Zhao Hai now knows that in fact, the spaceships here in the Star Empire have only entered the fast lane of development in the last thousand years or so. In the past, their spaceships needed to be replenished regularly, otherwise, there would be no way Long-distance flights, and the main reason why spacecraft technology has developed in the past millennium is that the spacecraft's reactor technology has made a breakthrough. The reactors used by spaceships in the past did not support long-term flights, but the current reactors, But it is the latest particle reactor. This kind of reactor can support the long-term flight of the spacecraft. Now the reactors here in the Star Empire are upgraded from time to time and are getting better and better, so their spacecraft technology will advance by leaps and bounds. But this kind of reactor The particle reactor also has a disadvantage, that is, the size of the reactor is not too small, so the reactor of a general spacecraft will be placed at the stern of the spacecraft, which is also the most important part of the entire spacecraft. Once the reactor is used If the mine breaks down, then the spaceship is really doomed. Zhao Hai learned this information from Revell when he was learning about spacecraft maintenance from Revell, so this time Zhao Hai went directly to the reactor of the spaceship. Rushed over.

Zhao Hai quickly rushed to the reactor of the spaceship. The pirates on the spaceship were all blocking Zhao Hai on the upper two floors. However, they did not expect that Zhao Hai rushed directly from below and waited until they wanted to stop him. When Zhao Hai arrived, it was already too late. After Zhao Hai rushed to the reactor, he glanced at the reactor, and then swung his long sword forward, directly opening a passage to fly outward from there, and then he completely He rushed out directly, and his flying sword pierced directly into the reactor. When his flying sword flew out of the reactor, Zhao Hai was already far away from the spaceship, and then he Then he flew towards the left one of the two spaceships at the back. At this time, the energy cannon on the left spaceship also hit Zhao Hai, but Zhao Hai disappeared in a flash. On the spot, the next moment he had appeared on the deck of the spaceship on the left, and then he rushed directly from the deck to the stern of the ship. At this time, the spacecraft that was attacked by Zhao Hai before was also Finally, there was a roaring sound, and then a huge ball of fire appeared directly from the stern of the spacecraft. Then the stern of the spacecraft turned into a ball of fire and disappeared. Everyone with eyesight knew that, The spaceship is finished, the reactor is destroyed, and the spaceship is completely destroyed.

At this time, Zhao Hai had already reached the stern of the spaceship on the left. Then his flying sword suddenly became larger and he stabbed directly into the spacecraft. He got out, and the next moment Zhao Hai and Feijian all disappeared. When he appeared, he had already reached the bottom of the spaceship on the right. This time, his flying sword stabbed upward from the bottom of the ship, and the flying sword directly It penetrated from the bottom of the ship and emerged from the deck of the ship. Then Zhao Hai and Feijian disappeared directly. After Zhao Hai and Feijian all disappeared, the sterns of the two spaceships also appeared. There was a fire, and then there was a violent explosion, and the stern of the spacecraft disappeared directly, both of them.

At this time, Zhao Hai had already appeared in the command room of the Hunting Dog. When Xinnuo and the others saw Zhao Hai suddenly appearing, they were all jumped. When they reacted, when they saw Zhao Hai, Their expressions all changed. Then they looked at the three destroyed spaceships on the projection, and then turned to look at Zhao Hai. For a moment, they really didn't know what to say.

Zhao Hai ignored them, but let out a long breath, and then said: "Okay, let's go, speed up." Xinnuo reacted immediately, and he immediately shouted: "Hunting dog, move forward at full speed. "The hunting dog didn't waste any words this time and rushed forward at full speed.

But at this time, Revell jumped up, hugged Zhao Hai and said: "Hahahaha, boss, you are so awesome, so powerful, those were three spaceships, and you destroyed them directly. , Hahahaha, so awesome.”

Zhao Hai shook his head and said: "This is nothing. They didn't expect that I would be here, so they had no precautions. Later, even if they wanted to take precautions, it was too late. You don't know that I graduated from the Witch Academy before." When I escaped from the world, I encountered the empire's war fortress. To be honest, I really didn't expect that the war fortress would be so powerful. I had no chance at all, so I just gave my large magic weapon to It was destroyed. If I hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, I would have turned into ashes by now, and their spaceship is far behind the war fortress, so it was easy for me to succeed."

