Chapter 14483 Transaction

The adventure group is like this. They can trade with people on other interfaces, but the transaction process is very careful, because their kind of transaction is not allowed officially, although both parties know their existence, no matter whether it is the official of the Star Empire or the official of the Witch Academy, no one will care about them, but similarly, the official will not protect them. If they are hacked by the other party during the transaction, If they are cheating, no one will care about them, so they are extra careful in every transaction and are always ready to fight.

This was the first time Wang Ling encountered such a thing, but not the crew members who followed him, so the crew members became nervous, and everyone began to take turns to rest. It was no longer as relaxed as before, and this The situation also affected Wang Ling, and Wang Ling also became nervous. Fortunately, he stayed with Zhao Hai every day, but Zhao Hai was not anxious at all. He did whatever he needed to do every day. His calmness affected Wang Ling. Ling, Wang Ling slowly became less nervous.

They waited there for five days. Five days later, people from Jianma Trading Company came. Wang Ling was stunned when he saw these people. He had also seen some people from other six realms, like Zhao Hai. He was not from the Star Empire, but when he saw Zhao Hai, he didn't feel anything. He just felt that he was the same as them. But when he saw the people from Jianma Trading Company, he no longer thought so, because these Jianma The people of the trading company are really special. These people are all wearing thick armor, and they are full-body plate armor, just like an iron can, and their mounts are eight-legged. Horse, there is a long sharp horn on the top of the horse's head, just like a sharp sword. The horse's body is also plate armor like an iron can, which looks very weird.

There were a total of twenty people from the Jianma Trading Company, riding horses through the void with great momentum. Xinnuo and the others were all dressed in combat effectiveness and arrived on the deck of the spacecraft, waiting for them. Among all the people, only Zhao Hai did not wear a battle uniform, but just followed everyone in civilian clothes. After a while, the people from Jianma Trading Company were already on the deck.

They glanced at Xin Nuo, and then said: "Are you here to trade? Let us take a look at the goods first."

Xin Nuo said in a deep voice: "Yes, but some are in the cabin. You have to get off your horse and walk in." The man from the Jianma Trading Company nodded, and then jumped off the horse directly. Although he was wearing thick armor, But his movements were very flexible, and he was not affected at all. Xingui glanced at him, and then said: "Fat man, lead him to the cabin to see the cargo." Rewell responded and led The man walked towards the cabin, and after a while he came out. Then the man moved and arrived on the Lingyun again. When he arrived on the Lingyun, Wang Ling also informed the people on the Lingyun to take him into the cabin. He went to look at the goods, and soon the man came out of the cabin. The person who led him to look at the goods called Wang Ling directly and said, "Mr. Ling, he is very satisfied with the goods, and they have all been loaded into his In the space equipment." Wang Ling nodded, and the person from Jianma Trading Company then walked up to Xin Nuo and said, "I am very satisfied with your goods. Now I can show you our goods." After he said that. With a wave of his hand, the people around him all jumped off their horses, and then with a wave of his hand, they released their goods. Their goods were all packed and all were their specialties.

Xinnuo said at this time: "Don't worry, we still have goods." After saying that, he took out all the goods in their space bags, and Wang Ling also took out all the goods in their space bags. He took it out and put it on the deck.

The people from Jianma Trading Company obviously didn't expect that Xinnuo and the others actually had space equipment. He glanced at them, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll inspect the goods." After that, he took a look at the goods and saw After that, he nodded, waved his hand, and collected all the goods. Then he waved his hand again, and the people from Jianma Trading Company once again got some goods, and then Xinnuo began to step forward to inspect them. Goods, they really have too many special products, defensive magic weapons, offensive magic weapons, and some special potions. These are all things that are in short supply in the Star Empire. Xinnuo looked at those goods and was satisfied. He nodded and said: "The goods are good, and the quantity is sufficient. The transaction is completed." After that, he directly put away part of the goods, and Wang Ling also put away part of the goods.

They all had room to prepare. Although they did not see the faces of the people from Jianma Trading Company from beginning to end, these people were really very particular about doing business. As soon as they saw the two of them collecting all the goods, The leader among them said to Xinnuo: "It's a pleasure to cooperate. I hope we can continue to cooperate next time. You should know that we are a big business and we need more supplies. You are the only one who can't help it." It fully meets our needs, and the quality of your goods is very good, so we can consider long-term cooperation. What do you think?" The man from Jianma Trading Company looked at Xin Nuo, waiting for his answer.

