Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2763: trade rules time

The latest website: "Holding hands means two people wearing long sleeves to cover their hands and negotiating prices with their fingers..."

Popular science stuff, Li Yi said casually.

The two buy and sell things, the sleeves are linked together, and there are movements in their hands, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and the other party knows when they touch it.

The first time was positioning, in decimal, with three in hand, and the other party recognized it, it was a hundred dollars.

After that, we will talk about the specifics. We can negotiate a few hundred dollars, then we can talk about dozens of dollars, and a few dollars.

As for how many cents and how many cents? Be honest! The location of the hundred dollars is determined, that is, the hundred and ten dollars, not the one.

Talking about a few hundred dollars, how many dollars, how many cents, how many cents?

What? Big deal? The big deal is about the whole, not about the individual multiplied by the quantity.

This kind of handle method is generally used to buy and sell items that are not well priced, such as matches, if the price is fixed, it is not used.

The medicinal materials are different in appearance, ginseng, Dendrobium officinale, Cordyceps sinensis, snow lotus...

The fur, what you see and how much you think it is worth, talk to the seller.

Jade, needless to say, the price of a piece of jade fluctuates too much.

In addition to cattle and sheep, both sheep weigh 100 catties, and the prices are different, as well as cattle.

If you sell pigs, there will be unity later.

Cattle and sheep are generally not uniform. It all depends on how much meat is produced after killing a 100-pound sheep. The cattle are more serious. Some cattle weigh a lot and have a low meat yield.

The two sides held hands and talked, and when there were no sleeves, they put up a piece of cloth and talked about their own.

In the later period of Li Yi, some places still followed this rule, so don't hold hands, calculators, a few dollars each.

Each side takes one, and one prints a number on it and shows it to the other side, and the other side reads it and then type a number for the other side to see.

Others are not allowed to come forward and look at it secretly. Is it okay to have a mobile phone to send messages? No, because this can take screenshots.

The seller can negotiate with others after taking a screenshot, and the buyer can do the same.

The same is true when you go to the market to inquire about the price. Look at the clothes seller and ask the price. The other party starts to ask for 300, and finally says 50. You can take it.

Just say yes, I will turn around, go to other places, and you will bargain down on the basis of fifty.

Going around, I found that the lowest price was forty-six in the end. You took the last bite. Is forty-five okay?

The other party said yes, you are happy, from morning to evening, just buy one, from fifty to forty-five, saving five yuan.

Not to buy a thousand pieces, right? There is also a meal at noon, of course, you have to eat at noon even if you don't buy anything.

But you're happy, is that a five-dollar thing? I was tired and sweaty all day, and I took a bath for more than 500 yuan. That's it!

The slave trade is even worse. Li Yi has bought slaves, which is pleasing to the eye and willing to spend more.

Now he was angry, the mother and son came over and robbed him, without giving a penny.

"Hungry? Uh...wash your hands and eat."

Li Yi said to the two people that he found that it was nonsense to ask each other if they were hungry.

Another little robot over there scolded again: "Aren't you following the rules? Can you go back after the negotiation? And you, you buy from him outside, we can't control it, are you standing by and listening to the price go up?

My owner didn't eat well because of this incident. When someone attacked him last time, he killed more than 6,000 people.

Discuss, how to compensate my owner? At that time, the blood that was bleeding, look at the ground, is it red? "

"Those stones were originally red, no, I mean I knew it was wrong."

The person who bought it admits, tell me, what do you want?

The seller: "I still have a few...a dozen or so. If you don't obey me, who would take me and give them a hundred baskets of corn."

"Okay! How about you?" The little robot promised the seller and asked the buyer.

"Me too." Buyers follow the market.

"Bring people and things. The person who bullied my owner like this last time was cut with more than 2,000 knives, and he cried for ten days, begging for a good time."

"Yes, yes, take it."

"I have brought it."


"Kill it! Go ahead..."

For three days, the king here did not launch an attack, and so many people died all at once. They were under too much pressure and doubts.

People who follow the king are afraid, how did the war come about? Attacking a pyramid, without taking an inch, one side is dead.

The king is holding meetings and adjusting, and he must strengthen the confidence of his followers.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the pyramid of the second prince is fully occupied. This can be seen and is very realistic.

Let's first allocate the pyramids of the account. The second prince's pyramid is good, but there is nothing in it.

Occupying the Pyramid will inevitably divide the army, and the second prince will build a strong wall and clear the field according to Li Yi's request.

Exchange space for time, and time for tactical strategy.

Lin Feiqi with two hundred feathers and 12,000 princes' soldiers circled far away, caught the enemy's pyramid, and attacked three towers one by one.

It takes one day to make a simple catapult, smash it up, and then fire the ladder.

Except for the four slopes of the small steps, isn't the rest of the platform a platform with a large drop!

Use a 90-degree hanging ladder, hang up and climb, and the people below use rattan and wood pieces as shields.

The spears and stones thrown on it were blocked by the shield and had little lethality.

The Mayans did not cut down the trees directly, nor did they cut down the trees in the African way of blowing fire.

They gird the underside of the tree, and if the bark is removed, the tree will die, and after a few years, it will fall over as soon as it is pushed.

They also don't have special drilling techniques, they drill a few holes for the tree, a little deeper, and then stuff the peppercorns inside and seal it with mud, so that the tree will die too.

Li Yi once planted rubber, many centuries-old trees, and the state requested that they not be allowed to cut down. As a result, they adopted different methods to make the trees die.

It is said that it will take several years to wait for the tree to die. No problem, everyone can wait for the year when the rubber tree can be tapped!

After 30 years of planting ginseng, it was finally stolen.

For 40 years of planting red pine, it was burned by someone.

Zhuangzi who made wine, the grandson only took part of the wine cellar left by his grandfather’s generation.

No matter what you do or not, the years will not stop for you.

A 70-year-old man learns a foreign language. What's the use of it when others say that it takes a few years for you to learn it well?

The old man said that if I don't study, I won't get old? Can I memorize ten words a day?

As the nation each generation of leaders struggles, even when the place returns he is out of sight.

The Mayans did not care about the passage of time, they always destroyed a forest, and then waited for many years for the destroyed forest to grow naturally because of their own planting technology.

The pieces are destroyed and divided into 20 regions. When the twentieth piece is destroyed, the first piece grows again.

These woods are used by Feiqi Yulin, you don't have a saw, I have.

After sawing as a shield, charge.

The first pyramid chose a small one, which is easier to attack.

Chase and kill, chase out a certain distance and stop chasing, quickly retreat, retreat forward, not run backward.

Retreat to the front, spread out, prepare to ambush, and see if the enemy has any idea of ​​​​taking it back.


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