Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 98: Who is the beauty of grace?

     "Woo woo woo~~~" The shopkeeper Liang squatted down, covering his face and crying.

   Yesterday, he was the most excessive. He tried his best to promote the fact that Li Yizhuangzi's boiled eggs was not sold, and he took people to Pingkangfang in the evening.

   As a result, one night passed, the world turned upside down, people were offended, and the advantage was not taken up at all.

   Everyone goes to hand over and give food, but fortunately, there is a 10% discount on food.

   One by one was depressed, and the arrogant appearance yesterday I never saw again.

   "Steward Song, why is this? The eggs are cheap and taste the same, why bother to drive people to death?" The shopkeeper Feng found Song De and said tears almost fell.

   The maid Tao Hong said: "The egg is expensive, you can discuss it, it's just a matter of buying and selling. But you humiliate Song Guan, if you don't speak, how can you be the proprietor?"

   Cui Liu followed: "The proprietor has another way to continue to make money. However, if you don't sell the eggs in this matter, outsiders really think that Li Jia Zhuangzi will be insulted."

   Qingsong stepped forward: "The proprietor is gentle, not the reason for your domineering; the proprietor is kind, not your excuse for attacking."

   Brown Rock chuckled: "My proprietor, the prime minister, I will convince people with virtue."

   "Chuck chuck!" The queen in the car couldn't help but smile again.

   Li Longji said helplessly: "This word comes out, Yao Xiang, Zhang Xiang, Lu Xiang, will they look for Yi brother desperately?"

  The Queen Queen smiled happily.

   Li Longji breathed a sigh of relief: "Di Yi never disappoints people. I thought there would be other complicated ways to deal with it, but it was just sold together."

   "Saburo, they are right. Uncle wants to make money. There are many ways, but they were too much yesterday. Not only did they insult him, but they also wanted to ruin his reputation. It spread all over the city of Chang'an."

  When the Queen thought of this, she felt that those people were in no way pitiful and deserved it!

   "I am ready to start from scratch. I never thought that Brother Yi counterattacked fiercely, but downplayed it lightly. Be steady!"

   Li Longji said with a sigh.

   He also thought about what he would do if he changed to himself.

   is a trivial matter, but in fact it loses fame and fortune.

   is almost the same as the state affairs, the wrong step is taken, and the consequences are disastrous.

   It turned out to be that simple.

   Like the last time the crowds of buyers did not bid jointly, the supply was reduced, and all the losses from the previous day were recovered.

   It’s again this time, I earned less yesterday, but today I not only earn it back, but also much more.

   Yidi is easy and easy.

   "Saburo, I'm going to eat, I'm hungry." Queen Wang touched the makeup box and said to Li Longji.

   When the two met Li Yi, Li Yi just made rice cakes.

   Yesterday, he thought that someone would make a new jelly and he was going to change something to make money.

   But those people are not trying to reduce prices, but to vent. In that case, the spiced tea eggs are still sold to you.

  "The third brother and his sister-in-law came just right, the five-spice tea eggs would not last long, fight back once, and let them lose money for two more days.

   This is my brother’s new food, rice cake, the process can be complicated or simple, and the one in front of me is simple, but the taste is similar, but the taste is slightly different from the other one. "

   Li Yi saw two people coming, put the two sliced ​​rice cakes on the plate and handed them over.

   The Queen picked it up, put it in her mouth, and blinked her eyes: "It's delicious, sweet, glutinous, and crispy. How can there be so many textures and flavors in one piece of food?"

   Li Longji took a bite and nodded, saying it was good.

   "When the five-spice tea eggs don't sell at high prices, I will use this to pay dividends to a few elder brothers. It is still 37%." Li Yi explained the situation.

   Now that there are cheap eggs, they continue to sell them at high prices, which is considered a bully, their reputation is not good, and the relationship between supply and demand in the market has changed.

   There are a lot of preserved fruits in the rice-flower cake he made, which is fragrant and cannot be eaten by ordinary people.

   He didn't plan to feed the ordinary people, it would be nice if the people were not hungry.

   "Yeah! Uncle bothered." Queen Wang was very happy when she heard that she continued to make money.

