Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1161: go to war

Chapter 14467 The war begins

The policeman glanced at Heilong and then said: "Sir, you should understand that although the law stipulates this, this life monitoring system is too strict. If a person's heartbeat speeds up, he may call the police. , if a person is too tired, he may also call the police. There are many heavy-duty suspension vehicle drivers who need to drive for a long time. When the driving time is long, the life monitoring system will also alarm, so many heavy-duty suspension vehicles The driver of the vehicle will destroy the life monitoring system. This is very common in such heavy-duty suspension vehicles. It is not that someone wants to harm your family. "

Heilong glanced at the policeman, then he stood up and said in a deep voice: "I just need to know about this matter." After saying that, he walked out, and the boys quickly followed him out, waiting until they left When he arrived at the door, he was stopped by the police officer from the anti-gang group. Heilong glanced at the police officer from the anti-gang group, and then said, "Is something wrong?"

The police officer from the anti-gang group said: "Heilong, you'd better not make trouble. What happened this time was really an accident. If you dare to make trouble, I will definitely deal with you." The police officer said When he said this, he looked at the black dragon with fixed eyes.

Black Dragon glanced at him, with a sneer on his face, and then said: "Officer, do you take you too seriously? Do you really think our Black Dragon Gang is afraid of you? You'd better think clearly, we Even if these people go in, they will still be a gangster when they come out. But if you don't have these clothes, what are you? So you'd better arrange your position clearly. There are some things you can take care of, and there are some things. You can't control it. You are the same as us. They are just dogs raised by others. I am the dog that helps them bite people, and you are the dog that helps them bite me. Now there is someone else's dog, and I am the dog that helps them bite people. A dog's family member was bitten to death. I wanted to bite him back, but you jumped out to bite me. Do you think your dog will be able to eat something good? Don't let others stew him." Heilong walked directly out, leaving only the policeman standing there, but his expression changed several times. In the end, he couldn't help but sighed lightly, turned around and left without saying anything. He was very worried. Clearly, what Black Dragon said is right. The One Super Eight and the Thirty-Six Gang control Bona Star, and they, the police, are actually in the hands of the First Super Eight and the Thirty-six Gang. Falling into the hands of the top eight, they are actually the same. What Black Dragon just said was really rude. Now Black Dragon's wife and child are dead. If Black Dragon doesn't take revenge, then he doesn't deserve to be a Black Dragon. So, no matter how he threatened this matter, it was useless. The black dragon would definitely take revenge. I am afraid no one could stop it. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh again and shook his head. Quickly Walking towards the anti-gangster group step by step, they must make some preparations in advance.

Black Dragon led the younger brothers back to the Black Dragon Gang's main hall, and then he directly said: "Have you found out?"

A younger brother immediately came to Heilong and said to Heilong: "Yes, boss, I found out that they are from the Dongsheng Gang. Those two people are dead soldiers of the Dongsheng Gang, although they have family members in name." , but in fact, none of those family members are their real family members. Their families are just the families who adopted them. They are orphans, adopted, and have no contact with their families for a long time. They have also joined Dongsheng a long time ago. Gang, just joined in secret.”

Black Dragon said in a cold voice: "Okay, okay, Dongsheng Gang, here's the order, starting from today, we will start a war with Dongsheng Gang."

When the people under him heard what Heilong said, their expressions were all shocked, and then they responded with a bang. Heilong then said: "From now on, all people above the Hall Master, whether they are going home or going What are you doing? You can’t leave anyone by your side. At least fifty people will accompany you, no less than one. At the same time, gather all the brothers, distribute weapons, and prepare for war with the Dongsheng Gang, Tiger. "

As soon as his voice fell, a big man stood up immediately and said in a deep voice: "Brother." This big man was the number one thug under Black Dragon. When he tested these people before, not one of them jumped out and said they were not afraid of trying. Man, he is indeed not afraid of trying.

The black dragon said: "You lead a hundred people to follow me, and at the same time arrange fifty people around the madam, so that nothing happens to him." The tiger responded, and the black dragon then said: "Mosquito, you go to us now Go down to the site to recruit people and tell them that if they want to join us, this is an opportunity. As long as they are willing to participate in our action against the Dongsheng Gang, they can directly join our Black Dragon Gang afterwards. "A thin middle-aged man. He stood up, then responded, and then retreated.

Black Dragon then said: "Hammer, go and prepare the weapons for me. We must ensure that when the brothers take action, they must have weapons to use. If the brothers do not have weapons to use when they take action, I will I'll settle the score with you."

