matter how organized they are, but they dare to face it directly, the handsome flag will not fall, and the battle will not retreat.

Yulin Feiqi remembered the situation in the woods when he sent the Xu family baby back. At that time, the king of hell, the judge, black and white impermanence, etc. all came out.

There are still mothers rushing forward and Yulin Feiqi drawing a knife, but they can't retreat.

"I'll stay here for a while, with black spots and other dogs. I'm not afraid of peeing. At least they can stand still."

Stone blind loves talent, good dog, if you don't care, it's a pity!

As he said that, he turned around and made a few more gestures, and the army suddenly disappeared. A group of dogs were playing with each other, and some people were performing shows, rolling around, and other dogs jumping from it.

"This grandfather, are the dark spots in my family okay? Don't be afraid of the dark spots, my own people, they scare you, and you will be powerful in the future."

The boy was proud, squatted down and hugged Black Dot's neck, rubbing his head against Hei Dot's head.

The black spot looked at the opposite side, rubbed against the boy, and tilted its head to look at the blind man, obviously it understood that this person was the most powerful.

It broke free from the boy and ran to appease its own legion with its claws and tongue, dear brother, it's really good!

"Send a telegram to the proprietor, I'm going to stay here for a month, and if I come across a good dog, I won't be able to take it with me."

Shi Xiazi decided to teach his children how to raise a mountain dog, not just a dog.

The local Zhechong manor and soldiers will know about the black spot and other dogs. The dogs will not flinch when they are scared to pee, not to mention the Datang warriors?

He beckoned, and the most powerful mountain dog came over.

The black spot looked at Shi Blind, and walked around to face the mountain guard, which was much more powerful than the original white fur.

It's smart, it knows how to run away, and it knows how to fight hard, and it knows better now, don't be afraid, what can you do to me? Your master is by your side!

The mountain dog looked at it, squatting at the feet of the stone blind, not a The fighting skills are much worse.

"This dog is good!" The boy ran to the guard dog and hugged the other's neck again, and the guard dog showed a helpless look.

The black eyes were clicked, and there was a look of resentment.

"Hahaha..." The people nearby couldn't help laughing when they saw the expressions of the two dogs.

Everyone roasts game, cuts off the raw meat and feeds it to the dogs, the best with the bones.

In the past, dogs were not fed locally, and there were no leftovers. If you eat meat, you will only give it if the bones can't chew.

Dogs eat feces, mice, grass, snakes and insects. Sometimes they also go to the water to catch fish, bite river snails, dig earthworms in the soil, eat wild eggs, and take game home to their owners.

The people of Zhechong Prefecture have always kept dogs like this, and those who didn't have food strangled the dogs to eat them.

Today I feed the meat and bones, I decided not to restrain the dog in the future.

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