Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 613: So rainbow can bet again

The show is not over, come one by one.

There are cross talk, sketches, pantomime, poem recitation, instrument solo, small ensemble, and other dances.

The children of Lijiazhuangzi also performed large-scale children's stage plays.

The prisoners were yelled, and then they would kneel down and get sick, and the ground would be cold.

In the middle of the night, the fireworks bloomed.

Some people couldn't hold on, so they were so sleepy that they lay directly on the table, and were sent to their barracks to rest by the people of Qianniuwei.

At the dawn of the day, the show ended, and Li Jiazhuang delivered hot soup, steamed buns, and side dishes.

Buckets of hot water came, and everyone went to the toilet, washed, and ate.

For the ‘audience’ from other places, one person presented a towel and a toothbrush.

When you are full, go back to your own house.

They regained their energy, and when they went back together they told the same people who watched which show was good.

When I met people who didn't watch Lijiazhuangzi's program, I even blew the scene to the sky.

There is no big dynasty meeting today. Li Longji held a small dynasty meeting, mainly to raise questions about the arrangements of officials from Leizhou, Qiongzhou, Zhenzhou and other places.

In such a far place, there is no competition for official positions, and Li Longji said that whoever is.

Yao Chong listened to the names one by one, and found that they were all particularly capable people. Now they are not high-ranking officials, but their work efficiency is good.

He was a little reluctant, unable to guess what Li Longji meant.

In the past, he would be able to observe his words, just like Gao Lishi.

He can figure out what Li Longji is thinking about.

Recently, he is getting more and more confused, and the good official throws it to the far south, what do you mean?

"I heard people say that Lijiazhuangzi went out of the water curtain last night, and somehow he did it. He put the figure of a person on the water, as far as he wanted, and near as he wanted."

Zhang said with two people on the way back to the political affairs hall.

Yao Chong coughed: "It's a small path, and it doesn't help big things. What the old man saw was the meat skewers supported by Lijiazhuangzi of more than 30,000 people."

Lu Huaishen put his hands in his sleeves: "Yes, this morning, I made a lot of buns.

More than 30,000 people, Lijiazhuangzi provides meat skewers and charcoal throughout the day.

One night, some people made the buns noodles and mixed them with fillings.

Wrap it out before dawn, steam it, and the soup is easy to talk about.

Compared with snow removal, it is much better to provide mutton soup for Sixteen Guards. The frontline warfare does not need to eat kebabs and steamed buns. "

"Hey?" Zhang said and reacted.

Yes, Lijiazhuangzi's logistics are even better. Where is the performance on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it is clearly showing off soldiers.

Who is it for? It's not enough to provide lamb soup once, so let's perform again.

"Why are the buns wrapped so fast?" Wei Zhigu caught up from behind. He is now a scholar of the Ministry of Industry and is willing to pursue technology.

"Did he figure out something new again? Can it be sold? Taxation." Bi Gou appeared from the other side.

Bi Gou's mental state is very good, and he doesn't seem to be sick at all.

"Your Ministry of Households last night, fifteen days after the Chinese New Year, collected more than 1.26 million in taxes. It is time for me to allocate funds to the Ministry of Industry."

Wei Zhigu saw Bi Gou and asked for money.

Bi Gou hid aside: "It's just a special situation during the New Year. After the New Year, there will be no money in the future."

When he was speaking, he looked at Yao Chong warily. Yao Chong is also a book of the Ministry of War. What should I do if the Ministry of War asks for money?

"It depends on what the old man is doing. The old man doesn't want to fight, but just wants to guard." Yao Chong said his strategic policy.

"Don't you need money for defense?" Bi Gou muttered.

"Do you figure out the way to make a rainbow out of the glass?" Lu Huaishen, a good old man, made a round.

