Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1200: Faceless

Chapter 14506 Faceless

Zhao Hai retracted his fist and looked at the corpse of the demon **** that had fallen to the ground. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes. The next moment he waved his hand and directly took the corpse back into the space. As soon as the corpse entered the space , a prompt sound came from the space immediately: "Abnormal energy fluctuations are found, clear them immediately, the clearing is successful." Following this sound, another black mist emerged from the demon's corpse, and the black mist It kept fluctuating, and screamed from time to time. Then the screams disappeared, and the black mist slowly disappeared. As soon as he saw this situation, Zhao Hai immediately understood what was going on. , this must be the backhand left by the demon god. It seems that he wants to use the backhand left in his body to find his body again. This will not only allow his strength to recover as soon as possible, but also find Zhao Hai came to take revenge. His back-up plan was difficult to detect, but unfortunately, he met Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai had space, and once the space was scanned, the back-up plan he left behind could not be hidden.

Zhao Hai saw that there was no problem with the demon god's body. Then he made a thought and directly sent the demon god's body to Laura and the others for them to study. The demon god's body, But it is of great value.

Zhao Hai then turned around and glanced at the Pirate King. The Pirate King was now stooped and looked very old, as if he was going to die at any time. Zhao Hai looked at him and suddenly felt something in his heart. He felt that this Pirate King seemed to have some use value, and then he waved his hand and chopped off the Pirate King's brain. Then he waved his hand, and a black mist surrounded the Pirate King, and then He took another look at the other killed Star Masters. These Star Masters were really dead. They were created by the Pirate King. Now they are dead. Their bodies have been completely drained by the devil's energy, and they no longer have any use value. They are indeed dead and cannot die anymore.

Zhao Hai took another look at the powerful demon servants. They had all been killed by the alien cavalry a long time ago. Their bodies were similar to those of the Star Master masters created by the Pirate King, and they were all destroyed by the power of the demon god. It was drained dry and there was no energy left at all. With such a body, even if Zhao Hai wanted to resurrect him, there was no way, so Zhao Hai simply didn't resurrect them.

As soon as he saw this, Zhao Hai stopped looking. He immediately turned to the Star Lords and the alien cavalry and said: "Go, help Bai Yan and the others kill all the pirates below. We are going to Control the entire pirate star in the shortest time." Everyone responded, and then they turned around and rushed towards the lower level. The same was true for the alien cavalry, who also rushed towards the lower level.

Zhao Hai stood there quietly. After a while, the black mist surrounding the Pirate King disappeared. The Pirate King stood up again, but his figure still looked rickety, as if he was very old. .

The Pirate King saluted Zhao Hai and said: "See you, young master." He absorbed more black mist, so he knew more about the Blood Killing Sect. Of course, he also knew how to call Zhao Hai. He still had That black robe still has that mask on his face.

Zhao Hai said: "Take off the mask." The Pirate King responded, and then he took off the mask. When he saw the Pirate King's face, Zhao Hai couldn't help but was stunned, because the Pirate King's face was so long. It's really weird. His face seems to have been smoothed out. Although he also has eyes, a nose and a mouth, his face is flat. The eyes seem to be on a board, and the nose is There are two holes on the board, and the mouth is the same. There are no lips, it looks like a slit. This slit opens, and there are teeth inside. The whole person looks very weird. It can be said that Zhao Hai has seen countless weird people, but This is the first time he has seen such a strange person. Zhao Hai looked at the pirate king with some confusion and said: "What's wrong with your face? Is it natural or due to other reasons?"

The Pirate King said: "To tell you what the young master is saying, this is the punishment I received for betraying the original god. We, the people of the God Servant World, must always worship a **** since we started practicing, and we must not betray it in our lives. The same goes for me. I originally worshiped the Battle Angel, one of the nine major gods of the Servant World. My parents, my younger siblings, are all servants of the Battle Angel. However, during a battle, the Battle Angel did not appear. Without giving us power, my father, my brother and sister all died in the battle. I betrayed the Battle Angel, and he sent down divine punishment, which made my face look like this. I also started from that time At first, I changed my beliefs and started to believe in the Demon God of Destruction." The Pirate King said the reason why he became like this.

When Zhao Hai heard what he said, he couldn't help being stunned, and then he said: "I'm very curious, how do they practice? Can you tell me?" Zhao Hai is really curious, how does the Pirate King practice? Yes, to be precise, it is how people in their God Servant Realm practice. Can it be said that people in the God Servant Realm really can make themselves stronger just by worshiping gods every day?

