Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1104: Walk alone

Chapter 14410 Walking Alone

The potential of the Salamander is very huge, but after so many years, the God of Shadow Clan has not had time to help the Salamander find too much divine fire, so the strength of the Salamander is not very strong, otherwise it would not be so easy. was captured by Zhao Hai. This time, the God of the Shadow Clan was happy to see Hunter Xin. He discovered that Zhao Hai had the true sun fire, and wanted to take this opportunity to improve the strength of the fire lizard. The Fire Lizard was released, and the reason why he looked down upon Zhao Hai so much was for two reasons. One was because Zhao Hai was an escaper, and the God of the Shadow Clan was from the Qiyu Realm. Body people have always been underestimated, because here in Qiyu Realm, although there are body escapers, they have always been slaves. For so many years, I have never heard of a body escaper who can truly He succeeded here in Qiyu Realm, so of course the God of the Shadow Clan will not think highly of Zhao Hai.

The second reason is that Zhao Hai is in his mage tower. The mage tower is really important to a mage. A mage with a mage tower and a mage without a mage tower are completely different. Concept, the mage tower is equivalent to the mage's world. In this world, he has the final say, so he never thinks that Zhao Hai can pose any threat to him in his mage tower. This is like A cat caught a mouse, but he didn't eat it. He kept playing with the mouse until he was tired of playing, and then he ate the mouse. ShadowClan God is like this. He actually wants to see what Zhao Hai has to do. After Zhao Hai uses all his methods, he will take care of Zhao Hai and make Zhao Hai feel the deep despair. This is what the God of the Shadow Clan wants to do most, so he doesn’t think Zhao Hai can run away at all, so he underestimated Zhao Hai, and was finally run away by Zhao Hai, and he still doesn’t understand that Zhao Hai How does the sea escape?

In fact, it is very simple. One of the main reasons why Zhao Hai was able to escape from the mage tower of the God of Shadow Clan is that when he released the true sun fire, the outer circle was actually rune fire. So to get the rune fire out, it is to let the rune fire touch the wall of that space. After the rune fire touches the wall of that space, he can let the runes on the rune fire enter the wall. Wait until When the rune fire enters the wall, he can see if there are runes in the wall. If there are runes, he can use his own rune rules to check the situation here directly through those runes.

The role of the rune rules is very huge. Not only can it prevent Zhao Hai from constantly resurrecting where there are runes, but it can also collect all the runes into the rune space, and it can also allow all the runes to be resurrected. The runes all obey his command. What Zhao Hai is doing now is to make these runes all become his eyes. He did not control those runes because he was worried that if he controlled those runes, he would be The God of Shadow Clan discovered that he would have no way to run away at that time, but if he just regarded the runes as his eyes, then there would be no problem. The God of Shadow Clan would not find out, and he passed these Rune, figure out where you are, and then find a way out, that's it, and he really found a way out.

Through those runes, he knew that he was in a mage tower. At the same time, because he saw the situation outside the mage tower, he also had the coordinates outside the mage tower, so that Zhao Hai could appear directly outside the mage tower, and His method was indeed feasible. He tried it and found that he could indeed appear outside the mage tower, so he was relieved. When he saw that the God of the Shadow Clan really wanted to deal with him, he He ran away decisively. He appeared directly outside the mage tower, and then he directly used his energy. After a few flashes, he was already far away from the mage tower. When the God of Shadow Clan found Zhao Hai By that time, Zhao Hai had already run far away, and even if the God of the Shadow Clan wanted to chase him, he would not be able to catch up. After all, if the God of the Shadow Clan leaves the Mage Tower, his combat effectiveness will be greatly affected, and For Zhao Hai, if he uses his mage tower to chase Zhao Hai, it is not worth it. After all, he has a mission now, and the mage tower cannot be moved lightly, so he can only let Zhao Hai go.

Zhao Hai didn't know that he was able to leave the Mage Tower easily by chance. He didn't know how far he had run. After making sure that he was safe, he took a deep breath and slowed down. At the same time, he was about to He also had a new understanding of the rune rules. He found that the rune rules were indeed very powerful. He could not only use them repeatedly. There were really too many things he could do. Now he finally It is certain that runes are indeed the foundation of his life.

