Chapter 14561 Inspection

Two and a half months after leaving Bona Star, they were finally approaching the border of the Star Empire. However, because it still took a few days to reach the border, they had an easy time getting there. However, as they were passing by this day, Suddenly, several light spots appeared on their radar, which meant that there were several spaceships in front of them. This immediately attracted Liu Wenlong's attention, and Liu Wenlong immediately said: "Everyone, be ready to fight. "Prepare the spacecraft not to slow down or change direction, but to move forward at full speed."

Everyone responded, but everyone was also ready to fight. Even Zhao Hai walked out of the room and came to the command room. They all looked at the radar, but soon they noticed , the light spots on the radar did not move at all, as if they had stopped there. At this moment, a voice suddenly came: "Captain, there is a communication coming, do you want to answer it?" The person speaking was the spacecraft. The main control optical brain does not need people to handle things like this. The main optical brain can handle it.

Liu Wenlong said: "Connected." The next moment, he heard a voice saying: "Imperial Water Transport Star, the anti-smuggling team law enforcement ship is talking to you. Please identify yourself immediately, otherwise, you will be treated as a smuggling ship. "

Upon hearing this voice, Liu Wenlong couldn't help but be startled, and soon he said: "The interstellar expedition ship of Bona Star replied, we are the interstellar expedition team of Bona Star, and on the order of Bona Star, we set out from the front boundary. The border of the empire, and then return to Bona Star from space for a long-distance expedition. We have an exploration permit issued by Bona Star. Please check it." After speaking, Liu Wenlong directly handed over the exploration permit. This is theirs. Before setting off, Arkhan and the others prepared a certificate for them. With this certificate, it means that they are an expedition team, and such people can enter and leave the Star Empire at will, which is allowed by the laws of the empire.

When the other party heard what Liu Wenlong said, they were silent for a moment. They might also be looking at the expedition certificate. After proving that the expedition certificate was authentic, they stopped talking. After a while, the voice came: "Please stop the ship. , accept inspection.”

Hearing what the other party said, Liu Wenlong couldn't help but frowned. He turned to look at Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai nodded. Liu Wenlong said, "Okay, we are willing to cooperate with the inspection." When the other party heard what he said, he spoke Said: "Okay, I hope you can stop the ship within half an hour." Then he hung up the phone directly, and Liu Wenlong directly ordered to stop the ship. The reason why the other party said that they would give them half an hour to stop the ship was because unless the ship was During combat, it is usually very slow to stop a ship. You need to stop the thrusters first, then slowly decelerate, and then use the reverse thrusters to stop the ship. Doing so will not harm the ship. If there is any damage, of course, if it is a special situation, they can't care so much. They will just stop the thruster and then start the reverse thruster. The result of this is that the hull of the spacecraft will bear a huge impact. The pressure may cause some damage, so the other party asked Liu Wenlong and the others to stop the spacecraft within half an hour. This may be because the other party saw their cooperation and did not embarrass them. Liu Wenlong and the others He also slowly stopped the spacecraft. Of course, Zhao Hai also ordered everyone to put away their weapons and wait for the other party to board the ship for inspection. He really wanted to see how the other party would inspect it.

After their spaceship stopped, more than thirty spaceships flew over in a short while. These spaceships surrounded their fleet, and then those spaceships stretched out strips of metal plates. These metal plates Connected to the deck of their spaceship, and then people on those spaceships arrived on their spaceship. At this time, Liu Wenlong and the others had already put on combat uniforms, and then they walked out of the spacecraft, but Zhao Hai and the others did not wear combat uniforms. However, they did not go out and stayed in the cabin.

Their spaceship is really not afraid of inspection, because they are not trying to do business this time, so there is no cargo in the spacecraft. They are all supplies for their crew, and their crew are all from Bona. identity, so they are not afraid of checking at all. Of course, they are also careful. If the other party really dares to attack them, they will not be polite.

On the other hand, when Liu Wenlong and the others arrived on the deck, they saw several people wearing armor uniforms coming to their deck. The leader glanced at Liu Wenlong, and then said: "You are the fleet. Captain?"

Liu Wenlong nodded and said, "Yes, I am the captain of this expedition. My name is Liu Wenlong."

The other party nodded, then glanced at Liu Wenlong, and then said: "We want to go to your cabin to have a look? Is there any problem?" When the other party said this, he looked at Liu Wenlong intently. , he wanted to see if Liu Wenlong would agree.

