Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2769: For dry season water-deficient rivers

Early the next morning, the army gathered, and the second prince wanted to go back to see the king. The king had to abdicate and become the emperor. A ceremony was needed.

Li Yi's ambulance was hoisted by the airship, and it was swaying and could not fit in.

Princess Yongmu drove the car, and the second prince and his family sat in the car with Xiaolan and the messenger.

The little robots were carried on their way, armed with weapons.

Li Yi's helicopter landed on the car, and Guo Ziyi and a few Yu Linfei rode in the cabin with guns.

People who fetched water and drank free soup watched the fun. No one had seen a helicopter before, and it flew up and landed on top of this thing.

When the ambulance started, the people around said "Oh~~"

The second prince's family and the messenger looked around curiously. This thing can walk by itself and take a wheel.

"The wheel is easy to use. It is installed under the big box, and the box can go."

The second prince's wife did not understand the principle of the car, and looked at the scene outside the window with emotion.

The messenger's face was full of melancholy, the team's speed was slow, and the hurried march consumed a lot of physical strength, and was afraid of going to the place to fight.

In this way, he can only get to the place at noon tomorrow, and he is thinking about the future.

Xiaolan glanced at him: "No one will be cleaned up, it's just that some positions need to be adjusted. There is something wrong with your social system, and there is no official system of the Children's Palace."

Xiaolan had long known how the Mayans lived, the days when the priests were responsible for farming, what to plant, and how to reap.

I usually build pyramids and carvings when I have time, and I don't study other technologies, and there is no system.

Datang had fortifications, farming, and education.

"We won't." When the messenger heard that he wouldn't be dealt with, he was a little relieved.

"We need to replant corn this year." Xiao Lan thought of something, a lot of corn died from drought.

"I can't plant it, there is no rain after planting, I missed the time." The messenger shook his head.

"Dig the well to get water, our temperature is high, the corn will not freeze to death, the man who built the pyramid will water it, and wait for my family Li Lang to give you a specific plan."

Xiaolan found that the other party was stupid. If she saw someone pushing water with a cart, she wouldn't dig the well next to the ground?

The team left the pyramid, and the people who stayed behind were responsible for collecting, selling and selling things.

The well was still being pressed, and the farmers saw the hope of surviving and didn't care about their physical strength.

They do not have regular positions, and it is even less possible for others to give alms. Nobles and priests only consider status.

Grain is all they have. After the dry season, they can no longer grow anything. They can only go hunting, or go to the river to catch fish, without fishing nets.

Taking advantage of the well water now, if one can be saved, one will be saved.

Yulin Feiqi, who was left behind, was worried and said to a person who was pulling water: "Replant, there is water."

The other party stopped in a daze, and the nearby people who were about to fetch water followed in a daze.

"Yes, planting! If you can plant, let's push the water over."

Finally, one person responded and shouted with joy.

"From now on we'll plant twice a year, no, three times, and we'll water ourselves," another man called.

"Can you plant three times?" The person next to him was at a loss. He was not a priest and could not count his days.

In the growth cycle of corn, if the climate is suitable and the place is changed, it can be planted three times, but only one place is not enough, and there is corn stubble.

They don't plough or fertilize, they rely on natural restoration, and they don't plant even though there is land idle there.

They waited for the trees to grow back there, then stripped the bark and killed it, burned the wasteland, took a stick to the hole, and planted the corn kernels.

The time is calculated, generally the wet season begins, and the wet season ends just in time for harvest.

When the temperature is high throughout the year and it is not below zero, after ploughing, it is not a lot to plant three times a year in two or three months.

Let's discuss it, okay? In the past, I listened to the priests. Some people said to ask the priests, and some people filled the water first.

The second prince's team stopped at noon, ate dinner and continued on their way, stopped again at night, set up camp, and the stockade was no longer tied up.

Tianliang continued to eat, and sure enough, he didn't arrive at the place until noon.

The king led a large group of people to welcome, and the Tang princess arrived.

Give out a good pyramid to Li Yi and his party, and the second prince will live with him.

The king and other princes came to discuss the ceremony and give way. How will everyone get along in the future?

Li Yi warmly entertained, cooked a lot of dishes, and everyone shared the meal, each with a small table and a chair with a backrest.

The little robot projected, Li Yi didn't eat first, he brought a small stick to explain.

"We have a water conservancy system in our place. Due to the terrain orientation, we also built a small dam with stones, and the water storage capacity is small..."

Li Yi first said about water conservancy, Maya has her own small reservoir, the capacity is pitifully small.

Several reservoirs add up to less than 100,000 cubic meters, with a length and width of 100 meters, and a pool of 10 meters deep is 100,000 cubic meters.

The water volume of a standard swimming pool is about 2,000 cubic meters, and their reservoir volume is equivalent to fifty swimming pools.

The artificial lakes in Lijiazhuangzi, Luoyang are all over one million cubic meters, and the reservoirs here are just like playing.

In other words, it can only be given to some people to drink, and watering is impossible.

Li Yi pointed to the canals and the real big cistern on the projection map, and also included other aspects.

Hygiene is the most important thing, and the Mayans are also convenient to find places everywhere, and there is no shortage of flies, mosquitoes, and sewage.

Toilets need to be dug, then composted, the land needs to be ploughed, and the tools for plowing the land are displayed on the projection.

At present, there are not enough cattle and to use people to farm first.

Seed breeding, farm planning, how to repair a house with wood...

He said that the crowd could not eat, and they were fascinated by it.

The second prince clenched his fists with excitement. In the future, he will lead his people to live a better life, which is his credit.

"The pyramids are no longer being built, we will build roads to facilitate carts, and we have quicklime, which is used to sterilize and kill mosquito larvae.

"First Evolution"

I will provide you with the tools for drilling, and now I am responsible for helping you drill with other equipment.

Fishing nets teach how to weave, catch fish, and then raise fish by keeping water in canals and ponds because we use them.

When drinking water, boil it to avoid the occurrence of water-related diseases..."

Li Yi gave the whole set as soon as he gave it. In the place of the Tang Dynasty, the people also belonged to the Tang Dynasty.

This is Guatemala, with plateaus, coastal plains, several big rivers, and good agriculture.

It was originally called the Banana Republic, because the North American country needed a lot of cheap bananas, so it used various means, including assassinating other people's leaders, to plunder other people's land to grow bananas.

With such good land and resources, it is impossible to feed these Mayans.

"It's almost there, let's talk about this today and eat."

Li Yi talked for two hours, the food was cold, and it didn't need to be hot, it was hot.

The king and the others looked at Li Yi with respect, and let alone force, why didn't he find one for his ability to govern the country?

It turns out that a place like this can become that, and then that, that...

In the future, there will be a lot of food and fish, and everyone will no longer have to worry about eating.

Who first beat him, oh, caught it and gave it to him, then who made the pyramid hit?

The king began to recall that it was too pitiful, such a person should be treated respectfully at the beginning, and then asked how to do it. (To be continued)

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