Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1126: settle in

Chapter 14432 Settlement

Height, appearance, all these information entered the optical brain, and then the light on the optical brain disappeared. Revell smiled at Zhao Hai and said: "Now that your optical brain has fully opened, you Then you can slowly check out the functions inside. I will ask you to add a few of us as friends now. You only need to pass it. I have already sent letters to several other people and asked them to add you as friends. , I have notified even Boss Xinnuo, please remember to pass."

Zhao Hai responded, and at this time some news appeared on his computer. It was the news that Revell and the others wanted to add him as a friend. It said rejection and approval. Of course, he passed them all. After they all passed, this That's the end.

At this moment, Zhao Hai's optical brain received new news. When he looked at the new message, he found that it was the optical brain that reminded him that he had just received a transfer, and the amount of the transfer had reached 100,000 yuan. This made Zhao Hai stunned, and Zhao Hai immediately turned around and glanced at Revell.

Revell was also looking at his optical brain. There was also news in his optical brain. He also received a transfer from Yixiao. The amount of the transfer also reached 100,000 yuan. Revell turned to look at Zhao Hai and said with a smile: "Okay, Boss Xinnuo has given us money, let's go, let's go back too."

Zhao Hai responded and followed Revell out. As he walked Revell said: "I originally thought that you would rent a house first and live there for a while, and then when you make enough money, you would buy a house, but Your magic circle seems to be worth a lot of money. Let Boss Xinnuo help you deal with it. Then you can buy a house. Then there is no need for you to rent a house. Find a hotel to stay in first and wait until After the magic circle is taken care of, you can buy a house immediately after you get the money, which will be more cost-effective. "

Zhao Hai responded, and Revell immediately said: "Boss Xinnuo should be back soon, so let me take you to the hotel first. The Four Seasons Hotel nearby is pretty good, the price is not high, and the environment is pretty good. You stay there first. I'll inform Boss Xinnuo. When Boss Xinnuo comes, you give him the magic circle. I'm going home. There is a place to eat at the Four Seasons Hotel. You can eat there. Have a good rest. If you want to go out tomorrow, you can call me and I will go out with you. "

Zhao Hai did not object. He followed Revell and took a car to the Four Seasons Hotel. The hotel was not very big. He occupied the 51st to 55th floors of a building, with a total of five floors and more than 100 floors. Go to the room. This is definitely not a big hotel in Bona Star, but the environment is really good, and it only costs more than a hundred yuan in total. It also includes a breakfast, and it is also provided at noon and evening, but it requires It cost extra money, but it wasn't much. Revell helped Zhao Hai book a room and sent him to the room. The room was indeed not big, with a small suite, a bed, a bathroom, and a small living room. There is nothing else.

Revell accompanied Zhao Hai there and waited for Xin Nuo. The two waited for more than two hours before Xin Nuo arrived at the hotel. He already knew Zhao Hai's room, so he went directly to find it. He came over, and when he knocked on the door, Revell opened the door and welcomed him in. After he came in, Revell said to Xinnuo: "Boss Xinnuo, the boss has a magic trick in his hand. Zhen, please help him deal with it. He wants to use this money to buy a house. You also know that having a house here in Bona Star will make things more convenient in the future." Xinnuo also nodded. , recognized Revell’s statement.

In fact, here in Bona Star, people are also divided into several classes. The highest class is of course the officials, the next class is the rich people, the next class is the government workers, and the next class is the people in Bona Star. Those who have houses above the tenth floor are the next class of people who have houses below the fiftieth floor of Bona Star. The last class are those who have Bona Star status but do not have houses.

The upper two classes can enjoy the best resources of Bona Star, and their houses are also the best, while the lower two classes are ordinary people of Bona Star. They have their own houses and relatively stable lives. With better income and better living environment, these people are equivalent to the middle class, and the two classes below are the low-class people here in Bona Star. Their living environment is very poor, and their safety is not guaranteed. , there are even some people who can’t even enter some public areas in the city. The most important thing is that when they trade, the taxes they collect are different. Of course, the transactions they can carry out are also different. of.

The transaction tax here generally refers to the special transaction tax. The transaction tax is the same for general daily necessities. That is, if you want to conduct some special transactions, then people in the last two classes have no way to conduct transactions. The middle two levels of people also have limits on their transaction limits, but the highest two levels of people have no restrictions. All of these will be reflected in the identity certificate, because the identity levels of the entire Bona Star are divided into six levels. Etc., they are Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, and Level 6 respectively. Revell is a Level 4 citizen, while Xinnuo is a Level 2 citizen. The reason why Xinnuo can be rated as Level 2 is because Xinnuo has a spaceship and his own real estate on the Bona planet. In addition, the Hound Adventure Group is registered in his name, so he is a second-class citizen, while Revell is only a member of the adventure group. member, so he has real estate in Bona Star, so he is a fourth-level citizen, and Zhao Hai is only a sixth-level citizen now, because he has no real estate in Bona Star, and he is at the bottom of Bona Star.