After Zhao Hai stopped, he took a look around, and found that he was still in a void. He no longer knew how far he was from the God of Shadow Clan, but this void was really too big. Apart from the previous Mage Tower of the God of Shadow Clan, he had never seen anything before. This gave Zhao Hai a headache. He really wanted to know. Where is it? He also wants to meet someone and inquire about the situation here. He is blind to this place now and doesn't know anything. This is very dangerous for him, but fortunately he He escaped from the Shadow Clan God's mage tower. He believed that things would get better in the future, but before that, he had to be careful.


Zhao Hai never thinks too well of others, and if he thinks too well of others, that person must be a stupid person, and stupid people usually will not end well, so when he interacts with others, he will There is no harm in thinking badly. As the old saying goes, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. Zhao Hai is now in a completely unfamiliar place, so he must be careful.

It is precisely because of this that he was very careful when flying forward. He did not release the people of the Blood Killing Sect, but he finally decided to release an Ouroboros and let the Ouroboros escape. Be a little smaller, and the Ouroboros has an inner space. He can take a good rest in the Ouroboros' inner space to ensure his condition. Although the Ouroboros's combat effectiveness may not be strong now, But there should be no problem in using ouroboros to travel.

Zhao Hai sat in the Ouroboros and took a breath. Then he asked the Ouroboros to move forward. If he met someone or something, just tell him directly, but he moved. , and returned directly to the space. He returned to his own space, not to the virtual world, and he had only one purpose of returning to the space. He wanted to see what happened to the Salamander.

After the fire lizard was caught by Zhao Hai, he was thrown directly into the space. As soon as the fire lizard entered the space, the space began to subdue him. However, after such a long time, the space still failed to subdue the fire lizard. Zhao Hai knew what was going on, because the fire lizard had signed a slave contract with the God of the Shadow Clan. Although this slave contract was of no benefit to the fire lizard, it forced the fire lizard to listen to the **** of the Shadow Clan, but From another point of view, this contract is also a kind of protection for the fire lizard. Without this contract, the fire lizard would have been surrendered by space long ago, and the reason why space has not surrendered this fire lizard until now , because this fire lizard signed a contract with the God of the Shadow Clan, the space must first cancel the contract between the God of the Shadow Clan and the fire lizard, and then it can surrender the fire lizard.

Zhao Hai knows that although the space here prompts a surrender failure every time, every failure will reduce the power of the contract between the God of Shadow Clan and Huo Xi. With this kind of hard work, sooner or later, Huo Xi can be defeated. The slave contract on the lizard is eliminated, and when the time comes to surrender the fire lizard, the fire lizard will become his sacred beast, and then he can properly cultivate the fire lizard.

Zhao Hai also discovered that this fire lizard has really not been well cultivated in the hands of the God of Shadow Clan. It can be said that except for the kind of eternal fire that the fire lizard used before, the fire lizard has no He has never gotten any decent divine fire, but this is a good thing for Zhao Hai. He has no shortage of divine fire. He can use the divine fire to slowly cultivate the fire lizard. Of course, he cannot start until the space has surrendered the fire lizard. Cultivation is absolutely not possible now, so Zhao Hai just glanced at the Salamander and found that there was no problem, so he didn't say anything, but went back to the Ouroboros. At the same time, he also had to tell himself, In the future, it is better to go back to the space as little as possible. This place is no different than the lower world. Everyone here has his own internal space. That means that the people here are very sensitive to space energy. If the people here know , he has a space like this, and the people here may really be able to steal it, because he really doesn’t know what kind of methods the people here have, but one thing is certain, the people here, they His methods are still very powerful, otherwise there would not be a master like the God of the Shadow Clan. He still doesn’t know what the level of the God of the Shadow Clan’s strength is at this level of interface. An ordinary master, a powerful master, or a top master, but no matter which one he is, he must be careful.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Hai decided that it would be better to return to space less often in the future. He even did not call the people from the Blood Killing Sect here because he did not understand the situation here too much. It would be of no benefit to them to come here. He was alone here. If something happened to him, he could still escape. But if the Blood Slaughter Sect came, they would not be able to escape if something happened. In the end, The main thing is, if those people really can't escape and are caught, will they be able to find the direction to the virtual world from them? If they can really find a way to the virtual world, that would be too much. It's dangerous. The virtual world can be said to be his base camp now. If something happens there, all his years of hard work may be in vain. Therefore, Zhao Hai did not call out the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. Instead, one person directs the Ouroboros to move forward. Now the Ouroboros is only about a hundred meters long. Moving forward in the void is not very eye-catching, and Zhao Hai really wants to meet some people, or some people. thing, so that he can know more about this place.

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