"Today the Khitan will invite Li Yi to demonstrate. The Khitan bought 2,900 horses and 2,100 cows. After spending a lot of money, Li Jiazhuang couldn't afford it." 100%

Bi Gou didn't want to provoke Yao Chong more, and moved along with the words.

"The cows and horses that he got from Yu Huaide's caravan before can no longer be raised. All of them are distributed. Others only need to provide food." Zhang said another word of help.

The topic is completely turned to here, how to deal with Lijiazhuangzi's too many livestock.

Wei Zhigu found out that it had nothing to do with the Ministry of Industry, so he said: "Li Yi deliberately helped the people, and the newly arrived cattle and horses must be released."

"Yao Xiang, Lu Xiang, Zhang Xiang, Wei Shangshu, Bi Shangshu, Li Yi is here, and he is out of the imperial city, ready to receive the cows and horses."

A little yellow gate ran over, looking for Yao Chong, and when he saw a group of people, they shouted again.

"Walk around, go and see." Yao Chong has been thinking about how to operate the rainbow, and finally it's the critical moment.

When they arrived at the gate of Zhuque Street outside the imperial city under the protection of their guards, many people were onlookers.

The cows and horses were divided into two teams and drained far away from Suzaku Avenue.

Many people leased livestock to wait for Li Yi to win.

Li Yi was sitting on the shaft of the ambulance under the protection of Yulin Feiqi and Zhuangzi's escort, holding a glass in his hand.

There was half a glass of water in the glass. This glass was the one he sent over. The water was naturally changed.

Fanbang's envoys stood there waiting, wanting to see how Li Yi operated.

Li Yi put the cup on the relatively flat position of the cowl, and took out a violin.

"May I play a song for everyone?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

"Li Yi, Rainbow." Isinba who was brought up didn't want to listen to the music.

"I know the rainbow, the sun is good today, let me serenade you."

Li Yi looked up at the sun, and the tune he said had nothing to do with the sun.

Bo Zhen sneered: "Li! Dong! Lord! If you can't do it, I won't give it to you."

"I'll just play a few songs." Li Yi insisted on playing.

As he drew it up, one by one, feeling like he couldn't stop, his fingers were a little stiff, and it was cold outside.

For more than half an hour, everyone was impatient to wait, Li Yi put down the violin, haha ​​with his hands in front of his mouth.

Feeling not warm enough, there is a hole to untie the down jacket, and put it in his arms.

After a while, he picked up the glass and the water in it froze.

He put his hand up to cover it, and then put it in his arms to warm him.

After a while, the ice in the glass became rimmed, and the ice moved after shaking the glass.

He inverted the cup, took out the ice, looked at the sun, and handled the ice on the edge of the cup.

Put it in from another angle, stretch his hand horizontally, look for an angle with the iced cup facing the sun, and different colors appear on his hand.

"Look, okay? I'll let it go when it's alright, it's too cold." Continue to adjust the angle and tell everyone.

The onlookers who got closer: "..."

Yao Chong has seen it, closed his eyes, and opened it again: "Cut the ice to make a circle, lift it to the sun, and use Ai to take its shadow, and you will get fire. It is simple to use ice to get a rainbow today."

He knows that if you adjust the angle with ice, you can make a rainbow.

But why didn't you think only pondered about water and glasses?

Bozhen and Isimba looked at each other, their faces were bitter, it was really simple, why couldn't they think of it?

Acknowledged, there is no way.

"Then I will take the cows and horses." Li Yi smiled.

"Dongzhu Li, our other competition..." Bo Zhen quickly mentioned important things.

"Ah, I know you are not convinced." Li Yi interrupted the other party.

He shook the ice in the glass: "So, do it again, can you bet 50,000 yuan? If you win, I will compare with you immediately, if you lose, give me 50,000 yuan.

Or a glass and half a glass of water, not allowed to freeze, how can there be a rainbow? Gamble or not? "

Li Yi talked about the same rainbow content, looked at the Tubo people, and the Tubo people began to sweat.

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