Chapter 14399 Thoughts

"In other words, when these giant tree people are subjected to force majeure and feel that they are about to die, they will concentrate all their strength into the center of their bodies, and then form a seed mass there. This seed The ball is not very big, but it contains a lot of seeds. Each seed is very small. Then their body and the seed ball will explode directly, and the seeds and body fragments will fly everywhere. And those seeds, every one of them can be reborn, and because their seeds are very small and very hard, under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry about any damage to their vitality? In the seeds, ordinary people cannot find them, but as long as there is a suitable environment, the seeds will grow quickly. If there is no suitable environment, even if the seeds are outside for thousands of years, he can still guarantee that the seeds inside will grow quickly. A glimmer of life, waiting for the day of rebirth, am I right?" Laura looked at the report in front of her. They had been getting the giant tree man for experiments, and almost all the secrets of the giant tree man were given to them. After digging it out, in the end the giant tree man probably felt that he could not survive, so he blew himself up. Even if he blew himself up, Laura and the others would know the characteristics of this giant tree man.

Megan said: "That's it. We collected all the seeds of the giant tree and replanted some of them. After stimulating them with the natural energy array, their seeds immediately replanted. It has taken root, but their seeds don’t seem to have preserved the memory of this giant tree. They don’t know us, and they are not afraid. You see, this is it.” Megan pointed to the side. There is a flowerpot, and there is a small tree growing in that flowerpot, but this small tree looks a little strange, as if it is a person, but it is still very small now, and he cannot move yet, but his little face has already Got some expressions.

Laura looked at the small tree, and then said: "It's quite interesting. Take good care of it and see what it will be like when it grows up. Give him more natural energy. I hope he will grow up quickly and still be able to grow up." Yes, I think the magic circle on the giant tree man can be used on the alien, so that the alien is almost truly immortal. Look at the magic circle on the giant tree man. He can independently absorb energy from the outside world. , all kinds of energy, coupled with the stronger defense, certain deformation ability, and huge strength, if all these are added to the alien family, the combat effectiveness of the alien family will definitely become stronger. "

When Laura and the others were doing research, they actually had a division of labor. Laura and the others mainly focused on the magic circle on the giant tree man. Megan and the others sometimes also studied the magic circle, but sometimes they would It is also very important to study the living habits of the organisms they study, so sometimes the things they study are really different.

Megan and the others were very happy when they heard what Laura said. They really didn't expect that just one giant tree man could have so many good things in him. This time, their harvest was huge. But this also proves from the side how dangerous the upper realm is. A giant tree man that the God of Shadow Clan took out at random is so strong. You can imagine how strong the people in the upper realm must be.

Laura glanced at everyone and said: "We will write a report on all the characteristics of this giant tree immediately and send it to Lao Wen first to let him know about it. Then we will continue to study it in depth." Everyone clicked. Nodding, they immediately got all the data, and Laura wrote a report. The report was given directly to Wen Yuming, and then they started researching again.

And after hearing about it, he immediately received a report from Laura and the others. This time the report was very detailed. After he read the report carefully, he was also very surprised. He did not expect that the giant tree people would actually have With so many magic circles, this is indeed a good thing. After hearing the name, he immediately sent a copy of this report to Zhao Hai, and then he called everyone into the small conference room.

After everyone arrived in the small conference room, Wen Yuming gave everyone the report, and then said: "These are some research reports on the giant tree people by several ladies. You should also take a look. To be honest, I I didn’t expect that this giant tree man would be so strong. No wonder it can be tied with the alien clan. It’s the alien clan that the young master released. They really have such strength. "

After everyone read the report, they all nodded. Wen Yuming looked at everyone and said, "I'm showing this to everyone because I want to remind everyone that the enemy we are facing now is different from the enemy we faced before. But things are different. In the past, if we faced such an enemy, it would have been a headache for us. But the enemy we face now is an enemy that the God of Shadow Clan picked up at random. Such a strong enemy, Shadow The God of the Clan casually released it, which shows that such enemies are not the strongest among him. There are many more, and what we have to face are powerful enemies like the God of the Shadow Clan, so we We must be more vigilant, and at the same time, we must all have the strength to deal with the giant tree people. To be honest, some of our previous methods do not seem to be very effective when facing the giant tree people. , Even if we try our best, we won’t be able to kill the giant tree people, right? Not to mention that the giant tree people can also condense into seeds, which will be more difficult to deal with. We must be prepared for this. "


