On the other hand, Butler Chen was standing in front of Wang Ling and said to Wang Ling: "Master, this is the situation. The two people who were in contact with Zhao Hai are dead. The people from the Black Dragon Gang are about to contact Zhao Hai. If the curse of that courtyard is really not lifted, then that courtyard will really be of no use to us. "

When Wang Ling heard what Steward Chen said, his face couldn't help but look a little ugly, and then he said, "Can't that person remove the curse? Can we arrest him and force him to find out how to remove the curse?" Wang Ling said. After Ling finished speaking, he looked at Butler Chen.

Butler Chen said: "I don't suggest that the young master does this. If you do this, young master, it's because that Zhao Hai is from the other six realms, and people like them have some special methods. We have special methods for other people." We don’t know much about the methods of the Six Realms. If we really push them into a hurry, then Zhao Hai may make the matter bigger. Once the matter gets bigger, it will be really troublesome. The family is afraid that They won't let us go. For the family, a property is dispensable and there is no need to care about it. But if things really get serious, the family may suffer a big loss. The family will never let us go."

When Wang Ling heard what Butler Chen said, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, if that's really the case, it would be really troublesome. What do you think? Are we just going to let that house go? That's thousands of dollars Ten thousand, for the family, is nothing, but for me, it is not a small amount. I am really unwilling to give up like this. "

Butler Chen glanced at Wang Ling and then said, "Master Ling, I think there is another solution to this matter."

Wang Ling was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Butler Chen and said, "What can I do?" Wang Ling was really curious about what Butler Chen was going to say.

Butler Chen said: "My way is to make friends with Zhao Hai." After saying that, he looked at Wang Ling, and Wang Ling couldn't help but stare after hearing his words. He was about to say something, but suddenly he stopped. He opened his mouth and then fell into deep thought.

Wang Ling is not stupid, but because the family has not paid much attention to him, and his brothers have divided the family's power, if he is very motivated, He was afraid that it would attract his brother's attention, and he might be suppressed at that time, so he had to act very naughty so that he would not be taken seriously by the family. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to survive until now. , you must know that his mother's background is not very good.

Wang Ling's mother is a lover of the current head of the Wang family, and she is also a lover who has never been recognized by the Wang family. However, the head of the Wang family likes Wang Ling's mother very much, and Wang Ling's mother is also a smart person. She did not fight for it. Instead of fighting for anything, she has been silently accompanying Wang Ling's father until Wang Ling was born. After Wang Ling was born, Wang Ling's mother did not fight for anything, and when someone assassinated Wang Ling's father, she Wang Ling's mother blocked a blow for his father, and finally died of serious injuries. Before she died, she only asked Wang Ling's father for one thing, that is, to allow Wang Ling to recognize his ancestor and return to the Wang family, and become an official member of the Wang family. Wang family.

Out of guilt for Wang Ling's mother, Wang Ling's father finally let Wang Ling return to the Wang family and recognize his ancestors. However, Wang Ling's status in the Wang family became more embarrassing. Wang Ling's mother had taught him since he was a child. Wang Ling, how to survive and protect himself in this big family, that's why Wang Ling became what he is today, so he is actually very smart, and it is precisely because Butler Chen has seen through this that he He will completely stand on Wang Ling's side and help Wang Ling. You must know that the Chen family is also a very powerful family within the Wang family. He has a chance to follow a more prestigious Wang family, but he No, but he has been following Wang Ling. This is enough to show the problem. Wang Ling is indeed not simple.

Wang Ling thought for a while and then said: "You mean, this Zhao Hai is not simple, and making friends with him will only benefit me and not harm me? Well, it is true. Having such a friend is more important than It’s much stronger to have an enemy like this.”

Butler Chen said: "Not only, young master, you have forgotten that Zhao Hai came to Bona Star with an adventure group, and he is also with that adventure group now, otherwise that adventure group would not be able to He left immediately, or left at this time, because he was afraid that something would happen and implicate the adventure group. It was precisely because of this that Zhao Hai couldn't push too hard, otherwise something would definitely happen, because he had already done it , We have prepared desperately. If we really push him, it will be really troublesome. If Zhao Hai will really continue to act with that adventure group, then they will definitely have income. If their income is more, There may be people who will cause trouble for them, but if we become friends with them, then we can use your name to become a shareholder in their adventure group, so that no one will cause trouble for them in the future, and we can also start from the adventure You can get some benefits from the group, it can be said that you kill two birds with one stone, what do you think, young master?" After Butler Chen said this, he looked at Wang Ling, but Wang Ling's eyes lit up after hearing his words. He felt that Butler Chen's method was It's really good. In his name, no one will notice if he invests in an adventure group, but he can get benefits, and his relationship with Zhao Hai will get closer. This is indeed a good idea.

