Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2691: be careful banking

"In the future, he will earn more. The Jingzhao Mansion and the Henan Mansion alone are enough for him to open 300 stalls. Once the location is selected, there is no problem with 600."

Li Yi knew that he was a smart person, and there would always be people who would find business opportunities where others couldn't.

"Is there such a thing?" Bi Gou was interested when he heard about economics.

"Yes." Song De nodded.

"Xiaoyi, analyze it, and we'll correct it for you."

Bi Yuhuan listened to the class, but he had to act like a superior person.

"It's written in the book." After Li Yi finished speaking, he continued to nibble on the chicken's head.

Everyone recalled, looked at each other, nodded, yes, but it was not specific enough. In terms of data calculation, most of the time, only formulas were given, not examples.

Li Longji also wanted to hear it, so he poured Li Yi a drink: "Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry, let's talk after eating."

Li Yi quickened his speed and killed a chicken head, took a sip of wine: "Okay."

Princess Yongmu pouted and looked unhappily at her father, who was playing tricks with my family, Li Lang.

"I want to hear it all. I have time to wait until noon."

Li Longji explained to his eldest daughter that her daughter has done a lot and has firmly tied the heart of Yi Di's son-in-law.

Other women will be tempted to make men of high status happy, and she looks charming all day long.

In my heart, I don't seem to care about Li Yi's status, I just want to live happily with Li Yi.

Li Yi is still willing to accompany him, eat this set, and don't play tricks with his own woman.

"The reason for the emergence of capital is the pursuit of life and the permission of the court policy.

Under certain circumstances, the thinking pattern changes, and once employment occurs, it extracts the residual value of other employees.

The residual value is not necessarily given by the employees on their own initiative, selling pancakes and fruits, and the income of the employees is equal to that of other individual counterparts.

Others are responsible for preparing noodles, making fritters and other things, as well as buying equipment, earning fifty dollars a day.

Employed people don't have to worry about other aspects, they still earn fifty dollars, and the residual value is reflected in increasing the purchasing power of consumers..."

Li Yi said that drinking does not affect eating and drinking, eating slower, and the time gap between eating and drinking makes people think.

For those who sell quail eggs and small fried dough sticks, the cost of raw materials is low and he purchases them centrally.

The larger the scale, the lower the material cost price of commodity trade.

Unless there are other big capitals involved in learning, employees cannot get more benefits by changing jobs or going it alone.

"The model of this stall is called chain, self-operated, and all labor costs, equipment costs, tax costs, and material costs are borne by oneself.

His advantage is stability, there will be no negative equity situation, the big deal is quit, the equipment can be depreciated and sold for money.

In addition, there is a type of franchise chain. Whether or not there is a personal negative equity depends on whether the book is written with limited rules or unlimited rules.

For the former, selling pancakes and fruits is a loss, and my own money is still my own.

The latter has to pay for the money, but the reputation can be guaranteed. What is the use of this reputation? "

Li Yi talked about capital operation. There are many models. He picked a few typical ones.

Generally speaking, it is limited, so you can avoid building your own money.

The franchise chain model is that others pay the franchise fee, one is the brand fee, the other is the training fee, and the other is the raw material purchase fee.

Next, a limited company can be formed, and people can be found to invest money. The person who invests the money is not responsible for management under certain conditions.

It can be closed or public, and public listings are listed.

"Not now, but in the later stage, everyone will read the book and know that there is an equity and stock exchange market.

I, Li Jiazhuangzi, disregarded my reputation, just to make money and cheat others, I can sell securities publicly.

Then I asked others to set up a quail egg supply company in their own name, and the quail eggs for my pancake fruit were purchased from that company.

There are other fried dough sticks, etc. Anyway, as long as it involves pancakes and fruits.

Even if I want to advertise in the newspaper, I will find an advertising company and let them make an advertisement and give them how much money. "

Li Yi said how to hollow out the assets of listed companies and set up a bunch of companies that seem to have nothing to do with him.

Spend a lot of money on raw materials and publicity expenses, and reduce your holdings by the way.

When it’s almost the same time, tell others that our listed company lost money, I was wrong, I made a false account, and I will quit this business from now on, fine me, anyway, the fine is like scratching a itch.

"You know why I'm so cautious, right? Supervision cannot be stopped unless there are special laws at this time.

Because the exchange of interests can have various modes, it is difficult for the regulator to investigate, and it is difficult to obtain evidence.

However, Datang is no problem, because the introduction of regulatory laws is not affected by capital.

If some laws involving the upper circle cannot be determined, it can only indicate a problem, and that circle is responsible for making laws. "

Li Yimeng took a gulp of beer to quench his thirst, and lowered his head to eat a chicken head.

He cites one example, just one, there are many other ways, slowly speaking, it can't be finished in a month.

He is always in control, preventing Datang from going the wrong way.

Li Yi doesn't know that he can quickly make a lot of money from stocks in Datang Lane? Don't you understand how to engage in banks to speed up the circulation of money?

He understands it too well, the more he understands, the less he dares. To issue an exchange certificate, there must be collateral of the same value.

He has to consider people's livelihood. People's livelihood is production technology and productivity, not rootless duckweed finance.

Lijiazhuangzi made money quickly, and he threw money at the same speed. He threw money while throwing technology, and at the same time, laws and policies were perfected together.

In addition, military technology has been innovated, the strength of the army has been improved, and the means of foreign exchanges have changed a lot.

This is for the country and the people. I am not a consortium. If my heart is floating on it, how can I earn life? When the system won't judge?

When the economic and financial crisis came out, I could no longer see the sun of tomorrow.

"It's not that I can't, I don't dare, I'm the most humble one."

Li Yi guessed that he was in a hurry to drink, and he was a little confused, muttering, and forgot to eat the cockscomb.

"Li Lang, you are the best, give it, drop it, eat it, this cockscomb is fat, eat cockscomb to be a high official!"

Princess Yongmu helped to pick it up, UU read www. put Li Yi in the innermost part and rubbed Li Yi's face with his face.

other people:"…"

They didn't pity Li Yi at all, they just thought Li Yi was too crazy.

Judging from what Li Yi meant, they said that he could be even more powerful, but he couldn't.

But it's not great now? Are you not satisfied? Is it developing slowly?

"Do you still open a bank?" Li Chengqi asked when Li Yi finished eating the second chicken head.

"Open! Banks can't be opened. When the currency circulation reaches a certain level, there must be a financial storage and control system in foreign trade. It is strategic."

Li Yi didn't drink too much, he remembered a lot. In the ocean of capital, he couldn't even count a small boat.

Look at the one on the Gallic rooster, it's so powerful, she finds her teacher as her wife.

With such a big age difference, it must be said that it is true love.

That family is not who wrote what, but how many international affairs it is involved in.

Including Li Yiguo's oil exploration and several major capital acquisitions, everyone is in it.

You can tell by looking at which ethnic group they are, and it will be clearer by looking at the ancestry of the president above.


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