Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1182: Spiritual Root (Part 1)

Wang Ling and the others waited until Zhao Hai left, and then he took a deep breath. Then he turned to Xin Nuo and said, "Boss Xin Nuo, let's go too. This time, the operation went smoothly. As for Brother Hai, , To be honest, we really can’t help much now. If Brother Hai needs anything, we can just try our best to help. Before that, we really had nothing to do. "

Xin Nuo nodded, and then he sighed softly and said: "I didn't know much about the boss's strength before, but after this incident, I finally know Zhao Hai's true strength. His strength is too great." It's beyond my expectation. We really can't help him with what he wants to do." Wang Ling nodded and said no more, because what Xin Nuo said was indeed right. His strength is indeed of no help. Now he really hopes that his strength can grow quickly.

On the other hand, Zhao Hai had already arrived on the Liehuo, and he directly ordered Liehuo and the others: "Let's go to the Pirate Star to have a look. You make arrangements. I will take you to enter in batches in the next few days." In the virtual world, I will let you know what the Blood Killing Sect is like, and at the same time, I will give you some of the benefits of the Blood Killing Sect." Lie Huo responded quickly, and he immediately arranged a room for Zhao Hai, and then went to prepare. He must arrange other talents. After all, their fleet cannot completely leave people. They must arrange people well so that everyone can enter the Blood Killing Sect in batches. Fortunately, when they are not fighting, It is true that there is no need for so many people, so Liehuo made arrangements quickly. He is very good at arranging these things.

In the following days, Zhao Hai took the people of the Fiery Pirate Group into the virtual world in batches. Taking them to the virtual world was not only to give them benefits, but also to conduct experiments to see if they could It is very important to know whether they can practice the Blood Killing Sect's skills after they have their natal magic weapon or natal beast. If this is possible, it means that Wang Ling and the others can also use it. This method is a good thing.

As a result, after they experimented, they found that this method was really feasible, and after the experiment, they found that it was not that the people here in the Star Empire did not have spiritual roots. In fact, they did have spiritual roots, but their spiritual roots , for some unknown reason, they have always been in a state of sleep, or in other words, their spiritual roots are dormant.

It is precisely because their spiritual roots are dormant that people here in the Star Empire cannot practice the techniques of the other six realms. However, as long as their spiritual roots are activated, they can practice the techniques of the other six realms. However, Zhao Hai only has the Blood Killing Sect's skills in his hands now. He doesn't know much about the skills of the other six realms here in the Qiyu Realm, so he can only let Li Huo and the others practice them. The skills of the Blood Killing Sect, but Liehuo said that there are many people from the other six realms on the Pirate Star. They must have the skills of the other six realms in their bodies. By then they can collect some of the other six realms. The practice of the world.

Zhao Hai was of course more curious about Pirate Star, and Liehuo and the others all converted to the Blood Killing Sect's techniques, and their strength also improved very quickly, because the Blood Killing Sect's techniques were all the same as those of the Blood Killing Sect. It is related to murderous intent, and Lihuo and the others are not Wang Ling. Wang Ling has never killed anyone, and there is no murderous intent in him, but Liehuo and the others have killed people. The murderous intent in their bodies is very heavy, so they practice blood The technique of killing the sect is of course very smooth and very powerful.

Zhao Hai waited until Liehuo and the others all came back from the virtual world. After they all transferred to the cultivation method, Zhao Hai came to the Lingyun again and went directly to Wang Ling's room. Wang Ling was practicing. When he saw Zhao Hai Hai appeared, but did not stop. Instead, he kept practicing there. After completing a set of body-building techniques, Wang Ling stopped his practice. Then he saluted Zhao Hai and said: "Brother Hai, Why are you back? But what happened?" Wang Ling knew very well that Zhao Hai would not have come back to see him otherwise, so he looked a little nervous when he asked this question. , he was worried that there would be some bad news from Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you don't have to worry. I came to you this time because I want to talk to you about spiritual roots. The reason why people in the empire cannot practice the other six realms' techniques is because there are no Spiritual roots, but during this period of time, I took Liehuo and the others to the sect and asked people from the sect to test them. In the end, I found that it was not that they did not have spiritual roots, but their spiritual roots. I don’t know why. , are all dormant, and some special methods must be used to activate their spiritual roots. "

Wang Ling couldn't help but be stunned when he heard what Zhao Hai said, and then he said in surprise: "Brother Hai, what you are saying is that we also have spiritual roots in our bodies, but they are always dormant. As long as they are activated, we Can you practice the skills of other six realms?" He really couldn't believe Zhao Hai's words, because no one had ever told him this. For so many years, people here in the empire have always thought that they There are no spiritual roots in their bodies, and they don’t know at all. It turns out that their spiritual roots are just dormant, not non-existent. This completely subverts the previous research here in the empire. This is a huge problem for the empire. Good news.

