At this point, everyone couldn't hold back any more.

"Ryan, you?"

Although Robin didn't seem to be resentful, she was a little angry when she called him that.

Koshiro stared at Ryan and said, "What do you want to do!" Her eyes, which had been tightly closed, suddenly opened. Now Kuina was the most important person in her life.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ryan just saw a flash of light on Koshiro's glasses for a moment.

"That girl wants to be the world's number one swordsman!"

"How do you know?"

"How can a swordsman not want to be the world's number one swordsman? I think you don't agree?" Ryan chuckled.

In fact, Ryan was cursing in his heart: "I'm saving your daughter. You are really her resentful father!"

"Of course, I can teach it myself!"

"Why don't you ask Kuina what she thinks?"

After thinking about it carefully, Koshiro found that what Ryan said was indeed reasonable. After all, this was Kuina's business, and it still depended on her own opinions and ideas.


Kuina stopped training and walked in after hearing the voice. As soon as she came in, she felt that the atmosphere was wrong. Except for the blind uncle, everyone else was staring at her.

If she asked him to practice hard, she would have no problem, but what was it like to be stared at by so many people?

Most of the people present were big shots. The oppression brought by their status and strength made Kuina, who was only ten years old, feel a little nervous.

"What's wrong, father!" Kuina asked tentatively.

"He wants to take you as his disciple!" Koshiro pointed at Ryan.

Kuina looked at Ryan, and her expression kept changing. Everyone saw her expression change from happy to embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Is there any difficulty? If you have any difficulty, just say it directly!" Ryan tried to make his smile look more casual.

"I don't want to leave Donghai yet."

Kuina said it very obscurely, but everyone heard what she meant. She didn't want to leave her father yet. Here are her relatives and her friends who grew up with her.

"Haha." Ryan laughed and then explained.

"Don't worry, I will stay in the East China Sea for a while. When I leave, you don't have to follow us to the Grand Line. Just come back here. I just want to take you as my apprentice because you have good talent!"

"Do you think I have good talent? Really?" It was the first time that a great swordsman recognized her talent. Kuina was very happy, but she couldn't believe it, so she asked.


"But my father said that girls can't become the world's number one swordsman!"

Everyone looked at Koshiro. Koshiro, who was standing aside, was a little embarrassed. He wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

"Who said that? It's never your gender that limits you, but your heart!" Ryan said, touching Kuina's head with his hand.

Being offended by Ryan, Kuina surprisingly did not resist, and her face turned slightly red.

Ryan saw everyone looking at him and quickly took his hand back. It was just his subconscious reaction. His mental age was much more mature than his actual age. He completely regarded Kuina as a little sister.

Kuina began to think about what Ryan had just said. Since being disapproved by her father, she has been training desperately. Although she didn't say it directly, she might have agreed with her father's point of view in her heart.

Kuina looked at Ryan, trying to find a trace of lying in Ryan's eyes, but unfortunately Ryan didn't see any lies in his eyes. He only saw encouragement.

In fact, Ryan was not wrong. Koshiro believed that the reason why girls could not become the world's number one swordsman was nothing more than because girls' strength and mentality were not as good as boys.

But strength can be enhanced by taking devil fruits and continuous training. The real difficulty is a tenacious heart, so Ryan said that. After all, Kuina's talent is not bad. The kendo talent that can suppress Zoro all the time is definitely good.

"Father, is it okay?" Kuina turned and looked at Koshiro.

Although she was asking, her eyes were full of determination, and how could Koshiro not see his daughter's thoughts?

Koshiro looked at Kuina's determined eyes, as if he saw the shadow of that woman back then.

"It's true, our child is exactly like you back then."

Koshiro sighed helplessly: "Okay!"

"Yeah!" Kuina jumped up happily.

Koshiro couldn't help laughing when he saw his daughter's appearance. Since he told Kuina that girls could not become the world's number one swordsman, he had never seen Kuina laugh from the bottom of her heart.

Then Kuina went out to share the good news with her friends, and the childThey all looked at Kuina with envy. They had just seen Ryan's destructive power and amazing swordsmanship.

Only Zoro muttered, "Are you afraid of being defeated by me and want to run away?"

After 1846 failures, Zoro firmly believed that he would definitely defeat Kuina next time!

"No, Master Ryan said that I will practice in the windmill village not far from here next."

"If you want to challenge, you can come to me!" Kuina, who had untied her knot, winked at Zoro playfully.

"Okay! But are your eyes uncomfortable?"

Kuina picked up the wooden sword and chopped it on Zoro's head, cursing, "Get out!"

"Damn it, you sneaked up on me, it's not fair, rematch!" Zoro, who had a bump on his head, said indignantly.

In the hall, Koshiro looked at the sword on Ryan's waist and asked, "Can I see your sword?"

Perhaps because his daughter became Ryan's disciple, Koshiro felt that he and Ryan were much closer, so he asked to see Ryan's sword.

In the mind of Koshiro, who was educated by Shimotsuki Kozaburo since childhood, for some swordsmen, the sword in their hands is even more important than their own lives, so Koshiro had never made this request before.

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