1504th year of the Haiyuan calendar.

In a small town on the South Sea-Baterila Island, a skinny boy with black hair and wearing ragged black clothes was digging in a dilapidated garbage station looking for something.

Although the boy was still young, his tender face was already somewhat handsome. If he didn't have pockmarks on his face, he would definitely be a handsome guy in the future.

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

"I didn't expect that the first goal of coming to the pirate world is to survive." Ryan shouted loudly while standing in the garbage dump.

This is the seventh day that Ryan has come to the pirate world. The boy's full name is Portgas D. Ryan, and he is Ace's cousin.

That is, the son of Portgas D. Lu Jiu's brother, Ryan's father is Portgas D. Fox.

As a senior pirate fan, Ryan knew that he had traveled through time and became Ace's cousin.

Now the Great Pirate Era has just opened for a few years, and now is the most chaotic time in the pirate world.

This is the best time, and the worst time!

As a member of the crossing army, Ryan said that he felt very uncomfortable. Others who crossed over could defeat the gods in seconds, but why did his first goal become to survive?

That's right, the first goal is to survive.

Thinking that he came to the pirate world by accident, Ryan felt infinite sadness in his heart.

When Ryan was watching the One Piece anime at home, his computer suddenly crashed. Ryan pressed the shutdown button frantically, and then a black hole appeared on the computer screen. A strong suction force sucked Ryan's soul directly into it.

In this way, Ryan came here from the earth in the 21st century and gloriously became a member of the crossing army. And he came with the system.

But the system is too bad for Ryan now.

Ryan remembered when the system was turned on when he first came to this world.

Ding, it is detected that the host's parents are both dead and the system template is being matched.

The strongest protagonist system is turned on.

Congratulations to the host for getting a novice gift package.

The host of the strongest protagonist system can obtain attribute points from the opponent randomly by defeating or killing the opponent to improve the host. Note: (The first time for the same person is the best, and the effect will continue to halve and so on) Attribute points can be improved through daily training and practice, and double attribute values ​​can be obtained by killing.

Do you want to view the host attribute panel?


Attribute panel

Current host attribute points: 0

Host: Portgas D. Ryan

Physique: 4/1000 Primary

Physical skills: 2/1000 Primary

Swordsmanship: 8/1000 Swordsman

Overlord Haki: None

Armament Haki: None

Observation Haki: None

Fruit ability: None

Skills: None

Note: Attribute points can be obtained by defeating or killing others

Ding! Posting a task, because the host is currently too weak.

Task: The survival time in this world is one year. After one year, the task will be successful. The task reward can be viewed after the host completes the task.

"Do you want to open the novice gift package?" The mechanized voice of the system came.

"Open the novice gift package." Ryan said.

Open the novice gift package to get the supreme sword, the sword "Ace" of the Pirate King Gol.D. Roger, and the matching sword technique Divine Avoidance.

"Does the system have anything else? For example, Conqueror Haki? Natural Fruit?"

"No more." A cold voice came.

Ryan's heart sank. It sounds awesome, with infinite attribute growth, but now he has nothing, he is still just a weakling.

The novice gift package is a good thing, but the sword of the Pirate King Roger is of no use to Ryan now.

Ryan didn't dare to take it out, and he still understood the principle that a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure.

So although Ryan has a system, it is not very helpful for the shrunken Ryan at this stage.

To obtain attribute points, he must beat others. Who can the 8-year-old Ryan beat?

That is to say, the Divine Avoidance is still somewhat useful, but there are restrictions on the use of Divine Avoidance. Only when you reach the level of swordsmanship can you use it at will. For example, if Ryan uses the Divine Avoidance swordsmanship now, he will have to lie in bed for three days and three nights to recover.

At present, Ryan has defeated 4 people in the "Orphanage". One of them did not gain attribute points after defeating him because that person was a 5-year-old child.

Because of this, Ryan has been ridiculed many times by his friends in the "Orphanage".

Ryan gained 30 attribute points and added 20 points to his physique. Now Ryan's physique has changed from 4 to 24. The other 10 points were added to the swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship also became 18.

Ryan knew that only a strong physique could carry stronger physical skills and swordsmanship. In the later stage, the armed color domineering also needs the support of the physique. So two-thirds of the attribute points were added to the physique.

"Ryan, Uncle Ryan Carter asked usGo and gather, hurry up. "

A sturdy young man with green hair and slippers shouted.