Liu Wenlong immediately said: "No problem. This is the list of items on our ship. Please check it." After that, he took out an electronic document and gave it to the leader. The man took the electronic document and took a look at it. , and found that it was really all materials used on the spaceship. He couldn't help but be stunned. They thought Liu Wenlong and the others, like other adventure groups, wanted to do business with people from the other six realms. Unexpectedly, they actually He really went out to explore, but he immediately discovered a problem. He looked at Liu Wenlong and said, "There are more than a thousand people on your ship?" This number is not small. The man knew very well that under normal circumstances, like this The spaceship can be operated by only a few people, but there are more than a thousand people on board, which is indeed a bit too many people.

Liu Wenlong said: "Yes, there are a total of one thousand and thirty-five people on our ship, because this time we are going on a long-distance expedition, and there is a long way to go outside the empire, because we are worried that there will be It was dangerous, so we brought a few more people. We all have the same number of people on board." Liu Wenlong didn't need to hide it. The expedition team and the adventure team are the same. Many of the adventure teams were used for business, and they created such a thing. Name, and the expedition team, under normal circumstances, is really not for business, but for exploration, so the things they carry on the ship and the number of people on the ship are different. If there are more than a thousand people in the adventure team, That's weird. There are more than a thousand people in the expedition team, but it's quite normal, because they may really encounter danger.

The leader nodded, and then said to Liu Wenlong: "Let's go to the cabin and have a look." Liu Wenlong nodded and led everyone directly to the decompression chamber, and then they entered the cabin directly. Waiting until they entered When they arrived at the cabin, those people took a look at the situation in the cabin. The cabin was very clean. Although there were many people inside, most of them did not wear combat uniforms. They all stayed in their own cabins. It seemed that It was very leisurely, but when the leader saw those people, he always felt that those people had a very special temperament, but what kind of temperament he could not tell at the moment.

He didn't care about those people, but followed Liu Wenlong to the cargo hold on the spacecraft and looked at the things in the cargo hold. When he saw the things in the cargo hold, he was finally relieved, because the cargo hold was really filled with those The same items on the list did not contain any private goods. This really surprised him. He really didn't expect that these people were actually an expedition team. You know, they haven't appeared for many years. He was still a little unaccustomed to the expedition team that set off from them and headed for space. After the man finished checking, he turned to Liu Wenlong and said, "No problem. I'm sorry to bother you." ”

Liu Wenlong smiled and said: "Sir, you're welcome. If you still want to investigate anything, sir, you can tell me and we will fully cooperate."

The man shook his head and said: "No, let's go." Liu Wenlong responded and followed the man outside the spacecraft. After walking a few steps, the man finally couldn't help but said to Liu Wenlong: "I'm very sad." I'm curious, why would Bona Star send an expedition team like yours? "It seems that we have checked the routes in the other six realms before, right? Why check again? "

The empire had organized a similar expedition in the past to conduct a reconnaissance on the route between them and the Six Realms. They were a little confused as to why they wanted to do it again now. This made them very puzzled. In their opinion, this It's really not necessary.

Liu Wenlong said: "It's like this. Outside of Bona Star, between our empire and the witch academy, there are some pirates. The number is not small. Although these pirates have not attacked the empire, they have caused harm to the security of the empire. There was a certain threat, so we organized this expedition. This time it was not only for the route, but also to see how many pirates there are outside now. If there are too many pirates, then we must Be more careful, because if there are too many pirates, it will pose a threat to the security of the empire. We absolutely cannot allow this to happen, so we must keep track of the movements of those pirates." Liu Wenlong said, let that happen. The leader was stunned for a moment, and then he glanced at Liu Wenlong strangely. He understood what Liu Wenlong and the others were trying to do. There must be pirates appearing in space, affecting the transactions between Bona Star and the witch academy community. They have known the name of Naxing for a long time, and they also know what Bona Star is doing. Everyone in the empire knows about the transactions between Bona Star and the witch academy circles, and now Bona Star talks about pirates, That must be because there are too many pirates in the space outside Bona Star, which has affected their business. Bona Star does not have the power to attack those pirates beyond the borders of the empire, so they want to create something like this Then this expedition team will find out all the pirates outside, and then report it to the empire, saying that those pirates pose a threat to the security of the empire, and then ask the empire to send a fleet to eliminate those pirates , as long as the imperial fleet cleans up those pirates, then their business can continue. The most important thing is that no one can say anything about Bona Star doing this, because everything they have done, It's all for the sake of the empire. Pirates will indeed threaten the empire, so there is no problem for them to do this.

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