Hearing someone calling him, Aaron looked back and saw the man that his most respected elder brother Tiger had mentioned countless times standing there looking at him in surprise.

There was no mistake, it was that man, the bloody swordsman-Ryan.

"Lord Ryan!" Aaron quickly ran to Ryan and said, "Why are you here?"

"I came to see you on purpose."

Aaron was a little flattered, looking at him on purpose.


Looking at Aaron, whose face was flushed and speechless, Ryan smiled and said, "How are you getting along with the residents here?"

"Very good, the people here are very enthusiastic, and some people have joined us."

"Ajian! Ajian!" Ryan shouted to the crowd.

A young man in his twenties ran over. Although there was no scar on his face, Ryan still recognized this man, Ajian, a man like Nami's father.

"Master Ryan!" Ajian was extremely excited at this time. To others, the bloody swordsman Ryan was a devil-like pirate, but to their Free Alliance, this man was the pillar of their faith, like a god.

"Ajian is from Cocosia Village. He joined us because he recognized our philosophy." Aaron explained on the side.


"Tell me about you. I'm quite interested in you."

Upon hearing this, Aaron immediately told Ryan about how he followed Tiger to the East China Sea.

When Tiger returned to Fishman Island, he was regarded as a great hero by all the people on Fishman Island, not to mention Aaron, who was originally a little fan of Tiger. When Tiger said that he needed some fishmen to join the Free Alliance, Aaron became the first fishman to join, faster than Jinbei.

In this way, Tiger brought many fishmen to the East China Sea, and Aaron was one of them.

When Aaron first joined the Free Alliance, he just thought he was going out to take risks and rob, but after Tiger's explanation and his own personal experience, Aaron understood what kind of organization the Free Alliance was.

Aaron, who had a bad temper, made a lot of mistakes when he first came to the East China Sea. In his opinion, it was enough to rescue the fishmen, so why rescue those human slaves? Aaron even looked down on those weak humans. That's why Tiger deliberately sent Aaron out alone to do tasks to hone Aaron.

But with the development of the Free Alliance, the Free Alliance in the East China Sea is no longer just fishmen, and many humans have joined it, and Aaron's change began from then on.

Because he grew up on the Fishman Island, Aaron was hostile to humans at first. After these days of getting along, Aaron gradually had a different view of humans.

Here Aaron saw that the humans he hated before would also risk their lives to save the fishman slaves, and would also block the knife for the fishmen around them when fighting.

Since then, Aaron no longer hated humans, but chose to accept them, although his temper was still bad.

So that's it!

After listening to Arlong's story, Ryan finally understood what Arlong was like being reborn. The current Arlong is completely different from the one he remembered.

In the original history, Arlong hated humans from the beginning, and then because of Tiger's death, Arlong led his younger brothers to do evil after the disbandment of the Sun Pirates. Later, he had the experience of being stepped on by Yellow Monkey. The inferiority complex since childhood and these experiences made Arlong an extreme racist. The lower the status of fish people, the more he wanted to exclude fish people as a superior race.

People's personality and behavior are affected by the environment. In a country with extreme terrorists and full of war, even children can pick up guns to fight and become demons who kill without blinking an eye. In a peaceful country without gunpowder, many people don't even dare to kill chickens.

Can you say that the child is born to kill without blinking an eye? It's just that the environment forced him to be like this, just like why people always wanted to put their children in good schools to receive education in Ryan's previous life, it's because a good learning atmosphere will make it easier for children to learn, and vice versa.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all people will be affected by the environment, but such people are a minority after all.

Just when Ryan was thinking about it, a little girl's voice woke Ryan up.

"Uncle Aaron!"

"Uncle Jian!" Two little girls ran over here.

It was one of the little girls with blond hair who was shouting, while the other little girl with blue hair looked much more quiet, not as wild as this one.

A woman followed behind the two.

When Aaron turned around and saw them, he quickly picked up the little girl and said affectionately: "Nami, how come you have time to come!"

"Nokigo, Bellmer." Jian took the little girl who was doing Nokigo and said, "Nokigo, Bellmer."The girl from Qi Gao was looking at Bellemere.

"Nami, Noki Gao, run!" When Bellemere approached, she noticed Ryan's appearance and immediately warned him.

Bellemere, who joined the navy when she was a girl, still pays attention to the situation in the world. Of course, he knows the man next to Aaron. He is the great pirate blood swordsman-Ryan!

"What's wrong?" Nami looked at Bellemere helplessly.

Aaron looked at Bellemere and then at Ryan, and instantly understood what was going on. He hurriedly stood up to explain: "Bellemere, Lord Ryan will not hurt you!"

Lord Ryan! Bellemere was stunned. In his opinion, how could Aaron be involved with Ryan, who did so many evil things, and Aaron actually called him Lord!

Bellemere instantly thought of a possibility.

"Aaron, are you threatened? If so, just blink!" In Bellemei's opinion, Ryan must have threatened Aaron with the lives of the whole village. She had seen many pirates like Ryan when she was young.

I'm a bad guy! Ryan wanted to curse in his heart. Although Ryan himself did not think he was a good person, he was better than Aron after all!

No, the current Aron has completely changed. Looking at Aron holding little Nami, Ryan would like to call him the kind-hearted Aron!

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