"Here we are."

The green-haired young man is Bailey, yes, Bailey, the currency in the pirate world.

The people here are all civilians living at the bottom of society. Bailey's parents hope that Bailey can have countless money, so naming him Bailey is also an expectation for the future.

People living at the bottom of society are like this, living the worst life, but at the same time full of expectations and hopes for this world.

Bailey is Ryan's best friend here, which Ryan knew after integrating his memories.

Ryan and Bailey came to a dilapidated house together. The house is small but now it is crowded with people, and the room is filled with the smell of rotten garbage.

But no one in the house felt a little uncomfortable because they were used to it.

"Okay, now everyone is here. I have good news to tell you that the navy has come to our Melo Town to recruit soldiers. ”

A man with a full beard, about 50 years old, stood on the table and announced to everyone.

"Really, Uncle Carter?"

"Then can we have enough food? Will we have meat every day if we join the Navy?"

"Can we all go?"

A group of people kept asking Carter all kinds of questions.

"Stop arguing. I haven't finished talking yet. What are you guys so impatient about?"

"It's like this. Only people over 12 years old can go, and they may not be selected. It depends on your own strength. There will be special people from the Navy to select. The selected people will participate in the seven-day training camp of the Navy. If they persist, they will pass."

"Do you understand? Do you need me to say it again? "

Worried that someone didn't understand, Carter stood on the table and asked everyone loudly.

Ryan knew that this was an expansion plan launched by the Navy to counter the Great Pirate Era, because the Great Pirate Era had arrived in the words of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.

"My treasure? If you want it, I can give it all to you. Go find it. Everything in the world is there!"

The current strength of the Navy is not enough to counter the increasing number of pirates, so the Navy is expanding its army every year.

"The time is seven days later. Everyone should hurry up and prepare in the next few days. The meeting is adjourned."

Hearing this, everyone left one after another. Only Carter was left in the crowded room just now.

"Ryan, you said it would be great if we could join the Navy, but unfortunately we are too young. I am 9 and you are only 8."

On the way back, the green-haired boy Bailey said to Ryan.

"Bailey, do you want to join the Navy?"

"Yes, Uncle Carter said that if you join the Navy, you can have enough food and get a salary. What a good treatment."

"I don't want to join the Navy because my parents were killed by the Navy. "

Ryan naturally received all of Ryan's memories when he traveled to this world.

So Ryan knew that his parents were killed by the navy, because the navy was chasing Lu Jiu at that time.

After investigation, the World Government soon learned that Roger had lived here for a long time. Although he could not find Lu Jiu, he found Ryan's family later.

Forced Ryan's parents to tell the whereabouts of Lu Jiu. Ryan's parents would rather die than tell the whereabouts of their sister Lu Jiu.

As a result, he was captured and tortured to death by the navy, and only Ryan survived.

Fortunately, Ryan, who was 3 years old at the time, was sent to his best friend Carter by his father Fox in advance to escape.

Carter is a retired navy who retired because he was injured in the battle with pirates.

After retiring, Carter took in many homeless orphans, so Ryan was safe with Carter.

"What, why haven't you heard about this before." Bailey said in horror.

"Because you haven't asked before, after all, this is not a good thing. "

"Then what do you want to do. " Bailey asked.

Ryan looked up at the sky and murmured: Me! "I want to be a pirate, take the world's best crew to see the world's customs, taste all the world's delicacies, drink the strongest wine, pick up the most beautiful girls, and be the freest person in the world."

"Bailey, do you want to come with me?" Ryan looked at Bailey and said.

There is one thing Ryan didn't say, that is, only by becoming a pirate can you avenge your parents.

Bailey said excitedly: "Are you going to invite me to be your crew. Ryan"?

"Yes, my best friend Bailey, I, Ryan, formally invite you to be my crew."

Ryan extended his hand to Bailey, representing friendship.

Bailey held Ryan's hand and said loudly: "I, Bailey, accept it.At your invitation."

"Best friend, best crew member, I'm so good and important in your heart, Ryan."

Bailey looked at Ryan with his big eyes.

Ryan looked at Bailey's eyes and felt goosebumps all over his body.

Could Bailey be......

It seems that I should say less sentimental words in the future.

"Then let's go out to sea now to say goodbye to Uncle Carter."

"What the hell, we can't beat anyone now, we will be killed by other pirates when we go out to sea."

