Chapter 14414 Discussion

Zhao Hai finally had time to look at this room carefully. This room was really not big, more than ten square meters, with a bed and a small table. The small table was placed against the wall. On the wall, there are square holes. There seems to be a round pipe connected to the square hole. This pipe is buried in the wall, and the wall seems to be made of metal. The table It is also made of metal and is still connected to the wall.

Zhao Hai took another look at the chair, which was connected to the ground, and the ground was also made of metal. Zhao Hai was looking at the bed, which was also made of gold and connected to the room. There was a mattress on the bed, but it looked like it was made of grass and covered with a layer of cloth. The cloth had been damaged in many places, exposing the grass inside.

Apart from that, there is nothing else in this room. There is also a small bathroom. This bathroom is also very small, only about two square meters. It has a flush toilet, made of metal, and is stained with rust. The small metal washbasin is also connected to the wall. It is also rusty and looks dirty.

Zhao Hai looked around again and found that the lights in this room could not be turned off and were always on. However, the brightness in the room was not very high and seemed a bit dim. However, Zhao Hai was very keenly aware of it. There is something wrong with the lamp. The walls and other places in the room are almost all made of metal, except for the lamp. Of course, the lamp is not all metal, but Zhao Hai noticed that under the lamp, There is a little bit of red dot, which is very abnormal. He can be sure that he wants everyone to watch his every move here. Those people can't really trust him, even if his power is sealed now. When he gets up, the other party can't rest assured and will definitely monitor him. If he makes any changes, the other party will definitely deal with him as soon as possible.

Zhao Hai didn't care. He walked to the table, sat on the chair, and took out something like a watch that the two people gave him. Then he reached out and pressed a button on the watch. In an instant, a projection appeared in front of him. On the projection, there were lines of words written in several languages. There were seven lines in total. Zhao Hai only recognized one line of words, which meant language selection.

Zhao Hai probably knew how to use this thing, but he pretended not to know. Instead, he kept looking at the projection with curiosity on his face. After a while, he reached out and waved around the projection. The projection had no effect. Zhao Hai then reached out and randomly clicked on the projection, and finally clicked directly on the line of words he recognized.

After clicking on that line of words, the interface on the projection has changed the next moment. An interface appears on the projection. There are several buttons on the interface, namely, connect to the network, data query, identity recognition, and transaction network. , communication information buttons, but except for the data query, the other buttons are all gray, obviously he can't use them.

However, Zhao Hai pretended not to know, and kept pressing the buttons until he clicked on the data query, and then the interface jumped, and several buttons appeared in it, namely : Basic information, historical data inquiry, legal provisions, people's travel notes, buttons. However, among these buttons, only the two buttons of historical data inquiry and people's travel notes are on. The other buttons are all gray. Zhao Hai pretended to try. For a moment, he then entered the historical data query interface. There was a search box on it, but Zhao Hai pretended not to understand and glanced at the buttons below. There were seven buttons below, each with the words : History of Empire, History of Mysterious Arms, History of Witchcraft Academy, History of Mysterious Spirits, History of Hegemony, History of Spiritual Spells, and History of Servants of God.

When he saw these buttons, Zhao Hai couldn't help but froze, and then he murmured: "Qiyu Realm, is this the origin of the name Qiyu Realm? If so, it would be a bit interesting." After saying this, he He reached out and clicked on the top one of the seven buttons, which was about the history of the empire. Then the interface jumped, and an interface appeared. This interface was all text, and the security was not large. Zhao Hai looked at the words carefully. , found that those words were really some history books, he immediately read them carefully, and soon he had read all the words on the projection, and then he looked at the projection, he wanted to see how the projection would be Looking at the content at the back, he soon discovered that there were two arrows on the projection. One of the two arrows looked like pointing to the left, and the other pointed to the right. However, the right arrow now was gray. Zhao Hai He clicked the arrow pointing to the left, and the projection looked like a book turning pages. When it flipped, new content appeared. Zhao Hai immediately looked at the content on the projection again, and quickly finished it. He glanced at the two arrows again, and this time the right arrow also lit up. He tried clicking it, and the projected content returned to the previous interface. Then he clicked the two left arrows again. As expected, new content appeared on the arrow. Zhao Hai seemed to understand what was going on and continued to read.

