Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2673: doctor or world

"I'll come, I'll come." Li Guizang saw that Master was ignoring him, so it didn't matter, just take the initiative.

He has always had his own pride and temper, but when facing the master, both can be eliminated.

Such a big cruise ship, no, an aircraft carrier, master made it.

I had made the right choice in the first place, and a hundred Bijus would not be worth a single master.

Li Yi did not stop him, and let the second disciple pull the woman aside.

Others of the Dongbua tribe go to the hospital at lunch to see a doctor. They eat two meals a day and one meal occasionally.

Twenty minutes later, Li Guizang brought the woman back and said, "Master, the family is a housework, and the woman is willing to be beaten and not enough to eat."

"Is it okay if she wants to kill?" Li Yi asked Li Guizang.

"Master, don't change the concept, I mean, in such a situation, the man should be arrested and beaten.

Because the other party caused psychological pressure on the victim through force, forcing the victim to become what he is now.

However, the victim said that sometimes, that person is also nice to her, that is, when she goes to bed at night. "

Li Guizang changed his tune. Instead of talking about housework, he meant Stockholm syndrome.

"Then what?" Li Yi asked, you take over and you handle it, don't tell me that you don't have enough power.

"Then the man died while the group was migrating, and his right calf was fractured. He stood up for four days. It was not easy for this woman to keep an eye on him."

Li Guizang blinked, he hinted.

"Hey~~" Li Yi sighed, he fully understood that a man's calf fracture was inevitable, and follow-up care should also be taken.

"This is love!" Princess Yongmu came and sighed beside her.

"Yes! True love!" Xiaolan echoed.

"What about you two... Are you having a hard time on the road?" Li Yi said apologetically to the two of them, that he didn't accompany them last night.

"It's hard work, it's not easy." Princess Yongmu nodded: "The diesel engine is buzzing, and it makes me sleepy. If they didn't call me when I got there, I wouldn't be able to get up at all."

"It's just so hard, it's really not easy for the two of you to persevere."

Li Yi wanted to say what the hard work was, but you were able to fall asleep. Turning your head and thinking about it, you have to praise it.

It is the greatest kindness that two people can come to support.

Princess Yongmu, it's not the one in history who married a waste and was bullied.

In history, she would marry that person next year who couldn't do anything. Later, there was a person named Wang Yu, like Gao Qiu of the Song Dynasty, who made Li Longji happy, mainly to help Li Longji make money.

His son went to bully Princess Yongmu and her historical husband Wang Yao, teased him, and then left happily with a group of people.

The son of Wang Ji, Wang Zhun, asked Princess Yongmu to cook. In history, Princess Yongmu couldn't cook, so he was humiliated.

Now Princess Yongmu can cook, and besides braised pork, other dishes are well done.

But no one came to let her cook specially. Sometimes when she was upset, she would cook for her grandpa, grandma, father and mother.

She even cooks it for the common people. No one thinks it is an insult to her to cook by herself. Li Yi cooks too.

"I'm mainly worried. People who are afraid of a lot of smallpox. I saw that picture. It's scary.

Xiao Lan carried two bags of flour, one forty kilograms, and put them on the ground.

It's normal. A 13- or 14-year-old child can lift 40 pounds with one hand.

Except for some of Li Yi's children at that time, he had no problem when he was a child, he was spoiled, and he had no power to restrain chickens, which means such existences.

When he was skating in the winter in the north, he met a man in his 20s who spoke very softly.

The girlfriend said that skating hurts her feet, so the man would take off the socks and rub the woman's feet. Seeing that, there is no masculinity at all.

Then the ice rink is outdoor, not the Beihai Park in the capital. It is free.

Free is free, let's ice it! If it slips, there will be traces. If it snows again, someone needs to clean up and pump water to pour the ice surface.

There was a conflict in the process. Some people didn't sweep the snow on the ice and waited for others to get it done before slipping.

The person who swept the snow and cooperated with the soldiers was not happy. I swept here and you slipped there. Can't we sweep together?

The key point is that I managed to sweep out the bright surface, but when you slipped, debris appeared again.

If there are broken mochi, it will not work if you pour it on ice. Once you pour it, the mochi will be poured over, one by one, small or big bulging.

Those who work are unhappy, and those who are slippery and immoral don't care.

The person who does the work blames the other party: How can you do this? Can't you wait a while? We've cleaned it up, and you can slide it after you've finished pouring it! I'm not asking you to work, just don't make trouble.

The skater is unhappy. I am willing. I help you sweep and pour the ice. Why do you ask me?

There was a quarrel. The person pouring the ice was strong, and the other party was weak. The other party said you should wait for me and call my son.

My son came with a bunch of social workers. The big boy who took off his socks and rubbed his girlfriend's feet before took off his skates.

Facing a group of people in the past, they all fell down one by one.

This is what Li Yi once saw. That kid was quick and accurate.

Only later did I learn that before graduating from the military academy, he was the first in unruly hand-to-hand combat, and he was the only one who couldn't tell his masculinity.

People's body is not to practice bodybuilding, but to pursue explosive power. When attacking, the strike points are different, such as under the ribs, jaw, side of the bridge of the nose, close-up, elbow, eyes, face and throat...

So Li Yi knew at that time: Taishan can't be zhangchi, and rivers and seas can't be fought.

Therefore, when skating fights, you need to change your shoes in advance, don't wear skates, and everyone must know how to dodge.

"What is this? It's delicious!"

A young girl in Dongbua ate a pure shrimp ball at noon. UU reading

No glutinous rice flour or flour is added, but starch is added, which accounts for a small proportion.

"Shrimp meatballs, big prawns, that kind of prawns eat meat, not taste. If you want to taste good, you should eat small shrimps."

The two sides communicated with each other, and the local indigenous people fell in love with the prawns along the coast.

The boy woke up and spared no effort to spread the news about the Tang Dynasty to the children of the tribe.

The children of the tribe quickly compromised because of welfare and material things. They were happy and learned a lot of words.

Li Yi looked at it, opened his mouth, and finally turned into a smile. It's noon, let's eat something good.

He knows that there is an exchange of interests between the school and the operation, and it depends on what is exchanged.

When there were a lot of wild animals, especially when everyone was trying to kill the wild boars, how could Li Jiazhuangzi come up with a new strategy.

The first step is to acquire all body parts of wild boar.

"Pigs are pigs." After Li Yi came over, several markets became active, and it was because of special circumstances that quarantine was required.

In fact, none of the masters in infectious disease are affected by internal factors.

But it is not allowed to say that it is a foreign virus, stick to this name.


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