The Pirate King said: "To return to the young master, we have three ways of cultivation, namely preaching, fighting and praying. Preaching is very simple. It is to spread the message of God and let other people believe in the gods we believe in. In this way, the Lord God will give us strength, and our strength will become stronger. Fighting is also very simple. It is to use the power given to us by the God to defeat the enemy. In this way, the God will be happy and give us more power. , as for prayer, it is even simpler, that is, pray every day. When praying, God will give us power. The more power God gives us in our body, the stronger we will be. Our strength will be stronger. The stronger we are, the stronger the power the gods give us. This is how we practice.”

After hearing what he said, Zhao Hai nodded and said: "That's right. It turns out that it is like this. It seems that it is similar to the cultivation methods of other worlds. When you fought with me before, why did you directly invite gods? ? Not using the power given to you by the devil? "

The Pirate King said: "I want to use the power of the Demon God to defeat the young master in one fell swoop, because I want to end the battle earlier so that I can deal with other people." The Pirate King also told his reasons.

When Zhao Hai heard what the Pirate King said, he nodded, and then said, "What's your name? I still don't know it?"

The Pirate King immediately spoke: "To tell you the truth, young master, my name is Turner, Turner Sparrow."

After Zhao Hai heard his name, he was slightly stunned, then he nodded and said: "Okay, your name is good, you are really born to be a pirate, you put on the mask, your Can your face recover?"

Turner said: "Yes, if the power of the gods I believe in surpasses the battle angel one day, then my face can be restored." Turner still knows these things very well, but his words made Zhao Hai also nodded.

Zhao Hai thought for a while and then said: "Okay, let's go to the virtual world first and get a good understanding of the situation there. By the way, I have asked me to study the corpse of the demon god. I may have some questions for you then.”

When Turner heard what Zhao Hai said, he immediately responded. Then Zhao Hai waved his hand and sent Turner directly to the virtual world. After Zhao Hai sent Turner to the virtual world, he directly sent Turner to the virtual world. He wrote a letter to Wen Wenhai and told him about Turner. There was no need to pay special attention to Turner, but Zhao Hai was thinking about how Turner would practice in the future.

After dealing with Turner's matter, Zhao Hai went directly to the lower level of the Pirate Star. Now the battle here is basically coming to an end. Although there are many people from the Six Realms in the Pirate Star, most of the pirates are actually still The people of the empire, and those people of the empire, they could not be the opponents of the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. They were directly dealt with by the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. As for those people from the six realms, they were directly dealt with by the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. They were besieged to death. Although there were some masters in each pirate group, when those masters faced off against Star Master masters like Gong Yubao and others, they could only be killed and had no chance.

Zhao Hai looked calm. He looked at the fighting below. Not long after, all the fighting was over. With a white eye, they came directly to Zhao Hai. They saluted Zhao Hai and said: "Young Master, all the battles have been completed." The pirates are all gone."

Zhao Hai nodded, and then waved his hand. The next moment, the entire pirate planet was directly surrounded by black mist. Zhao Hai ignored the pirates and said, "After they are all resurrected, let's They can do whatever they need to do, and all the battleships should fly back, so that the communication here on the Pirate Star can be restored as soon as possible. Fortunately, the communication here has not disappeared for a long time. In addition, when encountering energy storms before, There will be communication interruption, so those pirate groups who want to come to the pirate star will not suspect anything. You can arrange it. All pirate groups that enter the pirate group in the future must turn them into pirates as soon as possible. As for the undead clan, we can’t have any double-minded people here.” Baiyan responded, knowing very well that in the territory of the Blood Killing Sect, there would never be any disciples who were not Blood Killing Sect’s existence. This situation is completely normal in the Blood Killing Sect.

Zhao Hai then said: "When these matters are dealt with, let Lao Wen come in directly, carefully study the situation of the pirate star, and then formulate a transformation plan to make the pirate star look better, and , bring our Tiangang Earth Evil Sword Formation here, this will be our territory from now on, we must transform it well, and then let our disciples come here as much as possible to practice, here in Qiyu Realm Aura is different from the virtual world. Let everyone adapt to the energy here as soon as possible, so that everyone's strength will improve. As for what to do in the future, we will wait until all these are dealt with. "

Rolling his eyes again, Zhao Hai then said: "This will be our destination from now on. We must make good use of it. Okay, that's all. Those people have also been resurrected. You can make arrangements, and then Arrange for them to go to the virtual world in batches and let them join the sect. "

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