Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2752: People's hearts are sunny and not sad

The latest website: "I'm here, I'm here, alas! Is our lovely little princess any better?"

Princess Yongmu got down from the airship and jumped after landing. Seeing the lively Lulin Luoluo, she spoke in half-familiar local words.

The little girl's eyes were bright, and she took a fancy to the beautiful elder sister's jewelry in front of her.

Princess Yongmu wears a bunch of ornaments, crowns, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and the belt of her dress with gems of various colors.

Even the clothes have never lacked embellishments, that is, jewels, and her clothes are Su embroidery.

Xiaolan was dressed in a similar fashion, her clothes belonged to Shu brocade, Su embroidery was usually more elegant, and Shu brocade was normally rich in color.

The jewelry of the two people is matched according to the clothes, which looks coordinated.

"Sister, you are so beautiful!" The little girl was direct.

"Our little princess is also beautiful. Come, let's see what good things my sister brought you?"

Princess Yongmu took the little girl's uninjured hand and walked into the house.

The female guards are in charge of protection around, and Xiaolan wears a big crocodile leather pocket.

Entering the princess room, the second prince and the little girl's mother were sorting out their daughter's things and putting the toys back to their original positions.

When he saw Princess Yongmu, he was a little lost, and then he reacted and greeted: "Princess Yongmu?"

"Second Prince is well!" Princess Yongmu smiled and nodded, and Xiaolan nodded too.

"Come on, let's see which our little princess likes?"

After saying hello, Princess Yongmu took the little girl to a small place next to her. She brought a gift.

Xiaolan invited the little girl's mother: "Sister come and watch together."

The little girl's mother is beautiful, more beautiful than the second prince's palace.

"Let's go outside." Li Yi went to grab the arm of the second prince, don't join in the fun, the women are together.

"Are those two your women?" The second prince asked Li Yi in a low voice when he saw the female guard standing outside, lost his mind again.

"It's fiancée, and the word woman has a demeaning connotation in the current context."

Li Yi knew that the status of men and women was not equal in the eyes of the second prince, unless the woman's family was powerful.

The betrothal gift is considered to compensate the woman's family for losing the labor force. After the compensation, the woman's status is naturally low.

Because the woman did not have a dowry, she was bought out.

"Isn't that the princess' maid?" The second prince doesn't understand why you care so much about a maid, but it's just beautiful?

"Xiao Lan can be a princess, I can decide who will be the emperor, but I can't decide who will be the princess?"

Li Yi had thought about it a long time ago. Before getting married, he turned Xiaolan into a princess. Isn't that how the princesses married in the Tang Dynasty came out!

"Yeah!" The second prince got upset when he thought of this, he wanted to be the king.

"The person that the noble brought to threaten me today is mine?"

Li Yi remembered something, that nobleman and his staff were killed by other nobles.

A large group of former civilians and slaves went up to the pyramid, and it was a question of how the identity belonged.

"It's yours. The nobles who took action must be willing to give them to you, for fear that you won't see a doctor for them."

The second prince's tone is not very good, and you feel that Li Yi is insulting people. You can't think of this yourself?

"I will show anyone who is sick. They will fall at my door and rescue them first. Those who have money will ask for money later, and those who have no money will be forgotten."

Li Yi doesn't lie and can't see others die in front of him, especially if he can save his life.

When someone else brings a patient in Lijiazhuangzi, it is impossible to ask for money first, just like eating, and then pay the bill.

If he can't get rid of it, what kind of money does he want if he has no money?

"How many things do you have enough?" The second prince didn't believe it.

Looking at the current situation, the queue is so long, and there is a special channel, that is, the people who are brought in directly enter.

Or carrying a poisonous snake in his hand, shouting that he was bitten by a snake, and giving priority to it.

"We use paper money there, and I am in charge of making paper money."

Li Yi explained, and by the way, he flipped through his pockets and took out a ten-pack of banknotes.

He always brings money, no matter where it is, in case it can be promoted.

The second prince received it and looked at it, beautiful, how did you do this?

"Want it? Want me to design it for you, print it out, and use it to buy things."

Li Yi nodded with a sincere look, I can print it for you for free, no cost.

"Good way, if I have this thing, I will stamp it hard." The second prince was tempted.

"The Tang Dynasty is that it is printed out to buy things, and the people also buy each other when they hold it. It is more beneficial than other direct exchanges. It is best to use it in distant places. I will tell you about this paper currency..."

Li Yi took out another banknote and explained the anti-counterfeiting to the second prince.

The second prince was startled when he heard it. He held the banknotes for comparison. Indeed, how was the watermark made?

"It's not easy to print this?" The second prince found that he couldn't do it.

"You want me to print it for you, can you publish it? Just spend it on buying things? We Datang require the people to accept it."

Li Yi began to question, your currency is useless if others don't.

"If, I mean, if my father and brother want to kill me, I don't want to be killed, can you help me?"

The second prince knew that it was impossible to issue currency by himself, and he didn't even understand that Datang's currency was not just printed and issued.

It is a breakthrough to issue currency with national credit, but Li Yi does not want this breakthrough.

How could the second prince know the consequences of printing money indefinitely? He saw an opportunity from it, an opportunity to restrain money.

Even if he becomes a king, he still thinks about how to concentrate his wealth. As for the people, he has food and an army in his hands, who would dare to rebel?

"How many people support you? How many people support them? How many troops can both sides mobilize? When they are under control, who will take over the special position..."

Li Yi asked a lot of questions, including whether the minor nobles would choose independence.

The second prince was stunned by the question. He didn't think about it so much: "This...that...I have to find someone to ask."

"Okay! You ask first, I am here to help you at any time. My request is that you must bring someone to join the Great Tang, become a king of the Great Tang, and join the Great Tang in name, but the actual Great Tang is too far away from you, It's impossible to come and control you."

Li Yi promised, we are not in a hurry, we will make a decision and then move.

"Okay!" The second prince agreed, leaving with a heavy heart and returning to his room.

Guo Ziyi, who had been standing not far away, came over: "Master Are you tired?"

"Tired? I rested well, not tired." Li Yi shook his head.

"I ask you if you are tired of calculating people like this?" Guo Ziyi emphasized.

"Who am I counting? People are short of banknotes, so I said help with printing. People are worried about their safety, so I am willing to provide some protection.

You see that little girl is so cute, do you hope something happens to her at home?

Are you so dark-hearted that everything is not bright? Even if you always wake up at night, you still have a beautiful starry sky and moon!

The sea is so dark, is it not allowed to have life stubbornly exist?

Even if the Tubo is covered in snow, you can still find snow lotuses in full bloom. "

Li Yi taught Guo Ziyi not to think that what you think is how things are, your heart is in darkness, what you see is darkness, but the truth is... darker than you think.

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