But after thinking about it, Wang Ling suddenly said: "Not in my name. You should know my situation. If you really buy shares in that adventure group in my name, my brothers may suppress that group." The adventure group can use the name of the Black Dragon Gang to invest in that adventure group. This is the most appropriate. But I have to get to know Zhao Hai, my friend, and I have to introduce him to let the Black Dragon Gang invest in their adventure group. You Go and make arrangements. I want to meet this Zhao Hai and have a good relationship with him. "

Butler Chen responded, and then exited the room. Wang Ling waited until Butler Chen left, then he stood up and walked to the window. He glanced outside, and then he took a deep breath, and a trace of light appeared in his eyes. There was a flame, but the flame quickly disappeared, and he turned into that dandy young master of the Wang family again. He deeply hid the most true thoughts in his heart.

Zhao Hai stayed in the Four Seasons Hotel. He really wanted to see what the other party would do next. If the other party wanted to harm him, he would have to take care of him. So he waited for two more days. Oh my god, there was a sudden knock on the door that day. Zhao Hai walked to the door and opened it. He saw a man who looked to be in his forties standing outside the door, wearing a black dress similar to a tuxedo. A middle-aged man, this middle-aged man's curly hair was combed meticulously, but he had a very comfortable smile on his face. He bowed to Zhao Hai and said: "Hello, Mr. Zhao Hai, my young master I want to treat you to dinner, I wonder if Mr. Zhao Hai can honor me?" After saying that, he looked at Zhao Hai with a smile on his face. He wanted to see what Zhao Hai's answer was. If Zhao Hai refused, it would mean that he would do it. Zhao Hai's city base is limited, so there is no need to pay too much attention. If Zhao Hai agrees, it will depend on his subsequent performance.

Zhao Hai was stunned at first, then he took a deep look at this person, and then said with a smile: "Okay, thank you very much. I don't know when? Now?" When Zhao Hai said this, he also He has been looking at that person, and of course that person is Butler Chen.

Butler Chen agreed as soon as Zhao Hai heard it. His eyes flashed, and then he said: "If Mr. Zhao Hai has time now." Chen can be sure that Zhao Hai is definitely a smart man. He really enjoyed dealing with people like this.

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Okay, please." After saying that, he walked out of the room and closed the door. Butler Chen led Zhao Hai outside the hotel. The two of them walked into the lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel. I saw the manager of the hotel and the waiters in the store, all standing in the lobby, with their heads lowered. When they saw Butler Chen come out, they all saluted to Butler Chen.

Butler Chen didn't even look at them, and led Zhao Hai out without saying a word about the experience. However, the smile on Zhao Hai's face got deeper. He knew that Butler Chen did this on purpose. Just to let him know how much influence their family has in Bona Star, which is quite interesting to Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai also pretended not to see what the other party meant, but directly followed Butler Chen outside. Parked outside was a very luxurious car. This car was much longer and wider than other cars. There were two people standing next to the car. As soon as they saw Butler Chen coming, they opened the door. Butler Chen stood next to the door and asked Zhao Hai to get in the car. Then he also got in the car, and the two of them After getting in the car, the door of the car was closed by the two people, and then the two people went directly to drive.

As soon as he entered the car, Zhao Hai couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, because the car was really too luxurious. The car looked like a small living room, or a very luxuriously decorated living room. There is a sofa with a crystal chandelier in the middle. The most important thing is that the car is very high. The chandelier is placed there. Not only does it not look awkward, it is also very beautiful. There is a coffee table in the middle, and the floor is covered with It turned out to be a carpet. After Butler Chen asked Zhao Hai to sit down, he opened a small refrigerator next to him and took out a bottle of red wine and a crystal cup. He placed them in front of Zhao Hai and poured them for Zhao Hai. a glass of wine.

Zhao Hai thanked him, and then said with a smile: "I wonder what you call me?" Zhao Hai was still very curious about Butler Chen. He could see that Butler Chen was indeed very powerful. Everything along the way may have been caused by Chen. The butler arranged everything along the way to let him know how powerful they were. To put it this way, this arrangement was really good.

Steward Chen immediately said: "Mr. Geng made me laugh. My surname is Chen. I am not just an ordinary steward of the Wang family."

Zhao Hai nodded and said with a smile: "You are very good." After saying that, he picked up the glass of wine and took a sip. However, Zhao Hai's words made Butler Chen feel a little uncomfortable. , because he found that when Zhao Hai said that you were very good, there was a hint of appreciation in his tone, as if he was talking about his subordinates. ()

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