Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1078: Discover

Chapter 14384 Discovery

Zhao Hai saw a hint of sadness in the arrangements here in the Immortal Realm. They had to make such a decision under such desperate circumstances. They just wanted to save their entire race. In this world, the last bit Traces, and then built this underground palace, and the location of this underground palace was actually not very clever, it can only be said to be average. It can be seen that at that time, their situation was already very dangerous, and they did not have time to do more Prepare.

Zhao Hai put down the book and glanced at the animal skin books in the room. Then he took a deep breath and murmured: "Fortunately, you were not disappointed in the end. These books did not fall into the hands of the Shadow Tribe people." In my hand." After saying that, Zhao Hai walked out of the room. He went to several other rooms, stopped all the self-destruction arrays in front of the room, and then destroyed the illusion array. After doing this, Cheng Wanchun and the others saw Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai waved to Cheng Wanchun, and Cheng Wanchun came over immediately.

Zhao Hai said in a deep voice: "I have stopped all the self-destruction arrays in front of the room. You are arranging people to check carefully to see if there are other arrays in these rooms. If so, If so, tell me." Cheng Wanchun responded and immediately went to make arrangements. Zhao Hai stood there waiting quietly. After a while, Cheng Wanchun came to Zhao Hai and said to Zhao Hai. : "Master, I have checked everything and there is no problem. There are no offensive magic circles in these rooms, only some magic circles such as moisture removal."

Zhao Hai nodded, and then said: "Okay, it's fine if there is no magic circle. Let's arrange people immediately to move all the books back to the sect, and then organize people immediately to sort out all these books." Come out, take a look at what books there are, and catalog them. Remember, if you find any books about the upper realm, send them to me right away."

Cheng Wanchun responded, and then he immediately saluted Zhao Hai, and then he directly arranged for someone to move the books. Zhao Hai took a look here, and then he went directly back to his room to sort out the books. Just leave the matter to the disciples below. He doesn't need to do it himself. Zhao Hai is the leader of the sect. How could it be his turn to do such a thing personally?

Cheng Wanchun did not disappoint Zhao Hai. After only about three days, Cheng Wanchun got five books and came to Zhao Hai's room. He handed the five thick animal skin books to Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai took the animal skin books, and Cheng Wanchun said: "Master, in these animal skin books, there are some names that mention ascension and the upper world, so I asked them to choose them all. ”

Zhao Hai nodded, and then said: "Okay, you have worked hard, go back." Cheng Wanchun responded, then he saluted Zhao Hai, then turned and left, but Zhao Hai got it directly I picked up a book and started reading.

As he kept flipping through the books, Zhao Hai couldn't help but be surprised. These books recorded that there was a tree that reached the sky in the fairy world. How tall was this tree? No one knew You know, this Babel Tree is very huge. Once the strength of the people here in the Immortal Realm reaches the point where even the laws of heaven and earth at this interface cannot integrate them, that person will go to the Babel Tree, and then pass through the Babel Tree. , keep moving forward, and eventually you will reach the upper world directly. This is how people in this layer of the interface ascend. However, people in the fairy world after ascension rarely contact people here in the fairy world, even if they are When contacting people here in the fairy world, I can't say a few words, and I can only talk about how good the upper world is, without much reference value.

But then one day, suddenly the Babel tree was directly destroyed. It seemed that there was a huge force pressing down from the sky. The Babel tree immediately caught fire, and finally the entire Babel tree was destroyed. , all turned into ashes. From then on, the people here in the fairy world have forever lost the qualification to ascend, and they can no longer have any contact with the world.

Not long after the death of Tongtian Tree, the power of some Shadow Tribe people slowly appeared. People in the Immortal World did not take it seriously. Later, more and more Shadow Tribe energy entered the Immortal World. Here in the Immortal World When the people wanted to react, it was already too late. The power of the Shadow Clan people was hidden again. They thought that the power had disappeared, but they never thought that the power was actually just Hidden, when they appeared, they had swept the entire fairy world, and even defeated everyone here. The reason why there are so many books like this is because in this book, It recorded a large number of conversations with people who ascended to the upper realm. In Zhao Hai's eyes, those conversations seemed of little use. They were nothing more than some words of praise for the upper realm. This really surprised Zhao Hai. Could it be that people Is this all the people here in this world know about the upper world? If this is really the case, it would be quite disappointing. Zhao Hai put down the book and sighed softly. He thought he could find some different clues from the information in the fairy world. , now it seems that it is impossible, which makes Zhao Hai very disappointed, but he has no choice. After all, there is little information about the upper world, so he can only pass it on to them through people who have gone to the upper world. Replying to the message, it is indeed quite troublesome to understand the situation in the upper bound under this situation.


