Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2812: Tactical applications are the same

, bring the system to Datang

The little noble's wife glanced at her husband, washed her hands, and picked up a wowtou: "It's smaller than the one you eat, the cornmeal used is finer, and the thicker one is for you..."

She introduced the ingredients of this wotou, the rice flour inside is different, it is mixed with half of the wheat flour.

When it rains heavily, wild honeycombs rush down, the dead bees are thrown away, and the hives and the living bees are left behind, including honey.

When making wotou, add some honey and eggs, so the taste and texture of this wotou...

"You taste one." The little noble's wife picked up a small nest and gave it to the man.

"I'm full, I can't eat anymore, I have a lot of food there."

The little aristocrat shook his head vigorously, waved his hand, and refused to eat it. It was a waste to eat such a good thing, and there was still a waste of soup.

The fish soup was brought over, with wild vegetables and mushrooms in it, most of which were... balls, boiled balls.

The plate was brought again, half a salted duck egg, the yellow was bubbling with oil, but it was not very salty when eating, the process of marinating.

"Today I said to eat ball soup, shrimp **** and fish balls, this is fungus, plus diced carrots and diced cucumbers.

They say that the soup base is a soup made from meat bones and birds, with a layer of oil on top. It is good for children and milk.

It wasn't there yesterday, but today they said that Datang was adjusting and reorganizing. The heavy rain before was too sudden and a little chaotic. "

The wife of the little noble could guess it by looking at the man's appearance, and she didn't force it. When she ate it herself, she would have more milk to feed the baby.

The little aristocrat tapped his mouth, lowered his head and took a sip of the soup, and continued to tap his mouth: "I never drank such delicious soup when I was a prisoner."

"Wait, I'll serve you a bowl." The person who delivered the things next to him scolded the little noble.

"Thank you! Thank you! Oh, no need. Okay, I'll drink it slowly."

The little aristocrat was incoherent, the soup was served, and there were many **** in it, and it felt like soup.

"Taste one." The giver gave the little aristocrat another small nest and half a salted duck egg.

"Okay, okay." The little aristocrat was grateful, lowered his head and took a sip of soup: "I really haven't had it before."

His wife left him alone and hurried to eat, while he watched, taking a sip of soup occasionally.

Watching his wife eat the three small nests, he picked up his own and handed it over, and then used a spoon to scoop out the dry food from the soup bowl and put it in his wife's bowl.

The oily yolk of the duck egg is also pulled out for the wife, leaving the egg white for herself.

After his wife finished eating, he picked up a bowl and half a salted duck egg without egg yolk and left, walking very fast, and by the way he left a sentence: I'll see you tomorrow.

"Give me the bowl tomorrow. It's a porcelain bowl. It broke your leg."

The deliverer shouted to the little noble, don't think I didn't see it.

Turning his head, the deliverer said to the little nobleman's wife: "Tomorrow, he could have run away, but he had to stay because he was worried about you.

I wasn't there when you gave birth, otherwise I'll be in charge. Listening to Yulin Feiqi, he first knelt down, and then said he knew a big jade mine.

Then maybe he didn't think it was enough, and said he had a way to make the sun go around the moon. snort! Take us for fools. "

The little noble's wife pursed her lips and smiled, very sweet.

"Sister, I think you are in charge of us. Are you sneaking extra things? Will you be punished?"

The wife of the little nobleman laughed and then worried, this person is too good.

"Punishment is punishment! Sister, my surname is Zheng, my name is Zheng Lian, and my man is here too. Our surname is Zheng, his name is Zheng Shenlin, and he lives in Zhuangzi of the Li family.

He works all day, with a group of people to work, my sister and I have some leisure time, and others help us women.

Don't look worried, there are only four people who can punish my sister and me, the proprietor, Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan, and Song De. "

The person who sent the thing introduced himself, and by the way, he was safe. Don't be afraid, no one who can punish me is here.

The little aristocrat ran back and earned it.

"Have you finished eating? I'll go over there and someone gave me soup, a woman." He was afraid that Yulin Feiqi would take care of him.

"You can drink it if she gives it to you! How is the baby?"

Yulin Feiqi knew who was over there, he couldn't control it, the two sides were not under the same control.

"Fell asleep, keep falling asleep, and when I finally left, he didn't even open his eyes to look at me."

The little nobleman sighed and put the bowl down.

Fei Lin Feiqi: "..."

He always felt that this sentence sounded awkward, you are looking after the child, not seeing him off on his deathbed?

"It's just that the little guy is sleeping, don't say that next time, is Tang Liang?" Yulin Feiqi corrected.

"You want to drink? Here! Where's my soup and wotou?"

The little aristocrat was generous, but suddenly found that his own was gone.

"I've poured it into the big pot. Wotou is here. I'll give you another bowl. You can pour this soup into it."

Yulin Feiqi got up and went to serve soup to the little noble.

All because the little nobleman had already run away when facing danger, ran out for several miles, suddenly turned around and ran back.

He chose the risk aversion of self-human nature for the first time, then terminated the process and chose to come back.

Then his wife gave birth to a child. In order to get help, he first knelt down and begged, and then he bragged, but no one saw him.

Afterwards, selectively forget his bragging content and remember him as a person.

"So much meat? I have something I want to say. I have friends over there. It is estimated that it will be difficult after the heavy rain.

I want to talk to them, let them come, or at least deceive the people below them.

As long as you promise to give me the same meal as us, I'll do it, and you have to promise to give my wife and kids like this. "

The little aristocrat was not in a hurry to eat. He had an idea and brought his friends over.

Friends are all in the same circle. In the past, everyone was okay, but now it is estimated that friends are also very uncomfortable.

Since I'm not a slave here, let's shout together! How could a slave treat you like that?

Looking at the food that my wife eats, I don't know what it tastes like when I was a noble.

Fei Lin Feiqi looked at the little noble carefully, and when he saw that the other party was about to get hairy, he said, "I have to wait, I will give you the information, and you will consider it."

"Do you know the situation there?" The little noble looked serious.

"Tomorrow, you have dinner first. It is estimated that it will be fine in the evening. I will ask you for a drink. I don't care about your wife's place. Manager Zheng is in charge."

Fei Lin Feiqi decided to tell the above that this might penetrate into the enemy's interior and then turn against a bunch of people.

As he spoke, he took out a pen and paper to write there, and let the little nobles eat by themselves.

The little aristocrat was The more he ate, the more puzzled he became: "What are you doing?"

"Write a plan! Without getting the data over there, write multiple copies of what might happen.

The airship has collected data in the past, and I have found the most appropriate one from many.

Saves time running the entire operation, not having to plan from scratch once the data is available.

If you eat more meat, it may be difficult to travel at that time, and you will consume a lot of physical strength. "

Yulin Feiqi responded.

"Old Guang, together, according to the six-point possibility and nine emergencies of strategy and espionage, each is responsible for one possibility and nine emergencies, fifty-four, and each person is responsible for three."

Yulin Feiqi next to him greeted his partners, everyone came together.

This kind of plan has a format, and Fei Lin Feiqi knows where he is.

That is, if the Tang Dynasty specifically attacked a certain place, there are fifty-four possibilities, all of which are details.

But it is also possible that the fifty-four may all be obsolete because the strategy has changed.

Now that there are minor nobles, it is an infiltration war. What if it is going to be a strong attack? The line of minor nobles is useless.

Bring the system to Datang https://

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