Everyone nodded, Wen Yuming looked at them, and then said in a deep voice: "The research conducted by Hongliang and Zhizhong is a top priority and must not be stopped. Now we must add a laboratory. This The laboratory is to study new magic weapons. Didn't the young master say that the lever principle can be used in magic weapons? We just want to study how to use the leverage principle in magic weapons so as to increase the power of our magic weapons. , not only offensive magic weapons, but also defensive magic weapons, they all need to be studied slowly, so we must set up such a laboratory to do this specifically. "

Everyone nodded, Wen Yuming then said: "The other thing is the promotion of the leverage principle within the sect. Hongliang and Zhizhong, after you go back, immediately organize all the research on your hands. It is necessary to select a few magic formations with the highest leverage multiples, all with different attributes, and then sort out these magic formations, and then pass them on to the disciples. At the same time, these magic formations must also be handed over to those who test the magic weapons. How? Can it be done?”

Zhang Hongliang and Ma Zhizhong immediately responded, and after hearing the name, he said: "Okay, then it's decided. I will write to the ladies in a while and ask them to focus on strengthening the alien clan first. Their strengthening of the alien clan is unmatched by ours. This matter should be left to them. I am writing to Hu Wei and will give Hu Wei some of the magic circles that the ladies gave me, so that Hu Wei can Let’s do some research and see if we can add this kind of magic circle to the Babel Vine or other combat plants. In short, we can fully increase the combat effectiveness of all of us.” Everyone responded, one by one. His eyes were firm.

Wen Yuming nodded, and then said: "Okay, go and do your work, Hongliang, Zhizhong, you must hurry up on organizing the magic circle." The two of them responded, and Wen Yuming waved his hand. , everyone left. After everyone left, Wen Yuming got a jade slip, then made a copy of Laura's report and sent it to Hu Wei. When he sent the jade slip to Hu Wei, After Wei, he sent another letter to Hu Wei and told Hu Wei to let her see if she could add this magic circle to the Tongtian Vine. Then he heard about it and sent it to Laura and the others. He sent a letter and asked Laura and the others to focus on improving the combat effectiveness of the alien clan. He also expressed his thoughts. After Zhao Hai ascends, the enemies he faces will definitely be more terrifying, so he needs some powerful ones, and finally At least no men worse than those giant trees could come to help him, so Laura and the others were asked to focus on improving the combat effectiveness of the alien clan.

After posting these contents, Wen Yuming went directly back to his room, and then he personally arranged people to form a magical weapon research group. They just wanted to study how to use the lever principle in magical weapons. , but he quickly thought of something, and he immediately wrote a letter to Zhao Hai and told Zhao Hai his thoughts.

And Zhao Hai had already seen the report from Laura and the others. After reading the report, Zhao Hai also nodded. He really didn't expect that the giant tree man would be like this. There are many advantages, but other than that, he didn't think too much. All his energy was spent on understanding the law of force, because now he has understood the law of force and the principle of leverage, so now he The speed of understanding is not very fast, but Zhao Hai is not in a hurry. He knows very well that now is not the time to be anxious. Such understanding can only be done slowly, just like you are learning. , you can't learn everything at once, you have to accumulate it slowly. This is what Zhao Hai is like now. He is accumulating slowly. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, he will naturally become It's stronger, so Zhao Hai is not in a hurry now, but most of his energy is put here.

At this time, Zhao Hai received the second letter from Wen Yuming. Zhao Hai took out the communication array and looked at it. He was stunned because the content in Wen Yuming's letter was very interesting. He asked Zhao Hai Is it possible to conduct research on the integration of the lever principle and steam energy? That is to use the steam energy using the lever principle to see what kind of effect it will have.

To be honest, integrating steam energy and lever principle was something Zhao Hai had never thought of before, but it was a good idea. Zhao Hai immediately agreed to Wen Yuming's request, and then gave Wen Yuming After replying to the letter, he also told Wen Yuming that he had read Laura's report and asked Wen Yuming to handle it and make appropriate arrangements. He had no objections.

As soon as Wen Yuming received Zhao Hai's letter, he immediately understood what Zhao Hai meant. He immediately recruited some people and began to study how to better combine steam energy with the lever principle. This was his sudden inspiration just now. Now that Zhao Hai agrees, he will arrange for people to do it well.

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