   She doesn't want to give her money like this for someone else, she is a queen, and need you to give me money? What do you want to do?

   But the uncle gave it no problem. Uncle wanted to ask the officer. It was too easy.

   "Uncle, do you know what happened to the shopkeeper Liang last night?" After eating a small piece of rice cake, Queen Wang asked Li Yi.

   "Who is the shopkeeper Liang?" Li Yi felt that the topic jumped a bit.

   "Chuck!" Queen Wang laughed again. It turned out that my uncle didn't know the identity of the person who came to buy.

   Poor shopkeeper Liang, they still preached everywhere, they didn't even get into the eyes of uncle.

   "Brother Yi, is one of the group of people who just left." Li Longji gave the answer.

   "Oh!" Li Yi still didn't have any desire to know him, and asked, "What happened to them last night?"

   King and Queen looked like they were about to tell a story, and said, "A group of them went to Pingkangfang and brought a lot of good cloth. Guess what?"

   "Go to Pingkangfang and brag with a group of beauties that they didn't buy tea eggs?" Li Yi asked in cooperation.

  "No, they didn't go in at all. The Pingkangfang three songs, even the northern song that Israel serves the people, will not allow them to enter, and they will all stay outside.

   Nanqu is even more blunt: Li Yi Li Dongzhu understands us best, if you cheat Li Dongzhu, you should go elsewhere.

   They went from southern music to middle music, from middle music to north music, they could not spend their money, so they slipped away. "

   The Queen and King tried their best to organize language, but she still lacked the effect of'speaking'.

   Li Yi was stunned. The entire Pingkangfang, because of himself, rejected a large group of people?

   "A hero who can drink Jiangyue with a cup is the most difficult to accept the grace of a beauty." Li Yi sighed.

   "Third brother, sister-in-law, let's eat, brother is going to write something." Li Yi handed over to Li Longji and Queen Wang, and went into the study very quickly.

   Li Longji sat there for a while, and repeated: "A hero who can drink Jiangyue with a light is the most difficult to accept the grace of a beautiful person."

   Li Yi entered the study and began to write according to the rules of music here. He felt that those women had made a lot of money and should write something for them.

   Within half an hour, Li Longji and Queen Wang had finished their breakfast and had tea and rest under the service of the maidservant. Li Yicai came out of the study.

   He took a stack of paper.

   Needless to say, he put the paper directly on the table of Li Longji and Queen and ran to the cafeteria to find something to eat.

  The queen and king naturally brought a few pieces of paper and looked at it.

   "If life is just like the first time I saw it, what's the matter with the autumn wind painting a fan..." As she read it, she burst into tears.

What Li Longji saw was: "Everyone who catches a goose in the world says:'Now that you get a goose, you can kill it. The person who got off the net screamed and couldn't go, but fell to the ground and died.' Then the stone became a hill. Yanqiu.

   Shiyun: Ask the world, what is love, teach life and death? There are two flying passengers from the north to the south, the old wings are back in the cold and heat...

This is a song, Hong Chen~~Own~~Infatuation~Love~~~~Mo laugh~~Infatuation is too infatuation~~Crazy~~~~If it is not~~~~Cold~Cold~Bone~~Where does the plum blossom? Puff~nose~scent~~~asking~what is the love in the world~~thing..."

   As he sang to the score, his tears fell.

   If Li Yi sees it, he will definitely be shocked. This is called an audition with lyrics. The first time I encounter a new song, I look at the score and sing the words directly from his mouth.

   The queen didn't read the paper in her hand, she leaned her head and looked at it with Li Longji.

   When the singing is finished, two people will watch it again.

   "Jinse has fifty strings for no reason, one string and one column think about Huanian..."

   "It's hard to see each other, and it's hard to say goodbye. Dongfeng is powerless and all flowers are left..."

"once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking……"

   "A bright moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time..."

  "Red beans are born in southern China, and a few branches will be sent out in spring..."

   With a first thought, Li Longji put down the paper and sighed: "Oh! No wonder that the entire Pingkangfang rejected Qunhao because of one person. Brother Yi is really so passionate."

   "How many people were killed and buried, alas!" Queen Wang sighed, then giggled.


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