Chapter 14457 Power

Wang Ling also knew that this was a test for him, so he immediately said: "Now the power within the Wang family is divided into two parts, the main family and the vassal family. The members of the main family are divided into five. I belong to the direct line. This one and the other four all have their own power. They are the third room, the fifth room, the ninth room and the tenth room. Originally, there would be more divided, but after many years, Only these four houses are still there. The people in the other houses now have no real power. They all work in various companies in the family. They are not major positions and cannot be regarded as a force. Among them, the three houses People control 10% of the pharmaceutical industry here in Bona Star, which is relatively wealthy. Wufang controls about 20% of the rental business here in Bona Star. Ninefang controls here in Bona Star. About 15% of the organic food business, Ten Fang Control City Bona Star here, 10% of the floating car business. "

He paused for a moment, and then said: "Although these families do not pose much of a threat to the main family, they also have their own right to speak. If the several families unite, the main family will still be affected. The main lineage is afraid of it.”

Having said this, Wang Ling paused for a moment, and then he continued: "As for the vassal family, that's actually a way of saying it. They are also subdivided into the family line and the steward line. The family line is Butler Chen. There are eight families like their Chen family in the Wang family, namely Jin, Qian, Luo, Dai, Chen, Wen, You, and Yu. Among them, there are four Qian Luo Dai families. The head of each family is a member of the Wang family. The chief stewards of the housekeepers, Chen Wen, Youyu and others, are mainly responsible for some affairs within the Wang family. In addition to their eight families, the stewardship department is also divided into eight families, namely Lu, Wu, Shi, Yi, Qiao, Lin, Gui, and Hua, they are the eight families. They are responsible for some of the Wang family's external business. The head of the Wang family usually holds the position of Minister of Industry of Bona Star, which can be said to be a high-power position. As for the heads of the eight families in the management department, they are all managers of the Wang family's companies in each city. They also have considerable influence in the family. It can be said that Qian Luodai, Chen Wenyou, and the other eight families specialize in serving the Wang family's internal affairs. Yes, the eight families of Lu, Wu, Shiyi, Qiao Lin and Guihua specialize in managing some properties of the Wang family. Among them, the eight families of Qian Luodai, Chen Wenyou and Yu have a relatively close relationship with the Wang family. They are also very concerned about who will be the leader of the Wang family, and they have made their bets early. Of course, the eight families will not put their eggs in one basket, but will bet on different people separately, like Butler Qian is the one who follows my third brother, but around my eldest brother and second brother, there are also people from the Qian family, and because I am not taken seriously, only Butler Chen follows me, and Butler Chen is in the Chen family. The status, to say the least, is also very embarrassing. After all, when their families grow up, they will also be divided into factions, and the status of Butler Chen’s family is not very high in the Chen family. As for Lu Wu Shiyi, Qiao The eight Lin Guihua families rarely participate in the internal struggles of the family. The eight families are married to each other, and their relationships are intricate. In addition, they have been deeply involved in various industries of the Wang family for many years. It belongs to you. There is me in me, and you are in me, and they belong to the eight families of the Wang family who are inseparable from each other no matter who is the head of the family. Therefore, they are not very concerned about who will be the head of the family. They only care about the industry they manage. , the Wang family occupies the majority, so they are still a subsidiary family of the Wang family. In my current situation, it is almost impossible for Chen Wen and his eight families to compete for money. But I can fight for the eight major housekeeper families. Although they do not participate in the competition among the family heads, once they really participate, the impact on the position of the family head will be huge. "

Having said this, Wang Ling continued: "My idea is to give some benefits to the eight major steward families, such as increasing their shareholding in the Wang family's industry, so that they can support me. When I really become the official After becoming the head of the family, we slowly took back these properties. When we do things, sometimes we have to make some trade-offs and make some temporary concessions. This is necessary." Wang Ling finished speaking. Looking at the crowd, even though Butler Chen was at the side and Black Dragon was also there, Wang Ling still made it clear to Zhao Hai and others about the situation of the various forces in the Wang family. Butler Chen and the others did not feel anything was wrong.

When Zhao Hai heard what Wang Ling said, he nodded and said: "Yes, it seems that you have also put in a lot of effort." After saying that, he glanced at Butler Chen, and both Butler Chen and Heilong looked at him in surprise. Looking at Wang Ling, they really didn't expect that Wang Ling would have such a clear understanding of the various forces in the Wang family. It seemed that he was really prepared.