And just as Zhao Hai had guessed, everything he did in that room was seen by the strong man and his companions. After they saw Zhao Hai's performance in that room, their faces changed. Everyone showed a smile, and one of them even said: "Looking at him, he seems to have never seen a light brain. In that case, he may really be an escaper. After all, he is in the Qiyu Realm. There is no one here who has not seen the optical brain. Even people from other realms cannot be ignorant of the existence of the optical brain."


Everyone nodded. Here in Qiyu Realm, there is no peace between the various forces. Some forces are even sworn enemies. However, there are many secret exchanges between these forces, so the goods between countries are also They all circulate with each other. For example, there are many wizards who use optical brains. However, some things may become in demand at the other party, but they will not be unavailable. It is precisely because of this that in Qiyu There should be no one in the world who doesn't know the existence of the light brain, but Zhao Hai seems to have never seen it, so they think that Zhao Hai is really a body escaper.

The strong man said: "As for what he said, if we send him back to the witch academy world, we might be killed, do you think it is true? Or did he say that deliberately to save his life? ?”

A long and lean man said: "I think it may be true. If he is really an escaper, then he must be an escaper without a master. Otherwise, as long as his master knows If he runs away, he will be killed immediately. Here in Qiyu Realm, no body escapers have ever escaped. Why? It's because there are restrictions on body escapers. Once they run away, they will be killed. As long as their master has a thought, they will be dead. As for whether his master is dead, this is even more impossible. If his master is dead, he cannot be alive, because the restrictions on them are Closely related to their master, if his master dies, he will also die, so if this person is really a body escaper, then he may really be like what he said, he came from a dead person. There are also cases of this coming out of the body. I remember when I was in school, I read in a book in the library that among the other six universes, there were some people whose bodies did not decay after death. , and the space in their bodies will continue to operate, and there may even be escapers. However, ordinary people do not have such an opportunity. Only some masters can do it if they want their corpses to not rot after death. , but under normal circumstances, after such a master is killed, the person who killed him will take away the internal space in his body, so that the escaper will still have an owner, and this person may just be lucky. After his original owner died and the new owner had not taken over the inner space of the original owner, he ran out and became an escaper without an owner. And it can be heard from his words that the person who killed His original owner may be the owner of the sentry tower on the border of the witch academy. I heard that the other six universes are very ruthless in robbing the body of space. If anyone really knows, who has the owner? The space in our body will attract a lot of people to **** it, so that person may really take action against us in order to keep the secret. At this point, I don’t think he is lying.”

Upon hearing what he said, everyone nodded and stopped talking. At this moment, a person suddenly said: "Then do we really want him to join us? He is just an escaper." The escaper The status here in Qiyu is indeed not high, but there are no body escapers in their empire, but they still don't think highly of the body escapers.

The strong man shook his head and said: "Whether he is a body escaper or not, it doesn't matter to us. A masterless body escaper is actually no different from other people in Liuyu. Others You all know how strong the people of Liuyu are. Having such a person join us is also a good thing for us. It can indeed improve our combat effectiveness. "

Everyone also nodded. They still admitted this. The situation in their empire was very different from that in other countries. In terms of the ability to fight alone, their empire was better than those in other countries. People, but there is a lot of difference. If people from other countries really join them, it will indeed be a good thing for them. There are many adventure groups like them in the empire, and some adventure groups , there are really people from other countries joining, and without exception, people from other countries joining will be of great benefit to the adventure group. If Zhao Hai can join them now, then for them, It's also very helpful.

At this time, a fat man said: "Boss Xinnuo, let him join us. This will be beneficial to us in the future. As for his identity, this can be easily solved. As long as we go to Bona Star, By spending a little money, you can get him a legal identity. The other Liuyu people in other groups also got the identity of Bona Star. This is not a problem. With the strength of our group, It is almost impossible to attract other people from Liuyu to join. This is an opportunity. If we use this opportunity to bring him into our group, we will make a profit. "

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