In fact, here in the Star Empire, they have long compared their situation with that of the other six realms. They also know how they are worse than the other six realms. After studying it, they found that they Where is the difference? The difference is in the spiritual root. What is the so-called spiritual root? In fact, the so-called spiritual root is the ability to absorb spiritual energy directly from heaven and earth. Just like people in the world of cultivation, people with spiritual roots can absorb spiritual energy directly from heaven and earth. However, if they do not practice, Although their spiritual roots will automatically absorb spiritual energy, the amount of spiritual energy absorbed is very small. At most, it can only make people live longer and have better health. There is nothing else. This is spiritual energy. But if you practice the technique, you will absorb spiritual energy much faster and you can practice it formally. This is the difference between having spiritual roots and not having spiritual roots.

Why do some people with spiritual roots live shorter lives? This is also very simple, that is, their spiritual roots are not rich, they are just single spiritual roots. In other words, they can only absorb a single ability. The human body must achieve a balance of the five elements. Once there is only one in the body, A certain kind of energy, and he has not practiced the skills and learned to control this energy, then this energy will enter their body, and once this energy accumulates too much, it will become If he is ill, his body will naturally get worse, and he will naturally not be able to live longer. Therefore, spiritual roots are actually the ability to directly absorb the energy of heaven and earth. People with this ability are called spiritual roots. , people who do not have this ability are said to have no spiritual roots.

The people here in the Star Empire have already tried it, and they all know that most of the people here have no spiritual roots, and there are very few people with spiritual roots. They are different from the people in the other six realms. In comparison, the only difference is this. As for why they don't have spiritual roots, no one knows. Maybe this is the difference between him and the people in the other six realms.

And now Zhao Hai tells them that they actually have spiritual roots in their bodies, but their spiritual roots have been dormant and they cannot use them. They must use some special methods to activate their spiritual roots. This But it is equivalent to overturning the empire's previous research. How can they not be surprised? If this is true, they only need to find a way to activate the spiritual roots, and then the empire can let them alone in a short time. Their combat power will increase instantly, and with the addition of his battleships, they will be completely unafraid of facing the other six realms, and will not take people from the other six realms seriously at all.

Zhao Hai looked at Wang Ling, smiled slightly and said: "Yes, you also know that Liehuo and the others are ours now, and we conducted some experiments on them, and finally discovered this characteristic, and this kind of activated spiritual root The method is actually very simple, just use the energy of the thunder system to swim around in their bodies. Of course, this control of the energy of the thunder system has certain requirements. It cannot be When someone is beaten, the energy cannot be too light, otherwise it will be useless. The main thing is to control the strength. "

When Wang Ling heard what Zhao Hai said, his eyes lit up, and then he immediately said to Zhao Hai: "Brother Hai, can you use this method now?" Wang Ling and Butler Chen both looked at it intently. They looked at Zhao Hai and waited for Zhao Hai's answer, because this was so important to them, so they all seemed very nervous, especially for Butler Chen.

Zhao Hai nodded, and then said: "Of course I have mastered this method, it is actually very simple, but Xiao Ling, you don't have to worry, your own spiritual roots are not dormant, so you can't use this method. Method, Steward Chen can use this method, but if you use this method now, then you must switch to practice, are you willing?" Zhao Hai looked at Steward Chen after saying this.

Butler Chen immediately said: "I am willing, Mr. Zhao Hai, I am willing." Butler Chen was really excited. Of course he was willing. They knew very well that with their own talents, they would not be able to do it in their lifetime. He has reached the Star Lord level, but if he really becomes a monk, then he only needs to practice slowly. Sooner or later, he can reach the Star Lord level. The most important thing is that he can also extend his life, so Of course he is willing to switch to the practice of Kung Fu, because this is really a very important matter for him.

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Okay, if you are willing, Xiao Ling, if you don't object, then I will help Butler Chen activate his spiritual roots first, and then let him switch to practicing martial arts." Of course Wang Ling has no objection. , he immediately nodded in agreement, Zhao Hai nodded, then moved his hand, took out a jade slip and gave it to Steward Chen, and then said to Steward Chen: "Write this down first, then This is a set of exercises suitable for you. After I activate your spiritual roots, you will immediately run this set of exercises. This set of exercises will convert the existing energy in your body into this kind of energy to ensure that you The strength will not become worse.”()

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