Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2754: political cruelty propaganda

The latest website: "Li Lang, you can eat too." Princess Yongmu served Li Yi with vegetables, put down her chopsticks, and then sorted out the bow-tie card for the little girl.

"Okay! What shall we eat tomorrow morning? I remember that there are frozen hairtails. I cleaned them up. Don't have any bitterness. Fry them and eat them as side dishes?"

Li Yi picked up the plate and took the dish, asking about breakfast.

"Eat buns! Pickled cabbage vermicelli stuffed with oil residue, diced shrimp oil vegetables, drizzled with sesame oil, and then sprinkled with chopped green onion and coriander."

Princess Yongmu thought about it and wanted to eat it. Either she couldn't afford meat, or she wanted to eat sauerkraut.

"Cut a double-yellow salted goose egg marinated in pepper water, salt and wine, half will do."

Xiaolan followed her request, any way to eat goose eggs is better than pickling.

Everyone said this to eliminate the embarrassment of the second prince.

He looked at his woman, changed clothes, and put on a jewelry suit at the same time. She was more beautiful than his wife, and she was better than his wife before.

"Second child, no, Prince Duszaza, you told some key people that everyone will meet, where is the place, you will arrange it.

Remember not to look for your brother and father first, I will give you some things and tell you how to put them on others, such as jewelry boxes for men's makeup.

If someone discloses to someone who should not be known, I can collect data on my side.

You have to apologize and even give out a few pyramids to your brother.

Then we can find other trustworthy people to discuss how to lead the people to live a good life. "

During the meal, Li Yi told the second prince that he provided eavesdropping equipment.

Some people's hearts are not towards the second prince, but they will accept the invitation to inquire about information or something.

When they were talking to others, Li Yi heard that it was impossible for the second prince to not compromise unless he turned his face immediately.

What did Li Longji do when he killed Princess Taiping? One step at a time, and then all at once.

Among them, Liu Youqiu was the most unlucky. He was betrayed by Li Longji, then transferred back, and then suppressed by Yao Chong.

Li Longji used Yao Chong to clean up the people who had helped him seize the throne, and in just two years, he killed countless former ministers.

Because he saw the situation in the Li Shimin period that the minister's tail was too big, so Yao Chong came up.

Li Yi is familiar with this kind of power struggle and calculation.

For example, when I started my own business, I followed a group of people, and it was very hard at that time.

Li Yi led them all the way, and finally got through.

When working hard, talk about feelings, and after success, talk about rules. Li Shimin's rules haven't been told, and Li Longji doesn't want to talk about it.

Later, the Song Dynasty released Bingquan with a cup of wine, and Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty also killed and killed at the last moment.

Found it? Same as who. One of my big-character posters, and then Lao Zhou was cleaned up.

It feels like history is repeating again and again, and no one can escape.

Including Li Yi, whoever went to the Shanxi Military Region and said that he must firmly support whoever and whoever, to put it bluntly, wanted to replicate the previous situation and become a military commissioner.

Later, he didn't succeed and got bladder cancer. With such a high status, he suddenly got bladder cancer. Is it fate?

In fact, anyone who can understand this normal thinking knows that he can't live anymore, and those who want to rely on him are shaken.

Now Li Yi is willing to help the second prince, the technology is advanced, the other party does not know.

If it is successful, it will be solved at once, and if it fails, the problem will be found out, and it will be done again in two months.

That's what Li Longji did. He sold Liu Youqiu and other officials and sent them into exile. Li Longji would protect them from death.

This touches on a political struggle, brutal and ruthless.

Li Yi said it as if he were talking at home. Anyway, there will be no Tang Dynasty, and he can change whether there is any here or not.

The second prince is currently in the Neolithic Age. What age was Li Yi's medical treatment?

Under the circumstances that the second prince thought himself, the two sides reached an agreement.

People at the seashore are trying their best to catch seafood, and there will be a seafood feast there.

The Mayan civilization was bragging, but that's actually the case.

Including Babylon, ancient India, ancient Egypt, all kinds of blowing. Because the continuation of civilization is interrupted.

On the contrary, it is the Chinese nation, there is no ancient China! Civilization has always continued, do you think this is irritating or not?

So Li Yi's Western countries always say how others are, that is, they don't recognize Chinese civilization, even if there are so many unearthed cultural relics to prove that people say I didn't see it, I don't know, I don't recognize it.

We know the Mayan civilization. If you don't believe me, watch movies and all kinds of mysteries.

What's the mystery? That is, the Mayans did not enter the late stage.

Whoever breaks it will blow whoever, such a mysterious feeling.

The only thing that has not been broken is the Chinese civilization. No, you have nothing to do for five thousand years. You are the Sui Dynasty. Let me calculate it for you, two thousand years.

You are just like us white skinned people in Europe, you are not an ancient country.

When you dig out something, it's fake, and if you dig it up, it's fake, I won't report it or publicize it.

It is not yet the other party's turn to speak, Li Yi is thinking about the Mayan civilization, while thinking about how to fake the European side.

For example, the center of the world is the Tang Dynasty, and there are also white-skinned people in the Tang Dynasty.

This proves that the Chinese culture of the Tang Dynasty is the first, and any other religion is a disaster for the country and the people.

Even Li Yi knew the reasons for the rise of religion, such as not eating fish without scales, not raising pigs, etc.

Religion was right at the time, for hygiene and reducing food consumption.

Including not drinking, it is easy to cause trouble if you drink alcohol, civilians are not good, and the upper class is left unattended.

What Li Yi was most dissatisfied with was that some religious countries in the later period treated giant pandas as pigs.

Religion used to mean, don't eat pigs, don't raise pigs.

Eating pigs is easy to get sick, your cooking skills are not good, and your cooking is not well done.

If you raise pigs, you have to eat grain, and you can't feed them meat all day long.

Who did the giant panda offend? They eat bamboo, and they are happy to eat a bamboo rat occasionally for several days.

You clearly know this situation, and there is only one country with giant pandas. If you try to belittle them, do you need to say anything?

Your God has never seen a giant panda, and you later described this giant panda as a pig?

"We are a civilization, but there are some aspects that can't keep up with the mainstream.

You keep watching, it's all real, including the people who are hungry and crying.

This is the video data I was able to provide at the After that, there is no one who is hungry and crying.

We have hundreds of thousands of people here, and I am a hundred times as big as Tang, drinking and drinking. "

Li Yi expressed in words, and after feeling in his heart, he picked up the wine glass.


'Down with the second prince, the second prince betrayed us, knocked down the second prince, the second prince surrendered to the enemy...'

Li Yizheng was eating and drinking with the second prince, and there were protests from outside.

"Someone is going to use this to ruin my affairs, or even attack you."

The second prince is not a fool, he understood as soon as he heard this voice.

So Li Yi smiled: "Compromise first, then give them benefits, gather together, have a wine party or something."


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