Wang Ling glanced at Zhao Hai and the others, then he smiled bitterly and said: "Let me tell you the truth today. Everyone in the Wang family thinks that my mother is just a woman of ordinary background. In fact, she is not. My mother is actually Among the eight major steward families, she is a member of the Lin family, but she is an illegitimate daughter of the head of the Lin family. The head of the Lin family has always refused to let her recognize her ancestors and return to the clan. Later, my mother met my father by chance, and later we had Me, this is one of the reasons why my mother must let me recognize my ancestor. No one in the Lin family knows about this except the head of the Lin family. So if I really want to fight for the position of the head of the family, We can use this identity to make some articles, and it is very likely that we can get the support of the head of the Lin family. "

Upon hearing what Wang Ling said, Zhao Hai and the others were stunned, and then Zhao Hai said in a deep voice: "This has a lot of meaning. It seems that we can indeed get this matter to make a fuss about it, but we have to advance it." We need to meet the head of the Lin family, but not now. We have to wait until we have a certain strength, but your identity is indeed very useful. "

Wang Ling didn't speak, but just nodded. He had already told his biggest secret today, and it was truly heart-to-heart. Zhao Hai then turned to look at Black Dragon, and then said: "Black Dragon Gang Leader, Which force do you belong to?" Zhao Hai didn't know that Heilong was from the Chen family, but he had already guessed something, but he still asked because he wanted to hear it from Heilong himself.

Black Dragon said: "I am a member of the Chen family, the Thirty-Six Gang, and have connections with all the top eight families. My family is specially used by Guan Chen to control the Black Dragon Gang, but because of this identity, in the Chen family, I have never been respected by anyone in the Chen family. When I was young, only Brother Ying was the best to me, so I am now on Brother Ying's side." As he spoke, he turned to look at Butler Chen. It’s called Chen Ying.

Butler Chen said in a deep voice: "Along's family has always helped the family control the Black Dragon Gang, and they can be regarded as the biggest force of the Chen family. However, the Chen family has always thought that their family is shady, so I look down on them and I don’t accept it. I have always felt that Aying’s family should not have such a generational partner. If the young master becomes the head of the family in the future, I hope that the status of Aying’s family will be higher. "

Wang Ling said in a deep voice: "The strength of the Thirty-six Gangs is very strong. It can be said that each family has many things that are inconvenient to do personally, and they all need to be done. Such people should be respected and not used up. Throw it aside, if I become the head of the family, I must change this situation." Wang Ling's words gave Heilong a guarantee, and Heilong also saluted to Wang Ling with a touched face.

Zhao Hai said: "Actually, I have a method in my hand that can control others. It is a magic circle. As long as I plant this magic circle on others, they will not dare to betray me. If you, brother, If you agree, we can use this method on some people, what do you think?" After Zhao Hai finished speaking, he turned to Wang Ling and waited for Wang Ling to make a decision.

When Wang Ling heard what Zhao Hai said, his eyes couldn't help but flash. He turned to look at Zhao Hai and said: "Brother Hai, if you fall into this kind of magic circle and want to betray me, then What will happen?" Wang Ling was very interested in this method.

Zhao Hai said in a deep voice: "As long as he has such thoughts, he will suffer severe pain all over his body. If he dares to write or speak such thoughts, or tell others through any method, he will die immediately. I even You can control the way they die, for example, let them die of a heart attack, and ensure that no one will notice." Zhao Hai was very confident about this.

When Zhao Hai said this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. Now they really began to doubt Zhao Hai's identity, because the method Zhao Hai was using now didn't sound like a decent method. , this method sounds evil.

Zhao Hai didn't care, but said: "Brother, who do you think we should use this method on?"

Everyone also turned to look at Wang Ling. Wang Ling said solemnly: "The one who needs to use this method the most now, I think it should be the Black Dragon Gang. Let the Black Dragon make the Black Dragon Gang monolithic. This is the most important thing. Yes, because many of the things we do next will require the help of the Black Dragon Gang. If someone from the Black Dragon Gang reports this matter, the threat will be too great for us, so this method should be used first Regarding the Black Dragon Gang, brother, are there any restrictions on this method? "

Zhao Hai shook his head and said: "There is no limit." After saying that, he took out a magic circle and handed it directly to the Black Dragon. Then he said to the Black Dragon: "You can call your men to me, and then you ask Are they loyal to you? If they say yes, then you can directly activate the magic circle. This magic circle will emit white light and hit those people. If the other party is really loyal to you, then nothing will happen. , if he just says that he is loyal to you, but actually has two intentions, then he will be in great pain, and he will faint to death from the pain, and then he will wake up and faint again, and do this three times, and finally he will wake up, and you have to tell him They, if they dare to betray you, they will die immediately. I think they will not dare to betray. Of course, you are not trying to scare them. If they really betray you, they will really die. But in the Black Dragon Gang, There should be a lot of people. If you want to plant this kind of magic circle on all of them, it will take some time. It depends on your own control." Black Dragon took the magic circle and quickly took care. He put it away, he knew very well that this magic circle was too important.

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