Zhao Hai took out the magic circle and gave it to Xin Nuo, letting Xin Nuo give it a try. After Xin Nuo got the magic circle, he tried it carefully and found that it was indeed usable. He could use his mental power to make it work. The magic circle was activated. As soon as the magic circle was activated, Xinnuo couldn't help but be overjoyed. He immediately said: "Okay, great. The price of this magic circle will probably be higher than that of the treasure hunter. You Don't worry, I promise to sell it to you at a good price. Some rich people will definitely like this kind of array. I dare not say that it would be impossible to exchange for a small house above the 50th floor in Bona City. What a problem, but the price of houses above fifty floors in Bona City has increased again. You may not be able to get a house that is too big for your magic circle. At most, it is only more than sixty square meters, which should be enough for you to live in. "

As soon as he heard what Xin Nuo said, Zhao Hai smiled and said: "This is already very good, then I'll trouble Boss Xin Nuo, but how long will this take?" To be honest, Zhao Hai didn't care about whether to buy a house or not. Hai really didn't take it to heart, but he saw that Xinnuo and Revell valued this house so much, so he said so.

Xin Nuo said: "Don't worry, seven days at most is enough. At the same time, the treasure hunter can also take action. Then we can change to a larger spaceship." When Xin Nuo said this, There is always a smile on his face.

Zhao Hai and Revell were also very happy. After chatting for a while, they got up and left. Xinnuo was going to deal with the treasure hunting bugs, while Revell was going home. Only Zhao Hai stayed in the hotel. Here, Zhao Hai took a good rest for a while, then he got his optical brain and began to check the situation of Bona Star and the Star Empire. At the same time, he also turned on a projection in the room. This projection was Bona Star. The public television station here will play some advertisements and some news.

Zhao Hai took a look at the news and found that there was nothing interesting. Then he looked at the optical brain and looked at various news about Bona Star. Only then did Zhao Hai know that in the Star Empire, they The official military strength of the United States is divided into three types. One is the battleship. The war fortress is actually a kind of battleship, but it is a kind of battleship that rarely moves. The naval guns on these battleships are very powerful. If it was really hit by a naval gun, some masters from the other six realms would not be able to stop it.

The second type is battle armor. This kind of battle armor can only be used by the military. Ordinary people cannot use battle armor. Once discovered by the Star Empire, they will be severely punished. This kind of battle armor is actually called military mechanical outerwear by the entire army. Bone armor is actually worn on a person's body like armor, but its function is to increase a person's attack power. Not only can it use energy guns, energy guns, but it can also increase a person's defense and attack power, and its power is also It's very huge. Zhao Hai took a look at some official data. The combat effectiveness of a person wearing this kind of armor is almost equivalent to that of Niu Meng. There are some high-level armors whose combat effectiveness is still as high as that of Niu Meng. Stronger, the most important thing is that their kind of armor can be mass-produced. If Zhao Hai meets a hundred thousand powerful masters at once, he will also have a huge headache. Fierce, even a pile of them can kill him, not to mention that their battleships still cooperate with the battle armor, which is even more troublesome, so Zhao Hai discovered that he really underestimated the stars before. The fighting power here in the empire is gone.

The third type is the masters that Revell mentioned before. These people are also very powerful. He has seen those people take action on the optical brain. He found that the strength of those people is not much different from that of his other emperors. If If you really get started, it's really not certain who will suffer and who will take advantage. Moreover, according to the video on the optical brain, the master is not a planet-level master. The so-called planet-level master means that one person can control it. At the level of a planet, just as Revell said, the person behind the star is a planet-level master. In other words, a planet-level master is stronger than Zhao Hai. Even stronger, and these masters, no matter how prosperous they usually are, once they encounter a battle with the other six realms, these masters must take action. This is a call from the empire, and they cannot refuse it. If they refuse, then The empire will take back all their privileges, and may even send people to arrest them, imprison them, or even directly execute them. Therefore, although those masters are usually majestic, in times of war, they are also very honest and dare not There is no resistance at all, because they know very well that once they resist, they may have nothing in the end. This is the power of the empire. It can give you everything, and it can also give you everything. It was taken back, and the reason why the empire is so powerful and can suppress those masters is because the empire has a special army. This army is only loyal to the imperial royal family, called the Royal Guards!

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