A short but strong man stood up and responded, and Heilong continued: "Account book, please go and count the information money in the gang now. We are going to war with the Dongsheng Gang, and we can't treat our brothers badly. If a brother is killed in battle, the settlement fee cannot be reduced, so the funds must be sufficient." A thin and frail man stood up and responded. He was the accountant of the Black Dragon Gang.

Heilong then said: "Those of us should have known from the first day we came out that our lives would have been lost long ago, but we have had a rule since then, that is, no harm to our family. This time the Dongsheng Gang , they have touched our bottom line. They are not just killing my Black Dragon's wife and children, they are still testing us. If we don't fight back, then tomorrow, they will dare to threaten you with your wife and children, or even kill you. My wife and children, we must make them pay the price. We must let them know that they cannot provoke us easily. If they dare to provoke us, we will make them pay the price. Send me an order to Qinglong and Honglong Tangkou, the two of them. Didn’t Tang always want to make the Qingshan District and the Red Sea District uniform? Tell them to prepare people tonight to make the Qingshan District and the Red Sea District uniform. If I see a Dongsheng Gang member there, People, they should go to the punishment hall tomorrow to receive their punishment. The other halls are also ready to provide support at any time."

Everyone responded, and Black Dragon glanced at everyone and said: "For so many years, our Black Dragon Gang has not expanded much, because I don't want to fight and kill, and I don't want my brothers to lose their lives, but obviously, Some people regard our tolerance as weakness, then there is nothing to say, just fight. We are the Black Dragon Gang, and every brother is a dragon. We, the dragon, don’t need to care about you, but if you follow Qi Daolong On your head, you have to see the dragon’s wrath. Let’s take action.”

Everyone responded and immediately went to prepare. Only Tiger stayed. He followed Heilong back to their main hall. There was already a group of powerful brothers waiting for them. Heilong glanced at those brothers. , nodded to them with a cold face, and then turned to Tiger and said: "Tiger, go and arrange for people to bring me my wife, and our nanny, I like the food he cooks, I I will stay here in the main hall these days, and let my wife stay here." Tiger responded, and he immediately arranged for someone to do this, and then Heilong went directly into the main hall and went to his room. Went to rest.

When he arrived in his room, he took a deep breath. Then he took out a small bottle from his pocket, and then put two drops into his eyes. His eyes felt a little better. He used something to break tears today, so his eyes are still very uncomfortable now. There is nothing he can do about it. He really can't cry without using anything to break tears.

And the Black Dragon Gang was all mobilized. At the same time, the news that the wife and child of the leader of the Black Dragon Gang were murdered soon spread in the world. Everyone became nervous, because they all knew very well that the Black Dragon Gang must They will take revenge. They all want to know who touched Heilong's wife and children. Each gang even sent people to investigate the matter directly. They were even more nervous than Heilong because they knew very well that this was a big deal. Son, they were worried that someone would bring this matter to them.

The scale of the Dongsheng Gang is no smaller than that of the Black Dragon Gang, and there are some areas of the Dongsheng Gang that border the Black Dragon Gang, such as Qingshan District and Red Sea District, which are areas where the Black Dragon Gang and the Dongsheng Gang have been fighting for , in these two areas, the Black Dragon Gang and the Dongsheng Gang each control half, and there are usually some conflicts, but there is no full-scale war. Therefore, when the Dongsheng Gang heard that the Black Dragon's wife and children were killed, they initially They were still very happy, but they immediately sent people to investigate, wanting to see who had done it.

The leader of the Dongsheng Gang, his name is Dongfang Sheng. He is sitting in his office. He is in his fifties today. He is not tall or strong, but when he sits there, he gives off an air of calmness and self-importance. It felt like he was waiting for news. After a while, a man walked in. His face was not very good. As soon as Dongfang Sheng saw the man, he immediately said, "How is it? What's the news?"

The man glanced at Dongfang Sheng, and then said: "Boss, there is news. The person who killed Black Dragon's wife and child is one of ours."

When Dongfang Sheng heard what the man said, his eyes couldn't help but shrink, and then he suddenly stood up and said loudly: "What's going on? Who did it? Without my order, who dares to go Provoking Black Dragon’s wife and children?”

The man reasoned: "Boss, it was two dead men in our gang who took action. They usually do nothing. Today they suddenly took action without anyone's order. I checked. It's true." No one gave them orders, not one."

"No one gave the order? No one gave the order. Will the dead men in the gang take action? Go and check for me immediately. I want to see who it is, who asked them to do it. Go, go quickly, I'm giving the order "Everyone in the gang is ready for a big fight. The Black Dragon Gang will definitely take revenge. Distribute weapons to all the brothers and be ready for the Black Dragon Gang to fight. Go quickly." The man responded, and then he directed towards Dongfang Shengxing. He saluted, then turned around and left immediately.

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