Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 604: Khitan has treasures but becomes illusory

Bi Gou left Yao Chong Mansion and went home to deal with the people in line at his house.

Yao Chong was no longer seeing the guests, so he thought about it in the study.

Bi Gou told him about the follow-up treatment of the price increase of kerosene lamps and thermos, which is not the point.

Regarding the balance between officials' tax collection and political performance, the entire court is involved.

The staff department should coordinate with the household department to avoid the situation of local officials forcing the merchants due to the collection of taxes.

At the head of the Bashui Bridge next to Lijiazhuangzi, a long queue of people buying kerosene lamps and thermos bottles lined up.

Among them, merchants are the most. They want to buy them and ship them to other places.

Generally, merchants who rush to do this have shops in other places.

If the product is broken, take the pieces to the store.

When the store is waiting to come back to Chang'an to sell and buy goods, they will bring them along and exchange them with Lijiazhuangzi.

The freight is naturally not required, to preserve the reputation of the shop.

Those who bought the kerosene lamp and thermos wrapped them carefully in muslin and fur to avoid breaking them.

The two things brought from Zhuangzi were hay on the outside, and they didn't look attentive at all.

At noon, Li Yi was having dinner with You Qianniuwei's people at Qiaotou.

Qianniuwei's people serve dishes with foreign dishes, eating outside fast, afraid of the cold.

During the Chinese New Year, Zhuangzi provided more vegetables to the sixteen guards who had rotated here.

On weekdays, there is a lot of meat to ensure that the people of the sixteenth guard are willing to come on duty.

When the sixteen guards take turns in their places, they don’t eat well.

The salary given is wheat, millet, yellow rice, sorghum rice and other things.

If you want to buy other things, take rice to buy, you don’t have to take copper coins or silk.

When the guard of honor Qianniuwei eats in the palace when he is on duty, it does not mean that he eats well in the palace.

Recently, Li Longji got rich, so he took out some for the queen to subsidize the harem.

The money is mainly the profit from the partnership between Li Chengqi and Li Yi. Li Yi's never wanted it, and it was thrown in to continue investing.

Li Chengqi had to give money to the brothers, and everyone got one point. Li Longji had the most money.

Liulizhuang grows cotton and greenhouses, except for part of the use, the others are sold.

The quality of the food in the palace has improved a little, and it is still inferior to Lijiazhuangzi.

Sixteen guards are now in a ten-year round. Qianniu guards don't want to change, and other guards don't do it.

When Qian Niu Wei looked around, it was only once in a hundred and sixty days.

So we took measures, and Wei Li's team had a special rotating job at the head of Baqiao Bridge.

If other guards are not allowed, Qianniuwei can arrange as many good things for his brothers as possible.

"Happy New Year, Dongzhu Li." Yu Jiang came, smiling and saying hello to Li Yi.

Li Yi replied: "Happy New Year, Brother Yu."

Then he said, "Brother Yu might as well eat some together."

"Alright, thank you Li Dongzhu so much." Yu Jiang did not refuse, and went to pick up the dinner plate by himself, filled a few dishes at will, and brought it over.

"This year looks good." Yu Jiang sat down and started looking for topics.

"That is to the east of the Taihang Mountains, the locusts have to come out. Last year, in some places, they moved late and the locust eggs entered the soil.

Deep ploughing and soaking in water are easy to deal with insect eggs, and ordinary people can't do anything in operation, and can only wait for the locusts to come out.

It is best to deal with the larvae. Once they become adult and form large-scale clusters, they can only be killed by smoke and fire, and they cannot be eaten. "

Li Yi talked about locusts. When he took the chickens and ducks there, some of the locusts were still larvae, and there was no overwhelming situation.

The time he chose happened to be stuck at the key point. This year, locusts will appear again, and those who raise chickens, ducks and pigs will be happy.

Yu Jiang listened carefully and remembered that this is knowledge, and he should deal with it when he has a locust plague in the future.

He didn't know that there is no locust plague in the northeast now, there are many trees, and there are also many birds and beasts.

