Chapter 14407 Tower

In the endless void, a tall tower stands quietly. The height of this tower reaches an astonishing 10,000 meters. Its entire body is black, and it just stands quietly in the void. But if you If you look carefully, you will find that there seems to be something squirming on the outer wall of this high tower. Those squirming things are not other things, but insects. The shapes of these insects Different, some are beetles, some are fleshy bugs, some look like butterflies, but some look like leeches, all kinds of bugs, densely packed, just on that high tower , and kept crawling.

This high tower is round, with a cone at the bottom and a big ball at the top. The maximum diameter of the cone is about a thousand meters, but the diameter of the smallest part at the top is only less than a hundred meters, and that big ball The diameter of the ball is nearly two thousand meters. There are countless hairs growing on this big ball. Of course, they are not real hairs, but tentacles. These tentacles are like hair. The same, constantly fluttering, on these tentacles, there are countless eyes, these eyes keep turning, blinking from time to time, as if looking at everything around, this high tower, from top to bottom, is There is a hint of weirdness.

This tower looks majestic from the outside, but it is even bigger inside. The entire tower has more than a thousand floors from bottom to top. Each floor is huge, and the height of each floor reaches It's several kilometers long, and the area is so large that you can't see the edges at a glance. This is obviously the use of internal space technology. Otherwise, the height of this tower would not be so high when viewed from the outside.

And at the top of the tower, the big ball is an extremely huge space. On the top of this space, there is something like the sun that is shining, and in the middle, there is still a High tower, this high tower is about a thousand meters long. Apart from the high tower, there are no other buildings in this space. The whole space is just an endless forest. In this forest, from time to time, There were bursts of rustling sounds. The sound was not very small, but it was very weird, like countless insects crawling. It made people feel uncomfortable all over.

In a room inside the tower, a man in black was standing in front of a table, quietly looking at the things on the table. On the table was a bug. This bug looked very weird. , he has a body like a spider, but with eight tentacles. Although this insect is not big, only the size of a palm, it is full of momentum. Now he is covered in a transparent cover, and his tentacles are not He kept slapping the cover, making a banging sound. From the tentacles slapping on the cover, you can see the barbs. If it hits a person, it will definitely bring out a piece of flesh and blood.

Just when the man in black was looking at the insect, his heart suddenly moved, and then his eyes couldn't help but light up, and he smiled slightly and said, "It's interesting, it came out so quickly." After saying that, he said: The shape had disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in huge spaces. In this huge space, there was nothing else, only a huge pool, and this pool was all filled with black liquid. , the black liquid is like unrefined black crude oil, and in this black liquid, there is actually a person lying there. It is a man, he looks to be in his fifties, but his hair is jet black. He has a beard and his skin is a layer of gold. He is not wearing any clothes. It can be seen that there is a big hole in his heart. His heart has disappeared and there is no life on his body. He is already dead, and has been dead for a long time, but because he is very strong, his body has always been in good condition.

But now, there seems to be a force of life in this man's body, which is slowly being born. This force is getting stronger and stronger, and soon reaches its peak, and then a light spot suddenly appears from the man's forehead. Flying out, as the light spot flew out, the man who had already reached an indestructible body turned into fly ash in an instant and disappeared directly. However, the light spot became brighter and brighter. Suddenly After that light spot emitted a ray of light that was brighter than the sun, a figure appeared directly there. After the man appeared there, he didn't feel any discomfort. He glanced around and soon saw the person standing there. The man in black there couldn't help but shrink his eyes, and then he said in a deep voice: "The God of the Shadow Clan?"

The person who came out of the light was none other than Zhao Hai. He had just ascended to the upper realm. He had said before that as long as he could understand the lever array with a hundred times the power of blessing, he would ascend directly. Although in the end This leverage array was not something he had comprehended, but it was something Zhang Hongliang and the others had comprehended, and there were all kinds of attributes, as well as those without attributes. He thought it was God's will, so he chose to ascend. He held a meeting and asked Wen Wenhai and others to prepare. In fact, all their preparations had been made long ago. Then Zhao Hai directly integrated the fairy world into the virtual world. After the fairy world was integrated into the virtual world, Zhao Hai felt like he was directly enveloped by a ball of light. When he opened his eyes, he saw the God of the Shadow Clan.


