Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2759: Lost Lands War begins

The meat was frying on the grate, and the little girl drank carbonated drinks... peach flavored soda.

The second prince, Duschaza, looked at the flesh, his pupils seemed to be out of focus.

Li Yi dipped the cooked meat in the dipping bowl. He didn't put sesame sauce and sugar. He found that it was easy to get full and tired of putting them in.

After eating two pieces of meat in a row, he said to the second prince: "Eating, starving can't solve any problems."

The second prince blinked and stretched out his chopsticks to grab the meat: "I feel like something is going to happen."

"Don't worry, don't feel it, something will happen." Li Yi said with relief.

"When we fight, the large group of people next to us will attack us."

The second prince was worried that the people beside him were other Indians who destroyed their Mayan civilization in history.

"You can join forces to attack others first, and then discuss what to do after the fight, or continue to fight."

Li Yi came up with an idea, afraid that others would take the opportunity to fight, so he would start first.

"They won't agree. They want to kill me before thinking about other things." The second prince has his own judgment.

"That's right! It's a good idea, respect the king and fight the barbarians, but unfortunately the foreign countries are very strong, and those who want to fight the outsiders can no longer do so, they must first settle down inside."

Li Yi learned about the specific situation. The Mayans were fighting all over themselves, and they all wanted to annex their people around them first, and then deal with foreign enemies.

They can't beat the foreign enemy alone, and they want to unite, but they are not in sync.

Faced with a large population and insufficient food, the priests said that they should build more pyramids and prayed to God to help them have good weather.

"What should I do?" The second prince found himself out of control of how things were going.

"Shrink the troops and let out some of the pyramids. I'll give you the food. You can use the soap and matches I gave you to win over others."

Li Yi continued to come up with ideas, using public chopsticks to fill the second prince with meat, and said specific arrangements.

He told the second prince that some of your pyramids were too scattered, with other people's pyramids in between.

At the same time, if you have few people, it is useless to have too many pyramids. If you lose the land, you will save the people. If you lose the people, you will save the land.

It is necessary to concentrate superior forces and form a situation of fighting more and fighting less on local battlefields.

You can encircle the point to fight for reinforcements, and you can also pretend to mobilize the enemy's main force to run around, which is called the exhausting enemy tactic.

Soldiers who, deception also. Therefore, it can be shown that it cannot be used, and it can be used to show that it is not used...

Exchange space for time, lure the enemy deeper, and defeat them one by one...

Movement is active, and you can find fighters during the movement...

Even if you give up all the pyramids, you can still attack one place after the enemy has occupied the pyramids when there are not enough troops.

The premise is that I will provide you with logistical supplies, just exercise and no food.

You give me your food first, and I will use the airship to deliver it for you at any time. There are also dried fish, which are cooked and can be eaten directly.

The second prince was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought that Li Yi had great power in the Tang Dynasty, and his medical skills were like gods.

I didn't expect that Li Yi still knew how to fight. There were so many things to say about a fight?

After he absentmindedly finished his meal of barbecue, he agreed to do as Li Yi said.

He sent someone to give an order that the pyramid that is too far away is not to be used, so put things on the airship in the past, and people come here.

Also give neutral others things, soap and matches.

As soon as he shrank, the king saw that the pyramid was empty, and it was impossible to just watch and send someone to occupy it.

Occupy one after another, and find that there is no problem, then hit the remaining ones!

The war came ten days later, an ordinary day.

The clouds still drifted leisurely, the birds did not stop to sing, and even the water in the creek was still gurgling.

The horn of war was blown, and people rushed forward with their weapons raised like a tide.

More than 10,000 soldiers of the second prince fled wildly, and the others were all transferred to the outside, Datang's camp by airships.

The second prince is not only 10,000 people, he has 60,000 people of all classes, including slaves.

The remaining 10,000 people were the most able to run and had good physical strength. They were carrying five-day rations.

Two days later, the second prince lost all the land except the rented pyramid.

The 10,000 people over there were rode by Fei Lin Fei, the fastest learner of two hundred languages. They carried a telegraph and carried a small robot.

The second prince and other important people stayed with Li Yi, and Li Yi didn't leave. The rent was paid for the place I rented, and I ran out to fight guerrillas?

The key people to see a doctor are queuing up. As a doctor, how can a patient be left helpless because of the war?

In addition, buying and selling did not stop, and continued to exchange things, such as slaves and gold.

Above the pyramid, Li Yi was having an open-air barbecue. The little girl ran around happily. She was already well.

She is currently in the peeling stage. The hands and arms that were bitten by the poisonous snake before are swollen.

People queuing up for medical care and trade ran away, went far away, but didn't leave.

They are dissatisfied, we are sick, why are you beating him? He didn't hit you again. He rented the second prince's pyramid and gave him money.

During the wet season, the wood used for fire is damp, and it takes a long time to make a fire.

The replaced matches are very easy to use. I found dried grass, and it was burned at one point. The mosquito coils were burned so that they would not be bitten by mosquitoes. Soap baths were comfortable.

"Fairy Wood"

"Don't look at it, shout." Li Yi scolded Zero In one day, he knew that he was cruel to others, and his life would be impossible! "

Ling Sansan muttered to find the speaker: "We Datang did not participate in the war, we love peace.

We just want to see a doctor and trade some tortillas.

We don't want to see bloodshed, we worship the common god, don't beat us.

If people do not offend me, I do not offend others. "

It had a cute voice, turned around and asked Li Yi: "Proprietor, am I neither humble nor arrogant?"

"Prepare to fight." Li Yi didn't bother to care about Zero Sansan, you are so cute, who doesn't someone beat you?

What's more, guarding the lonely city, I promise to surround you and see if the other party will play around the mountain.

The mixed soldiers of the five hundred navy and Yulin flying cavalry rushed out, descended the big steps down the rope, descended three steps and stopped, and then lowered the opponent's spear to fly up.

Some people are strong enough to throw the javelin far away, and the current position is safe, wearing rattan armor, helmets, and face protection.

A small artillery cannon was placed on it, and the grenade was adjusted.

Dozens of ready-made wooden shelves were put together to fight, and snipers climbed up and practiced with water.

"Eat the skewers, the freshly grilled mutton skewers, don't look down, look at the projection, divided into eight areas.

The freshly brewed beer has a low degree of concentration, that is, there is a lot of water when brewing, so you can drink more.

I drink this, I really can't drink that widowed thing.

Otherwise, your king is not particular about his affairs, and he must make me surrender, or he will beat me. "

Li Yi muttered about the meat skewers, the frozen mutton.

The second prince and others were very nervous. They had never seen the Tang army in real war.

Just listened to the people who ran and said how powerful it was, now it's no big deal.

Another group of soldiers came out of the pyramid, put on their shields, and at the same time blocked everyone's view directly below. (To be continued)

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