"Do we have a ship? Do we have strength? Do we have money?"

Facing Ryan's three questions about death, Bailey scratched his head and said, "What should we do?"

Ryan said that he could take back what he just said!

I don't want him to be my crew member.

"First of all, we have to improve our strength. Only by improving our strength can we have money, and only with money can we buy a ship. "

Ryan knows that money is not everything, but without money, nothing can be done.

But without strength, there is no way to make money. Ryan already has a way to make money, but he still needs strength to achieve it all.

"So the most important thing at the moment is to improve your strength. Let's go back to find Uncle Carter. Uncle Carter should have a way."

The only person Ryan can find now is Carter.

Ryan and Bailey came to Carter's residence together, which was where the meeting just took place.

"Ryan Bailey, why are you two little guys here?"

Carter asked puzzledly when he saw the two of them coming.

Because he was afraid that Bailey would tell everything, after all, Uncle Carter didn't like pirates very much.

Ryan said first.

"Let me tell you, Uncle Carter, we two want to improve our strength. Do you have any place to recommend to us? It's best to be a kendo hall."

Carter thought deeply for a while and whispered after hearing this.

"There is a place, but these two are too young to endure the hardship, and they may not be willing to teach. ”

“Why are you asking this? Are you two little guys hiding something from me?”

Carter reacted and looked at Ryan and the others in confusion.

“We are going to be sailors…”

Seeing Bailey was about to let the cat out of the bag, Ryan slapped Bailey on the back to stop him.


“Why did you hit me, Ryan?”

“Oh, I saw a mosquito behind you, so I helped you beat it down.”

Ryan clapped his hands calmly.

He thought to himself: Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise it would be over.

“Nothing can be hidden from Uncle Carter. Uncle Carter, we will be 12 years old in a few years. I heard that the selection of the navy is very strict, so we want to improve our strength in these few years before joining the navy.”

“What place did Uncle Carter just talk about? I just heard it. "Ryan said with a naughty wink.

Carter slapped Ryan on the head.

"You clever guy, I have an old friend who is very powerful. It is definitely not a problem to teach you two, but he has retired for many years. Whether he is willing to teach you is a problem."

Carter paused and continued.

"Forget it! I'm risking my old face, and the other party should give me face."

"Uncle Carter, you are so proud. Who is this person you are talking about, Uncle Carter? Is he powerful?"

Ryan looked at Carter with admiration.

Carter laughed immediately.

"Of course, he is your uncle Carter's friend, how can he be bad. "

Bailey, who was standing next to him, had a very rich facial expression at this time, with shock, confusion and more confusion.

Why did Ryan start to flatter Uncle Carter? Ryan was not like this before.

Bailey certainly didn't know that Ryan now came from the 21st century Earth.

Carter patted Ryan on the shoulder.

"You don't need to know who he is. You can't tell him his identity. Anyway, you just need to know that he is very powerful. When he was a pirate, he was famous all over the world. He was a big pirate."

"Oh, I let it slip." Carter laughed.

Ryan was a little curious.

Who was the world-famous big pirate in the past?

Doesn't Uncle Carter hate pirates very much? How could he be friends with pirates?

"Don't think too much. Come to my place tomorrow morning and I'll take you there."

Carter said to Ryan who was in deep thought.

On the way back, Bailey looked at Ryan in confusion.

"Ryan, why don't you tell Uncle Carter the truth about the matter. "

Ryan looked at Bailey seriously and said, "Bailey, you have to understand that Uncle Carter used to be a navy. If Uncle Carter knew that we wanted to be pirates, do you think Uncle Carter would arrest us?"

"I don'tI told Uncle Carter because I didn't want to embarrass him. Do you want Uncle Carter, an old navy man, to choose between us and the glory of the navy? That's why I chose to hide it. Can you understand my good intentions? "

"Although I don't understand, I think you are right. I support you, Ryan." Bailey said seriously.

Soon after returning home, Ryan and Bailey had dinner with others and lay on the bed.

Because there are limited beds, Ryan and Bailey slept in the same bed.

"I ate two pieces of meat tonight, and the meat was delicious. Ryan, do you think we can drink a lot of wine and eat meat in big mouthfuls when we become pirates in the future?" Bailey asked Ryan while lying on the bed.

"Yes, we will have everything in the future, and tomorrow will be better."

"Yes, tomorrow will be better."

No words all night........

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