Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1159: Take action

Wenhua went to the school of her two children as she did every day and picked them up from school. After the two children were over from school, she just like an ordinary mother, took the two children and boarded her hover car, and then Slowly driving home, Wenhua didn't feel that this day was any different from every other day. The child's school was not very far from their home. It was a very good school, a private school. At that time, Wenhua let their children go to school here on the grounds that they wanted to receive a better education. But what no one knew was that this school was actually controlled by the Wang family, and the person who controlled the school was the third young master. Wang Chong's two children seemed to have gone to school, but in fact they were taken away from the school by the Wen family, and then went to the Wen family to receive spy training. Otherwise, these two children, Xiaoxiao How could he deceive the black dragon at his age?

In fact, this is also related to Heilong not being at home often. When the children were still young, Wenhua would let the children go to bed first every time Heilong came back, so that there would be no flaws. Later, when the children learned to act, Then there is nothing to worry about. The two children performed very well, and Wenhua was very satisfied.

He actually knows now that the third young master may not marry her in the future, because with her current status, it is impossible for her to be worthy of the third young master, but she still hopes that one day her children can recognize their ancestors and return to their clan. , this is what Wenhua wants to see most.

Now she is also preparing for this matter. He hopes that his children will go to college and work in Wang Chong's company after graduation, so that they will have more opportunities to contact Wang Chong in the future.

While thinking about these things, she drove the car carefully. At this moment, the car in front of her stopped. It was a red light now, so the car stopped. He didn't think too much and stopped too. Car, at this moment, he suddenly heard a very loud roar from behind. He knew it was a car, driving over at a very fast speed. Wenhua was not a real housewife. She was a well-trained spy, and she could tell that the sound of the car was wrong, and it seemed to be coming towards her. Her expression couldn't help but change, and she wanted to move the car away from his current position, but just At this moment, she suddenly discovered that she couldn't move, which surprised her. But before she could think about it, a heavy-duty suspension vehicle rushed over and hit her directly. Hitting the rear of her car, her car was knocked forward directly, and the one in front turned out to be a heavy-duty suspension vehicle. A loud bang was heard, and the two heavy-duty suspension vehicles directly hit Wen. Hua's family car was squeezed directly into it. The entire car was crushed, and blood came out of the car. Then the three cars burst into flames, burst into flames, and then exploded. No one in these three cars could survive.

Such an explosion also caused damage to the surrounding hovercars. Many people were injured, and some even died due to the impact. The situation here immediately attracted the attention of the people around, and everyone was watching what happened here. what's up.

Several police cars arrived at the scene soon after. After viewing the scene, they found that a total of five people were dead at the scene. Three suspension vehicles were destroyed, two heavy-duty suspension vehicles, one household suspension vehicle, and two heavy-duty vehicles. There was a driver on each vehicle, and now the driver died on the spot. In the family suspension vehicle was a woman with two children. The scene was very tragic.

Then the police immediately organized people to conduct an investigation, and found no doubts. Then they began to determine the identity of the deceased. Soon, all the identities of the deceased were found out, and they directly sent news to the family of the deceased.

Heilong also received the news. After receiving the news, he rushed to the scene as soon as possible. When he saw the bodies of Wenhua and Zizi, he looked at the three corpses in disbelief and kept crying. The water flowed down, and for a while he stared at the policeman with a fierce look on his face and said, "What on earth is going on? Why did such a thing happen?" He looked as if he wanted to eat someone.

The police also noticed that Heilong's identity was unusual, so he said warmly: "Sir, it's like this. From the surveillance on the scene, it was a heavy-duty suspension vehicle behind that lost control and directly hit your car. It caused this car accident. As for why the car behind it lost control, we still need to conduct a detailed analysis." The policeman saw that Heilong was very excited and said warmly.

Heilong's eyes were blood red. He looked at the policeman and said, "What's the identity? What's the identity of the driver of that car?" He looked like a tiger that chooses people to eat. The policeman was startled, and then he He said, "I'm sorry, sir, we can't reveal his identity to you right now. Please calm down." The policeman knew what Heilong was going to do when he saw Heilong's appearance. Of course, he couldn't tell the driver's identity right now. Heilong, he believed that if he told Heilong the driver's identity now, there would be other cases happening next, so he absolutely couldn't tell it now, but Heilong seemed to want to kill the policeman at this time. Likewise, his eyes were fixed on the policeman. He even stretched out his hand to catch the policeman, but his hand had turned livid. At this moment, the few boys who followed him quickly He rushed over and said loudly: "Boss, boss, calm down." Several people worked together to pull Heilong aside, but Heilong raised his head and roared, and then started to cry loudly. A grown man's The eyes are even more touching. The people watching around couldn't bear it when they saw this scene. Some of them were emotional and were already crying.

