Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2750: The most lingering combination of yin and yang

After a dozen or so breaths, the little girl pointed at the dish and replied, "This, this, that, the one next to it, and it, it's fine too, fruit."

Li Yi: "..."

There are four dishes, one soup, and fruits and dried fruits. You ordered seven.

"Okay, let's change it at night." Li Yi understood, the other party likes to eat any kind of food.

Someone came to clean up next to him, and Li Yi gave the little girl medicine.

The nurse took the little girl out for a walk, the little robot followed, and others came in to clean the room.

Look to see if the flowers of the flower arrangement are wilted, and replace them with new ones.

The sunshine outside is good, the bedding is taken out to dry, the carpet is vacuumed, and the windows are opened for ventilation.

The second prince was also happy when he was hungry. He thought that the material love he gave his daughter was the best, not to mention the spiritual.

I just had a meal, I understand that life can still be like this.

The king's men followed outside and called to Li Yi, "I was sent by the king."

"I know." Li Yi nodded slightly.

"Our king means...whatever you want, as long as you stay, what your king can give you, our king can give."

The king's people put forward conditions, as long as you want, we will give them.

"My king plans to give me the throne after I marry the princess." Li Yi gave the answer.

"Ah?" The man was stunned, how could this be? Our king can't give it wow!

Li Yi, regardless of what the other party thinks, goes to the hospital and continues to see patients.

"Hahahaha~~" Li Longji, who was eating on the other side, laughed, and the ministers smiled.

The food they eat is the same as the little girl. When Li Yi cooks, the little robot broadcasts it live, and the back kitchen is asked to follow.

"Little Yi dares to say anything." Li Dan shook his head.

"Just say it! He doesn't even want to give it to him. Today's honey-sauce chicken thigh is delicious."

Concubine Doulu looked happy, what about the king's people? Xiao Po Guo, still dare to miss our Xiao Yi?

Do you think that Xiaoyi only knows medicine? He alone can destroy you.

Want to accept him as a servant? snort! It's so easy, why do you always maintain the current relationship?

"I think some of the kidney beans here are old. Let's collect them, peel the grains out, string them on strings, and put them in when stewing, so it's easy to eat."

Princess Yongmu vomited several times the skin of the rice bean, which was not easy to chew, and thought of another way to eat it.

"Let's go with Li Lang in the past? Bring our escort."

Xiao Lan doesn't think about how to eat kidney beans, she thinks that there will be many women who will send them to Li Lang in the future.

It's impossible for Li Lang to like other women, but it affects his energy and needs to deal with things that don't need to be dealt with.

"Okay! Let's go to dinner, bring shells and fresh shrimp, and grill them at night. The weather here is the most suitable for eating food stalls."

Princess Yongmu understood what Xiaolan meant, and she took an oath of sovereignty in the past.

The two quickly finished eating, and said hello to the others to find the airship.

The beautiful team is ready, and the five and three thick guards help move things.

They both have boyfriends and fiancés now, and they are very happy.

It turns out that good people don't look down on them, so can officials and eunuchs find people of their size?

Hold a poetry meeting or something, everyone else is beautiful, and my family grows like this.

Ordinary people are the ones who carry the work on the dock. They match in body shape, and they don't look down on each other.

Why do you want to marry me? Let me do the work with you?

Their other half chose Zhuangzi in the Li family. The Zhuangzi are strong, and their status is no lower than theirs.

The guardian of Princess Yongmu is equal to the owner of Zhuangzi of the Li family.

The key is to find outsiders. I can't live without it in this life. I'm afraid that you will reveal the secret if I leave.

This kind of farmer came along. Occasionally, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan would not go out, so they would find their other half in a separate room for the night, but they couldn't find them all at the same time. Someone had to be on duty at any time.

They moved things, and their other half moved things too, and both sides were silent.

The airship floats in the air,

The rope is not its reliance;

That is the yearning for freedom,

Who can tie whom?

The salty water beats the rocky reef,

The gull catches the railing and combs its feathers;

No footprints can be left on the golden sand,

Yesterday's Haiben cannot flow today's Tao.

Mischievous clouds occasionally cover the sun,

The great distance makes them never quarrel;

The wind and the hairtail, across the height of life,

The moment they met, the resentment disappeared.

The swirling trees on the shore sing the songs of the ages,

Just as the fisherman's light always accompanies the enchanted siren;

Under the moonlight, there are more than enchanting stars,

Look, there are colorful waves under the darkness.

Today, don't talk about saying goodbye,

The wind has broken the treetops where the summer worms are;

Tonight, maybe the light rain is pouring lightly,

What cannot be poured is the anchor that has fallen for too long.

So you should smile,

Even if the rest of my life is lonely;

So look at each other in silence,

Silence is the trestle of the pier in the afternoon.

The airship floats in the air,

The rope is not its reliance;

That is the yearning for freedom,

Who can tie whom?

"You haven't eaten yet? Hurry up, it's like parting from life and death. Everyone goes up, and the men go up too."

Xiaolan got angry when she saw that the efficiency of the female guard and the male farmer's work was getting lower and lower.

What are you doing? After leaving tonight, when will you come?

Hurry up and work, I'm waiting to see Li Lang, the man will follow.

As soon as she finished speaking, the scene of carrying things suddenly became hot, and she dared to throw a twenty-pound package at a distance of ten meters.

Princess Yongmu didn't care: "If it wasn't for us to take the lead, they would be embarrassed to look for it. They got it before they came out, and then the man got on the boat.

The two sides have just experienced the joy of this kind of exercise to reproduce offspring. If they are separated for a month, they will go crazy.

Unlike me, I'm not in a hurry to see Li Lang. Have you ever seen me in a hurry?

You tell them, I'll give them an extra quarter of an hour of rest in one minute.

It's the kind that provides the room alone a minute later, so don't count on it this month. "

"Yes, yes! It will take time to fly over."

Xiaolan strongly supports it, and promises others benefits, hurry up! Didn't you see that my little girl and I were anxious to see Li Lang!


"Wen Tian and Xiaolan are coming, Nanqu's everyone, I think we should come too."

Guo Ziyi just got news of the action over there and found Li Yi.

"What are you doing here? What are you doing here?" Li Yi asked with a puzzled look.

"Why can't you do it? No, it's better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. You will gain insight here."

Guo Ziyi scratched her head, your woman is here, what should I do?

"Say it yourself! What do you think of me? I'm still in charge of your affairs?"

Li Yi doesn't agree, if you don't tell me, do you ask me to mention it?

"What do I say? I'll listen to you because of my ability? I can't kill you." Guo Ziyi was distressed.

"When I said that, I said that we can't just use force to coerce, but also need to sing and dance with tenderness and communication."

Li Yi raised his leg and kicked, and a whip swept towards Guo Ziyi's shoulder.

Guo Ziyi was so nervous, ready to protect Li Yi who lost his balance.

'Boom! ' Li Yi kicked Guo Ziyi's shoulder with his whip and slowly put it down: "Do you dare to passively tighten your muscles?"

"You said it was passive, I'll give you a rub."

Guo Ziyi squatted down and wanted to rub Li Yi's calf.

"Fuck you, let you finish rubbing it. My legs will take up to half a month. I'll find them for you." Li Yi avoided.


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