Locusts can find something to eat on their own, enough food, and be eaten by birds at the same time.

"Lord Li, I have a law to cure Khitan, about locusts." Yu Jiang followed Li Yi's words.

"How?" Li Yi expressed his curiosity.

"Catch a large number of locusts and send them outside the area occupied by the Khitan people. After letting them go, the locusts will flock in groups to eat the Khitan people's food."

Yu Jiang gestured and said that he seemed to have a bad impression of Khitan.

"No, if there is no food in the Khitan, people will die. Right now I am in contact with the Khitan people and want to have friendly exchanges.

The Khitan people's life is bitter, if it weren't for the Turkic invasion, the Khitan would be better with me.

I can understand their situation and I am willing to help them so that there is no war and everyone can live a good life. "

Li Yi waved his hand with a look of compassion.

Yu Jiang was stunned. He really didn't know whether Li Yi was the truth or lies.

"Dongzhu Li, you arrested 390 of them, what should you do with them? Send them back? That's a soldier."

Yu Jiang asked casually.

"Misunderstandings are not about catching, but about teaching, teaching them all kinds of things in life, especially farming.

They can leave at any time, and when the weather is warm, they will bring a batch of goods, and they will go back to Khitan to exchange things and then transport them back.

By the way, let us get back the people who were arrested in Datang. Don't fight, you will die. "

Li Yi bowed his head and ate hard after he finished speaking, and it would be cold if he didn't eat it again.

Yu Jiang had something to ask. Seeing Li Yi's current appearance, he stopped speaking and ate.

When Li Yi finished eating, Yu Jiang just finished eating.

"After the New Year, Brother Yu don't forget to help manage the market in Qiaotou. If you are familiar with it, I will find ways to arrange an official for Brother Yu."

Li Yi put down his chopsticks, went to fill a bowl of soup and came back, and talked to Yu Jiang about the future arrangements.

Yu Jiang quickly agreed: "Okay, I watched it before, yes, I can manage it after the New Year."

After dealing with this matter, he changed the topic: "Dongzhu Li said to exchange things with Khitan, the weather is warm, what can Khitan have for exchange?"

"There are many platycodons and old thorn buds. The old thorn buds are the best. They are better than toon buds." Li Yi emphasized the old thorn buds.

This is a specialty of Northeast China, and there are few other places.

"What do you look like? When Dongzhu Li said, I was hungry again." Yu Jiang asked with a smile.

"I'll draw a picture for you, you can see it." Li Yi said as he opened the box beside him, took out the paper and pen.

He used a pencil to draw a sketch, and after a short while, the picture of the old shoot came out.

Thinking about it, he took out the red and blue pencils again to color the drawing.

"Look, Brother Yu, just this thing is delicious. When I get it in Chang'an, I'm willing to charge 100 yuan for a catty."

Li Yi showed the picture to Yu Jiang, and he drew it again as he spoke.

"In addition to these, there are mountain carrots, which are equally good, like ginseng and platycodon, but none of them. I will paint for you."

Not long after, he painted the mountain carrot again. This has nothing to do with Just like the later Northeast mountain pepper seedlings have nothing to do with peppers, they are called northeastern clematis, and some eat them. It is as spicy as chili.

Yu Jiang took it and looked at it again, and Li Yi painted again, and the painting was the Northeast Clematis.

"Brother Yu may not know, this is my favorite. I eat spicy food and feel comfortable. Unfortunately, I can't find the same anywhere else."

The third picture is good, Li Yi said to Yu Jiang regretfully.

"Here, these are all valuable?" Yu Jiang now wants to sell money, and he has seen everything drawn on the picture.

Even the mountain is a long stretch, and I didn't expect someone to be willing to spend money to buy it.

"Others don't know, I bought it and can sell it at a higher price, but unfortunately, the Khitan occupies it there. The Khitan people don't understand it, and I can't make it through."

Li Yi showed a distressed look, no longer the excitement of drawing.

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