Zhao Hai had never seen the appearance of the God of the Shadow Clan before, because the previous statue of the God of the Shadow Clan had a whirlpool on his face. Now the God of the Shadow Clan is still wearing that black robe, and the position of his face is like a whirlpool. It was no longer a whirlpool, but a black mist, but Zhao Hai felt his aura. He had fought with the projection of the God of Shadow Clan. Although it was just a projection, there was the aura of the God of Shadow Clan in it. , so of course he felt the breath of the God of Shadow Clan immediately, but this breath was like the sea, and compared with him, the previous projection was like a small pond, not worth mentioning.

"Hehehe, Zhao Hai, you are really good. After so many years, you are the first person I have ever seen to get out of the body space of a person who is willing to die. But it is a pity that your luck is not good. Great, you met me right after you came out. You are going to die again, but it doesn't matter. After you die, the space in your body will also be used by me. A body escaper like you can inherit the space in your body. There are very few, and you did it by chance. However, it would be much easier to grab the inner space from your body than from him. He has been dead for such a long time. It's a pity that I still haven't been able to grab his inner space. Fortunately, now that you're out, it will be easier to grab it from your hands. This is a good thing," the God of the Shadow Clan said. road.

But Zhao Hai heard a lot of things from the words of the God of the Shadow Clan. Although he had already guessed some things, hearing these words from the God of the Shadow Clan confirmed his thoughts. .

The space he lived in before was indeed the internal space of a master. That master was killed by the God of the Shadow Clan, so the space inside his body became so rigid. If it hadn't been for his appearance, those spaces would have been destroyed sooner or later. Being obtained by the God of the Shadow Clan, and those inner spaces must be of great benefit to people like the God of the Shadow Clan, otherwise he would not have spent so much effort to grab it. This news is now available to Zhao Hai It has been confirmed by the God of ShadowClan.

One is, the term "Escaper", "Escaper" seems to be a name for a certain kind of person, and if Zhao Hai guessed correctly, it should be for him, who flies from the inner space of a master. The general name for people who came out, but after other body escapers ascended, they may be in the body of the master of that space. Because the master of those spaces is still alive, it is impossible for those people to inherit his inner space, and Zhao Hai ascended. The owner of this space is already dead, and with Zhao Hai's ability, Zhao Hai really inherited those spaces, and the God of the Shadow Clan doesn't seem to know that he has something to do with the virtual world, so he doesn't I don't know, he has integrated those spaces into the virtual world. He thought that by killing Zhao Hai, he could get those spaces, but he did not expect that that was not the case at all. Even if he killed Zhao Hai, he would not be able to get those spaces. It is impossible to obtain that space, because that space has been integrated into the virtual world.

These are all the contents that Zhao Hai inferred from the words of the God of the Shadow Clan. He believed that these contents should be correct. He was also paying attention to the surrounding environment. He found that he seemed to be in a large space. In this space, there is only a huge pond, and the pond is filled with black liquid like crude oil. Other than that, there is nothing else.

But when Zhao Hai saw the environment here, his heart sank, because he found that the aura of the surrounding environment was vaguely related to the God of the Shadow Clan. In other words, this space and the God of the Shadow Clan Relatedly, when he looked at the pond below and thought about what the God of Shadow Clan said, he had reason to believe that the owner of the space where he lived before might be in this pond, even though he was dead. His body might be soaking in this pond. Thinking of this, Zhao Hai's face turned ugly.

The God of Shadow Clan kept looking at Zhao Hai. When he saw Zhao Hai's face turned ugly, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't even think about escaping. It's useless. I'm not afraid to tell you. This is my space." , everything here is under my command. Here, I am God, you can't escape from my grasp, so Zhao Hai, if you know the truth, you can surrender directly and I can accept you as mine. Servant, I am thinking of ways to slowly turn the space in your body into my space. Then I can keep you alive, and you can stay with me in the future. You can still get eternal life. This It's also a good thing for you. This is your last chance. If you don't seize it, then I can only kill you, and then slowly turn the space in your body into mine. "How about the space? Are you willing?" The God of the Shadow Clan looked at Zhao Hai with a smile on his face, as if he was not worried that Zhao Hai would disagree. He was right. The space is in his mage tower. Everything here is at his command. In this space, he is a god. It should be easy for him to deal with Zhao Hai in this space.

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