After a while, Heilong's mood slowly stabilized, and then he immediately said: "Go, prepare the coffin, and go and check for me to see what happened to those two cars. I You want to know if this is an accident.”

The boy next to him responded and immediately went to make arrangements. When the police saw his appearance, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Heilong would go crazy again. If that was the case, then It's troublesome. Fortunately, Heilong didn't mess around, so he was relieved. But Heilong walked to the bodies of Wenhua and the other three. At this time, a policeman came over and said to Heilong: "Sir, may I ask? Do you agree to conduct an autopsy?" Heilong glanced at the policeman, and then said solemnly: "I agree, you must find out whether my wife and child died normally." The policeman responded. The bodies of Wenhua and the others were carried away, and Heilong followed the police all the way to the police station.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he arrived at the police station, a group of people wearing black uniforms stood in front of Heilong. One of them said: "Heilong, what are you doing at the police station?" As soon as Heilong heard this voice , he immediately raised his head, and then he glanced at the policeman in front of him. The policeman was looking at him warily. He knew this policeman. He was an agent from the anti-gangster group of the police station. Heilong had dealt with him several times, so the other party knew him. At this time, Heilong was not in the mood to argue with him here. Instead, he said: "Get out." After saying that, he was about to walk into the police station, but the policeman Instead of getting out of the way, he stood in front of Heilong and said in a deep voice: "Heilong, what do you want to do? You don't even look at where this place is. This is the police station. If you dare to mess around, you will die. It's settled." After saying that, the policeman looked at Hei Long, and the threat was already very obvious.

Heilong glanced at the man, but the younger brother beside Heilong jumped up and said: "What happened to the police station? The police station is amazing? My boss is here to do business today, and he is the victim. Is your police station right? Can we still drive the victim out? Is there any justice? Is there any law?" The other members of the Black Dragon Gang also started shouting, and the scene fell into chaos. This also attracted everyone around to look here, which also made the policeman's face even more ugly.

The policeman looked at Heilong and snorted coldly: "You can still be a victim? I don't know how many people have been killed by you. It's ridiculous that you can still be a victim now." That policeman He looked at the black dragon with disdain on his face.

At this time, a policeman walked up to the policeman with an ugly face, lay down beside him and whispered something. The policeman's face suddenly became ugly. He looked at the black dragon with blood-red eyes, and then said : "Heilong, I just learned about your wife and children. We will definitely find out about this matter. You'd better not mess around. If you dare to mess around, don't blame me for being rude." The policeman After saying that, he looked at Heilong with a threatening tone. He knew very well that if something happened to Heilong's wife and children, Heilong would definitely go crazy. Then there might really be chaos, and then he would be in trouble. , that’s why he said this, and the other police officers looked ugly when they said this. They really didn’t want this to happen. If Heilong really wanted to do something like this because of his wife and children, If you take crazy revenge, it will be really troublesome.

Heilong snorted coldly and said: "I killed your wife and children, and then told you not to take revenge. Do you agree? Also, get out of my way. I am here today as a family member of the victim. Do you have any Who are you to stop me?" After saying that, he walked in, and the younger brothers followed him and walked in together. The police really had no reason to stop Hei Long this time and could only let Hei Long in.

Seeing Heilong enter the police station, the policeman immediately shouted to the people around him: "Quickly, go and find out, what is going on? Why did something happen to Heilong's wife and children? Who did it? It must be there." Find out in the shortest time, otherwise you will be in trouble, go quickly." Everyone responded, and then they quickly ran into the police station building.

After Heilong arrived at the traffic police department of the police station, he sat there and waited quietly. He did not make a sound. The younger brother next to him also sat there honestly. It seemed that he was very law-abiding, but When the people in the police station saw them, their expressions were not very good. They now knew the identity of the black dragon. ()

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