Zhao Hai originally wanted to use this incident to prove that his strength was not very strong. However, as soon as he spoke his words, Revell took a deep breath and said, "Boss, you can actually steal from War Fortress." Can you escape with your life? Are you too powerful? Do you know how powerful War Fortress is? No matter whether it is people from the wizarding academy or people from other interfaces, they are not willing to take advantage of War Fortress. It's such an easy thing. It's already amazing that you can escape with your life. If all the monks were so powerful to you, our Star Empire would have been destroyed by people from the other six realms. " The others all nodded and looked at Zhao Hai in surprise.

They actually knew that Zhao Hai had encountered the War Fortress, but they did not know that Zhao Hai had escaped from the War Fortress, so they were so surprised. This time they knew that Zhao Hai had How awesome.

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said: "It's not a big deal. I had a large magic weapon in my hand at the time, and the war fortress destroyed my magic weapon with one shot. Fortunately, I ran fast. Otherwise, I will be dead, forget it, we are not out of danger yet." Revell and the others slowly calmed down and looked at the projection in front of them.

Soon the spaceship flew past the three destroyed spaceships and rushed forward. At this moment, the voice of a hunting dog suddenly came: "There is a spaceship behind, approaching quickly. It is estimated that they will catch up with us in one hour and thirty minutes, please prepare early." After saying this, there was no sound, but at the same time, the hunting dog zoomed in on the radar map, and soon a point on the radar map was right there. He quickly chased after them, very fast.

Xin Nuo's face suddenly turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "So fast? It seems to be the Kuai Sword Pirate Group." After that, he turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Boss, have you noticed any marks on the other party's ship? "

Zhao Hai thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes, there is a long sword painted on the sides of the three ships, and the long sword is still dripping with blood." Zhao Hai remembered how he dealt with the three spaceships. At that time, I saw the pattern on the side of the spaceship and said casually.

When Xin Nuo heard what Zhao Hai said, he nodded and said: "That's right, it's the Kuai Sword Pirate Group. This pirate group is very powerful. I heard that there are also six other pirates in their group. People from this world just don’t know which world it is from, and their flagship is very fast. I heard it was refitted from a retired warship. It seems we can’t run away.”

When Zhao Hai heard what Xin Nuo said, he couldn't help but smile, and then said in a deep voice: "People from the other six realms? Okay, interesting, then I want to see, are they more powerful, or am I more powerful? Son, let's fly forward with all our strength and see what they can do. If they attack us with energy cannons, I really don't have a good idea for this, but if they send other people to attack us, that would be interesting. I want to meet them properly." After Zhao Hai finished speaking, he turned to look at Xin Nuo.

When Xinnuo heard what Zhao Hai said, he couldn't help but be startled, and then he immediately said: "I will handle the matter of the energy cannon. Our ship is not a vegetarian." Zhao Hai nodded and did not say anything. What to say, but Xinnuo immediately ordered: "Hunting dog, advance in a zigzag pattern." The hunting dog responded, and then he immediately began to advance in a zigzag pattern. At the same time, their energy cannons were also ready to attack. The reason why they want to move forward like this is to ensure that the side of their ship can always be pointed at the enemy's spacecraft, so that the energy cannon on their ship can be effective, so Xinnuo wants to move forward like this.

They moved forward in a zigzag pattern, and their speed slowed down. The enemy soon caught up. Before they entered the range of the Hound, they attacked the Hound, and the Hound also attacked. In order to prevent the enemy from attacking them, Zhao Hai and the others watched as the energy bombs collided together in the void and then disappeared together.

After a while, the enemy ships also entered the attack range of their ships. Xinnuo also began to fight back. Revell sighed softly and said: "We are passive. The enemy's energy cannon attacks from a farther distance than ours. We want to It is not easy to attack them, and they have more energy cannons than we do. They fire ten energy bombs, and we can only fire six at most, because they have more energy cannons than us. With four of them, it will be even more difficult to deal with them.”

Zhao Hai nodded, and then said: "Then what should we do now?"

Xinnuo shook his head and said: "There is no good way but to withstand their attack. Although they have more energy bombs than us, our ship's defense is not bad. They want to break our ship's defense." It is not an easy task to drive, but they probably don’t expect to die. They just use that one spaceship to sink our spaceship. They probably want to use this spaceship to entangle us. As long as they If they can entangle us, when their other spaceships come, they can destroy us. "

Upon hearing what Xin Nuo said, Zhao Hai said: "Then what should we do? Let's do this. I'll go meet them and see if I can kill them. If I can kill them, that would be great. "When the others heard what Zhao Hai said, they all nodded without saying anything, and then Xin Nuo said, "It's up to you." He knew that now was not the time to be polite, if Zhao Hai couldn't do it. If the other party is repelled, then they will be in danger. I am afraid that they will really have to confess here today, so he will not be polite this time. ()

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