When he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but sigh. Just when he was about to put away the animal skin books, he was suddenly startled. Then he couldn't help but squint his eyes. He found that something seemed to be wrong, but in the end What was wrong, he couldn't tell. He immediately took out the books one at a time and read them carefully. He started reading from the earliest record of what an ascended man said. It is written in the book that Saint Qingtian passed down a decree in the upper realm: "Everything is well with me in the upper realm. You should practice hard in the lower realm. My health is very good. All of you, including ordinary people, must Practice seriously and strive to come to the upper realm as soon as possible." This sentence sounded a little awkward, but there was nothing abnormal about it. Then he took a look at the other words sent back by the Qingtian Saint, and there were many repetitions in the content. This makes Zhao Hai a little strange. He can be sure that it is not easy to send a message from the upper world to the fairy world. People like Saint Qingtian who can ascend to the upper world are generally from the first world. Almighty, under normal circumstances, they will not just say these words that have no nutrition, so why do they still say this? Zhao Hai looked at those words and fell into deep thought. He then read the books again, but still found nothing, because those who ascended from the fairy world to the upper world, most of what they said If they are all without nutrition, they have almost no introduction to the situation in the upper realm. This is actually very abnormal.

Zhao Hai was sure that there must be a hidden secret here, but what kind of hidden secret it was was hard to say. When he thought of this, Zhao Hai decided to read these books a few more times to see if he could analyze anything. Come, but what gives Zhao Hai a headache is that although he has read these books many times, he has never analyzed any special situation, which makes Zhao Hai even more headache.

Looking at those unnutritious words, Zhao Hai was really one of the top two. He really didn't understand why those who ascended to the upper world would say such words. What's the use of such words? It is almost completely useless. These words are like numbers without any meaning. Combining these numbers is also useless.

Wait, numbers! Zhao Hai seemed to suddenly think of something. He immediately picked up those books again and looked at them carefully. Then he immediately asked Yan Tianqiu to collect all the contents of these books into Yan Tianqiu. In Tianqiu, he then asked Yantianqiu to analyze it to see if there was anything special about these words. However, Yantianqiu analyzed it for a long time and found nothing special about these words. He even arranged these words and jumped Arranged in rows, various arrangements, but nothing was found, which made Zhao Hai even more headache. He looked at the words and decided to try one last time. If he still couldn't analyze anything, he would After analyzing it, he immediately said: "Yantian Qiu, extract the repeated content in these words."

Yan Tianqiu responded immediately, and then he began to extract, but there was still nothing after extracting one by one. Zhao Hai couldn't help but sigh, and then said: "Extract the most repeated words from these contents. "

Yan Tian Qiu responded once, and then he immediately extracted all the most repeated words. Zhao Hai originally had no hope, but when Zhao Hai saw clearly the words extracted by Yan Tian Qiu, he He felt that all the hairs on his body stood up, because he combined the most repeated words in several books from people in the upper world to form one sentence, which is: " We are in the inner space!" All the words sent back from the upper world, no matter what other content they contain, all contain these words. This is why Zhao Hai found that the first sentence sent back by Saint Qingtian was a bit strange. Because he felt that Saint Qingtian was talking nonsense, and some of the content was redundant. But when Yan Tianqiu extracted this sentence, Zhao Hai's hair suddenly exploded, and Zhao Hai discovered that other people had sent it back These words are all included in the words. This is definitely not a coincidence. This can only mean that it is those who have ascended to the upper world who specially sent these words back. They just want to remind them in this way. People, because when they sent this sentence back, there must be someone watching. They could not tell the people here in the fairy world directly, they could only tell it in this way. Unfortunately, the people here in the fairy world seemed to I didn't understand what they meant, because the people here in the fairy world just wrote down these unnutritious words without any analysis of this sentence. In order to confirm his thoughts, Zhao Hai deliberately recorded every message sent back from the upper world. I read the sentence again, and it was true that these words were in every sentence. At that moment, Zhao Hai understood the meaning of those ascended people. He couldn't help but tremble with excitement, because he discovered A very terrible thing.

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