Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2734: Cavalry chases people

"I'll arrange for someone to teach you later, and you can let go of other things first."

Li Yi said to this person, and at the same time sighed, it's right that you don't have a daughter-in-law.

One of my nurses is a male anesthesiologist who complains to the beautiful female nurse all day that he can't find a daughter-in-law, and other women stay far away from him.

Said that their requirements are not high, and you are half as beautiful, but why no one comes?

"Why should I learn? My family priest will protect her. Whoever wants to hurt her will kill me first."

This person thinks that learning is a waste of time, and he is afraid that he will not protect the priestess well.

The priestess pursed her lips tightly, her face full of resentment.

"If you don't study first, I'm going to make a movie for you and an anesthesiologist to watch. Men and women watch it together. Watch the plot first, and then..."

Li Yi didn't force it, he was going to guide him. If people are stupid to a certain extent, is it cute or hateful?

Princess Yongmu pulled the priestess to whisper, and the priestess blushed.

Pyramid doesn't matter, go down and take the jar with the ashes.

The cavalry over there continued to chase. This is an arithmetic problem that anyone who is good at elementary school mathematics can answer.

It's really stupid, and it's okay to wait until junior high school.

The team with the children in front walks one kilometer in five minutes, and the cavalry in the back walks one kilometer in two minutes. The distance between the two sides is 7.5 kilometers, or fifteen miles.

Of course, when you come to Datang to give questions, you generally need high school.

A and B start facing each other at the same time, and B falls fifteen miles away from A. A travels two miles and engraves thirty-one, while B travels four quarters and takes sixty. Q: When did A and B meet?

In fact, there are variables, the speed is not fixed, and there is an airship in front of it throwing a pack of explosives. The team panics and runs on a different road, delaying the speed.

The cavalry speeded up a little to equalize the gap, so sixteen minutes after the cavalry set off, they saw the team in front.

The road here is relatively smooth at the moment, and there is trade between the city-states. Other places are cornfields, and the trees have been cut down and burned.

The key is that they plant corn without furrows, just plant it on the ground, and dig a small hole to put the corn in.

They can't wear cornfields. The corn leaves hurt people's skin when they scratch, and they will be cut out accidentally.

Therefore, when advancing in the corn field, they are always pulling from bottom to top with both hands.

Seeing that the man-eating horse was chasing, the people here were obviously not too stupid, so they immediately organized a group of people to gather.

The warriors had wooden spears for throwing, others were stones, and very crude bows and arrows.

Qingdai did not let the little robot make a sound, and through the sound of the little robot, she pressed her voice and shouted: "Surrender and do not kill, surrender and do not kill, do not surrender, there is a dead end..."

"Don't listen to her, our people are better than..." "Pfft! ’

About 600 meters away, a nobleman shouted and fell down instantly, missing a large piece of his head.

Guo Ziyi sat on the horse and glanced back and forth with the sniper rifle.

The people over there were suddenly quiet, no one dared to make a sound, and the people near the fallen person looked at him and broke into a cold sweat.

Guo Ziyi's sniper, not to mention the Mayan civilization, was replaced by Li Yi's random sniper at 600 meters on the battlefield. Is there anyone who is not afraid?

If he kills a few more people, the other party will dispatch tanks and drones to unplug the sniper.

If it is street fighting, I would rather blow up the sniper building than let the infantry advance casually.

In the absence of heavy weapons, in jungle warfare, a sniper can control the audience.

'Bang~~' Guo Ziyi's gun rang again, and a nobleman who crouched down and gestured quietly under the cover of the crowd fell to the ground, with the same big hole in his head.

"Surrender and don't kill, hurry up and surrender..." Qingdai continued to shout, the snipers in the team specifically stared at people who were well-dressed and had a pile of feathers on their heads.

The status of these people is either nobles or priests, or relatively high status in the ethnic group.

It is right to charge against cavalry in formation, but wrong to top snipers.

Died one by one, the team finally collapsed and dared not run.

If you agree to surrender and not kill, then surrender, and do whatever you want.

The team began to be divided, women, old people, and children.

Just like the Jinling Massacre, if it was agreed not to kill civilians, the main force would either be killed or withdraw.

The Japanese army took over and deceived the people out of the city, some of them deceived, and went outside to shoot with machine guns.

Zhang Xiaosong also slaughtered the city, and he fought very well before. He took over the resistance and slaughtered three cities in a row, in order to deter the resisting army.

This is only the case when a unit is afraid of being beaten by the opposing opponent. The purpose of the massacre is to deter.

As a result, after the Jinling Massacre, it was useless, the resistance was still resistance.

The Japanese carried out several massacres, but in the end they were still unable to move.

Once in the Bohai region, because some of the government's orders at that time did not resist, Japanese pirates entered, and there was a base behind the enemy.

From there, go to Hebei Road, and Hebei Road still has tunnel warfare.

Every step forward, we must face resistance from all quarters.

Unlike Lao Mao who beat Lao Wu, Lao Mao did not kill civilians, Lao Wu used his civilians as human shields.

In another time, the Japanese pirates directly killed civilians and used their own civilians as meat shields. Would it be useful?

As of now, Maya, Yulin Feiqi is restrained, and the key point is that Maya has not understood the situation, and does not know that Li Yi ordered not to hit civilians and slaves.

If you know, promise to use your own people as bunkers, you fight? When you hit you, you kill civilians.

In fact, it's useless. If they dare to do this, Li Yi can let the airship throw explosive bags and blow up together. You don't care about your people, I care?

Don't talk about your own people, you caught my people, and I still bombard with my people.

When I catch you, I cut you alive, I can cut you with one knife and one knife for half a month, and I promise not to let you die, believe it or not?

The fishing net slashed you, and sliced ​​the flesh down. I am ready to save you at any time. I can cut you to the end and beg me to give you a happy, thankful kind.

How can the surrendered people know so many messy things, including ideas and historical continuation and so on.

They now hope to be alive, just like the people of Jinling once.

Qingdai came out and looked for the children first. The children stood there one by one, shivering.

"We are the team of Lan Duo Shayi, who are you? Come with us and take you to see the Lan Duo Shayi priest."

Qingdai deliberately put some makeup on herself, like a relatively mature big sister, gentle, friendly and tempting.

This is not a special discipline, it is the content of the forbidden department of Chinese medicine in the Tang Dynasty.

When treating some men with mental illnesses due to special circumstances, the Cursing Division will even find women in the land of hooks to cooperate.

For example, just married, both men and women are the first time, the woman shouts, the man is finished.

At this time, it belongs to medical treatment. Find an experienced woman to treat the man, and the man is cool.

The other side can't find a man and a newly married woman. This is a theoretical unfairness.

The man was healed and frightened.

Women have already done that, and it would be better if the two of them did it.

Rich people do this, but those who don't have money don't really have much to do.

Indigo's current dress, boys like it, girls like it too, the two like it is different.

The priestess' children were walking this way, and suddenly a boy stopped another boy: "You are not, hey! Pretty sister, he is not from us, I want to marry you, how much do I need?"

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