Xinnuo looked at the people at Jianma Trading Company and said, "Yes, no problem. We are also happy to cooperate in the long term."

The leader of Jianma Trading Company nodded, and then said: "Okay, it's settled, we will keep in touch. We may contact you in advance what kind of goods we need next time. This is for you. This is for you. It's a contact item for us. We will contact you when the time comes." After saying that, the person from Jianma Trading Company threw a small metal button to Xin Nuo with the logo of Jianma Trading Company on it. Xin Nuo smiled and took it. The buttons were put away, and then all the people from Jianma Trading Company jumped on the horse. Then they gave a chest-raising salute to Xinnuo and the others. Then they turned their horses' heads and left the spacecraft directly, and were gone in the blink of an eye. , disappeared into the void.

Xinnuo watched the people from Jianma Trading Company leave, and he couldn't help but smile. Then he took out the metal button again, then turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Did you see it? Hahahaha , we will have a fixed trading partner in the future.”

Zhao Hai smiled slightly, waved his hand, and the button came into his hand. He took a careful look at the button, and then said: "Yes, but although this is a contact tool, it is also a tracking tool. Tool." After saying that, he directly threw the button to Xin Nuo, but his words made Xin Nuo and the others stunned, and they all looked at Zhao Hai in surprise.

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and then said: "This is just a way to deal with you. There is a tracking array inside this button, which can emit a positioning signal. This positioning signal can directly send our position to others, maybe Send it to them, maybe someone else, but isn't this what we need?" After Zhao Hai said that, he looked at the direction where the people from Jianma Trading Company were leaving, with a smile on his face, but Xin Nuo and the others all looked at it. Holding the metal button, an incredible look appeared on his face.

Wang Ling also took the button and glanced at it. Then he turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Brother Hai, you are saying that they gave us this button, maybe to tell the space pirates our location. , and then let those space pirates deal with us?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Yes, that's what I mean. This is also the most likely. Okay, let's go. This time our target is originally the space pirates. I'm still worried that they won't come." Wang When Ling heard what Zhao Hai said, he became excited. He nodded, and then followed Zhao Hai back to the Lingyun. Xinnuo and the others looked at each other, and their eyes were full of worry, but at the same time There is also a trace of absolute certainty in their feelings, because they know very well that it is time to decide their orders. After this battle, they can decide whether their plan can succeed. If it succeeds, , then their identities may be completely different. If they fail, then they may die, and it is truly time to fight for their lives.

Zhao Hai and Wang Ling returned to the spacecraft, and then Wang Ling and the others quickly entered the cabin. Then Zhao Hai turned to Wang Ling and said: "Let's do it, there is no need to wait any longer, I think we will definitely meet each other this time "Space pirates." Wang Ling nodded, and then he moved directly in front of a person. Before the person could react, he punched the person on the head. Once he flipped over, he fell directly to the ground. This move was very fast. They didn't even react. Wang Ling had already succeeded. Those people were all shocked. They all looked at Wang Ling in surprise. They didn't understand why Wang Ling He will suddenly attack his own people.

Wang Ling glanced at them and then said: "Don't be surprised, everyone. The main reason why I took action is that this person betrayed me and spread the news about me. You may not know that in There is a signal monitor on my spaceship. I know all the calls you make. There is no problem with your phone, but there is a problem with his phone. He betrayed me, so I can only first Deal with him, otherwise all of us will not have a good life, understand? "

When everyone heard what Wang Ling said, they couldn't help but be stunned. Then they all looked at Wang Ling in surprise. Wang Ling looked at them and said in a deep voice: "You are all the people the Black Dragon has come to find. I'm not afraid to tell you." You, the Black Dragon, are my people, your lives are in the hands of the Black Dragon, so I advise you not to betray me, otherwise, you will also die. Don't think of betraying me, otherwise you will not end well. Yes." When he said this, his face was calm, but those people were all shocked, and then they all said in unison: "Yes, Master Ling." Wang Ling nodded, and then he turned his head. He glanced at Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai looked at Wang Ling and then said: "How do you want to deal with him? Let him die, or let him be loyal to you forever?"

When Wang Ling heard Zhao Hai ask this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Then he looked at Zhao Hai with some confusion and said: "How do you say death? How do you say eternal loyalty to me?" Wang Ling really had not heard of Zhao Hai. How to deal with this person, that's why he asked.

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Death is easy, just throw him outside and he will die naturally. To be loyal to you forever is to bring him back to life!"

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