Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2757: Memories of the past

"Look at Xiaolan, our logistics will always be so strong."

Princess Yongmu held an ice cream cone in her hand and sat on the top of the pyramid to watch others shelter from the rain in the shed.

"Because the grassroots personnel are well-educated, disciplined, and at the same time have faith, they will not seek personal gain for themselves at this moment."

Xiaolan concluded that Yulin Feiqi was in charge of logistics, which was a waste.

In the whole world, there are not many identical fighting teams.

Sixteen guards, His Majesty's recruits, and Li Jiazhuangzi's small number of guards, only these three have the same qualities.

There are no Southwest Barbarians under the management of Zhuangzi of the Li family, nor are there any Tie Le Shi surnames.

Princess Yongmu took a bite of the ice cream: "Yes! Everyone learns war knowledge, strategy and tactics, understands calculations, and can draw pictures."

"It's good to recruit conscripts and volunteers later. The people are all learning."

Xiaolan is full of hope for her Tang Dynasty. After a few years, the quality of the soldiers will be obviously different, and she will be a soldier specially for fighting.

"They are eating and drinking soup in the shed. They think they will support us in the Tang Dynasty. When the time comes, we will give an order and a group of people will listen to us."

Princess Yongmu felt that this moment was the warmest. When the free soup first appeared, everyone felt that it would not last long.

Never thought that free soup has become the most common existence in the Tang Dynasty.

People in the Tang Dynasty wanted to drink good soup, so they went to boil it. Many restaurants and restaurants provided free soup automatically without money.

A lot of salt and firewood are wasted every day, but what they get is the support of the people.

There is a post station near the village. The people prepare meals at home, take it to the post station to eat, and sell things by the way.

Communicate with each other and say that the Tang Dynasty is good.

The family of the child who catches up with the rest day is working and can't come back to take care of it. The child runs to the post station to find something to eat and save firewood. In fact, those who have a stove at home can cook.

Under normal circumstances, the people at the inn eat their own meals, and they give the same to the children.

Xiao Lan kept her head down and ate ice cream one bite at a time.

"Xiao Lan, do you think so?" Princess Yongmu couldn't get a response and asked.

"Well..." Xiaolan hesitated and gritted her teeth: "No, they won't support us."

"Ah? Why? The Zhuangzi of the Li family and the people of the Tang Dynasty listened to our words." Princess Yongmu disagreed.

"Princess! You forgot to fight? The obedience of the villagers depends on their status, and the obedience of the people depends on the army.

You don't have great strength, you only give benefits to others, which is to please others.

You are the princess. When I was about to be taken away from you to save me, you gave us a bowl of rice to eat. We are grateful.

I had no status at that time. I gave half of my meal to others, and others would wait for me to continue to share it next time.

If you don't give it, others dare not say anything, they think it should be.

If I don't give it, they will scare me, or even beat me and ask me to give it. It doesn't matter how much I give. "

Xiaolan reminds, have you forgotten the time when we couldn't eat meat?

"You've been beaten... oh, you've been beaten. I said at the time not to beat each other, and then beat you all away. Later... where did the **** and the palace maid go?"

When Princess Yongmu heard the reminder, she recalled it, but she couldn't remember it.

"Stealing wine and drinking, after drinking too much, I threw it into the well, and the well was sealed." Xiaolan knew the ending.

"I remember, the father took my knowledge test at the school that day, and I answered well. The father was happy to drink, but the leftover wine was stolen, and the leftover wine was not taken away?"

This time, Princess Yongmu was deeply impressed, and she remembered the happy days of her father.

"Yeah! Also stole your rouge and found the box on them.

The wine should be taken away. I gave your rouge head to the maid and **** who wanted to take away the wine, saying that you wanted to keep the wine.

Then they came to those two people and said that you gave them the wine and the rest of the rouge.

They just drink, but never drink, they get confused when they touch it, I help them out one by one..."

Xiaolan admitted, yes, that's how it is, and it's just one time, there's more to come.

No one cares about the life and death of an ordinary palace maid and eunuch, just like I almost died.

"Oops! Another case was solved, so that's what happened.

Afterwards, my place was peaceful for a while, and there was no mess anymore.

They all guessed that it was you who did it, and they didn't dare to provoke you. I could eat a little meat, and I would eat some every few days. "

The more Princess Yongmu said, the more things she remembered, she was very happy.

"I embroidered the old clothes of everyone into purses, bribed the people who took care of us, and went out to change the meat.

But there are always those who don't believe in evil, and Princess Taiping has also placed people in our hall, in order to take the place of the people around you.

They thought it was enough to have a backer, but unfortunately they were not familiar with the terrain. "

Xiao Lan said that she ate a big mouthful of ice cream and regretted it at the age of 2. She put the ice cream in her mouth and rubbed her temples with one hand. When the ice arrived, she had a headache.

"I vomited, I vomited." Princess Yongmu shouted from the side.

Xiaolan spit it out: "There aren't that many things going on now."

"I knew I wouldn't build a shed for them, it would be a waste of things."

Princess Yongmu regretted it, she treated you and made you drink soup, but you are not my people.

"I want to come to Li Lang long ago. He can't be so nice to outsiders. Let's ask when Li Lang is done."

Xiaolan was certain that things would not be so simple.

"What are you asking? Sit to the side, I want to sit in the middle so that I can tell you a story." Li Yi's voice appeared.

Xiaolan moved to the side, Princess Yongmu smiled and said, "Don't you like telling stories on it!"

After speaking, she blushed and looked at Zero Sansan who was following Li Yi.

There were no eyes, nose and mouth on Zero Sansan's screen, so he looked up: "Oh! It's raining so hard, the thunder is rumbling, and my ears are buzzing.

I can't hear other people's voices. If I don't hear the orders and react slowly, don't punish me. "

"No, my Li Lang is the best!" Princess Yongmu comforted the little robot.

"Yes! My owner... What did you say? What did you just say?"

The little robot showed a depressed was tricked.

"Stand over there, there's a lot of talk!" Li Yi scolded.

"Oh! Let's go." The little robot moved.

"Li Lang, eat ice cream." Princess Yongmu handed Li Yi what she didn't finish.

"Okay! Take a big bite." Li Yi took a bite and turned to look at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan hesitated a little, and handed it over, Li Yi took another big bite.

Then he put his hands on his head and was caught by ice.

'Pfft~~' He also spit into the trash can next to him: "It's really good to rinse your mouth with ice cream."

Princess Yongmu took off the three trays on the egg roll tray for Li Yi to chew and eat this.

Xiaolan's third one has been eaten by her, but she will not give the second one.

Li Yi took a bite: "What did you say?"

"Xiao Lan said to give them benefits, but they won't support us." Princess Yongmu went to the shed.

"I don't expect them to support it. There are many people who see a doctor and people who exchange things, so the airship needs to fly more here to transport supplies.

Of the thirty-six strategies I copied, the first strategy to win the battle is to hide from the sky and cross the sea.

By the way, I used the Mingxiu plank road and the dark Chencang. After a while to watch the fire from the other side. "

Li Yi explained that he really doesn't care what those people think and do, his purpose is hidden behind this behavior.


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