After Ryan and the others left, Phili also gathered everyone together. He made a promise and comforted everyone. Phili was very skilled in the aftermath.

However, when they walked out of the gate together and walked to the playground. 90% of the people behind them vomited.

For ordinary people who have not seen much of the world, this is the hell on earth.

A marine trembled and said, "Are they really all dead?"

Phili closed his eyes. Although he knew that Ron and his group deserved to die, he couldn't help but feel chilled when he saw this scene. Ryan either joined the navy camp or had to be arrested.

Today is the guilty navy, what about tomorrow?

Who knows if Ryan will become bad in the future, but one thing is certain that Ryan is very dangerous!

Phili opened his eyes and looked at the subordinates around him and said.

"Report the situation here to the headquarters, including the crimes committed by Ron and others."

But the subordinates who had not recovered yet shook their heads.

"I'll do it myself."

Fili shouted to the marines around him: "Take them to the base and have a good rest!"

The awakened marines instinctively answered: "Yes, Colonel Fili."

Grand Line--The headquarters of the world's navy--Marinford

A man wearing a seagull hat is sitting on a chair and handling official business, with seven big characters behind him: "Justice reigns over the world".

The man is the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Buddha Sengoku. The current navy has entered a period of power transition.

Because of the advent of the Great Pirate Era, the current Navy Marshal Kong has grown older and suffered injuries from years of fighting.

Feeling that he is unable to suppress this era that is gradually going out of control, Kong Kong is ready to hand over the position and responsibility of the Navy Marshal to Sengoku.

The advent of the Great Pirate Era has made the Navy extremely cautious, and the handover of the position of the Navy Marshal must be guaranteed to be foolproof at this juncture.

In order to ensure a smooth transition of power, the current Sengoku has begun to do the work of the marshal.

The phone next to "bilibili" rang. Sengoku saw that it was the Den Den Mushi that was talking to the Nanhai Navy Branch, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

Although it was strange, Sengoku picked up the phone immediately.

Because the Shihai Branch generally does not contact the headquarters unless there is something particularly important. It has always been the headquarters that issues orders and the branches execute them.

"Is it Marshal Kong?" The voice of the Den Den Mushi came.

"I am Sengoku!"

"It is General Sengoku. I have important information to report to the headquarters."

"You say."


10 minutes later

"I know, I will draw 500 soldiers from the headquarters to arrive in Nanhai together."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Sengoku sighed: "It's really a troubled year. What can stop this rampage era!"

Thinking of the Red Hair Pirates and Red Count Barrorick Redfield who have been extremely active in the New World recently, now there is trouble in Nanhai again.

I heard that the lone red Baloric Redfield destroyed a naval fleet in the New World a while ago, and now Marshal Kong is busy making a plan to capture Baloric Redfield.

"Ask Borsalino and Kuzan to come over." Sengoku ordered the marines at the door.

Not long after, a man wearing yellow striped clothes and looking a little wretched walked in. The man was Vice Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters.

"Hey, Admiral Sengoku, what are you looking for me for so late at night? I'm very busy now." The man's light words came.

"Borsalino, didn't you just come back from vacation yesterday?"

"Really? Recently, the doctor said that my memory has begun to deteriorate. I can't remember it, Sengoku-chan.!"

Hearing this, Sengoku's face was dark, and everyone was like this, including Garp and Borsalino. Sengoku cursed in his heart.

At this time, a marine who was on vacation in the East China Sea and eating donuts sneezed.

"Could it be that Sengoku is thinking about me?" The man touched his head.

"General Sengoku, what do you want to talk to me about so late at night?" A curly-haired man with an eye patch on his forehead walked in.

Seeing Kuzan coming, Borsalino said with a pout.

"Yo yo yo, even Kuzan is here. It seems that something big has happened."

"Just now, the naval branch base stationed by the Gothic Kingdom in the South Sea was destroyed, and 1,034 marines were killed. They were two teenagers in their teens."

"What!!" Kuzan exclaimed.

"It's really scary!"

"Borsalino, shut up!" Sengoku got angry when he heard Kizaru's light words.

After being disturbed by this, Kuzan was cold instead.After calming down, he found that there was a contradiction in Zhan Guo's words just now and asked hurriedly.

"No, isn't it true that no one survived? How come you know the news now? Someone must have informed you, otherwise it wouldn't be so fast."

Zhan Guo looked at Ku Zan with a relieved look and continued.

"Colonel Fili just communicated with me, because Colonel Fili was locked up by Major General Ron, but he escaped."

"Locked up?" Ku Zan asked.

Kizaru was also very curious.

"Because Colonel Fili found out that Major General Ron was locked up for selling slaves at the naval base, and it was because of the slave trade that Major General Ron died."

Ku Zan's worldview was constantly being impacted. Naval base? Slave trade! Ron, these words are constantly emerging in Ku Zan's mind.

Ron came out of the same training camp as Ku Zan. The two of them got along very well because they had similar understandings of justice, and later became friends over time.

Seven years ago, because the number of pirates in the South China Sea was increasing, the headquarters also sent Ron to guard the South China Sea.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but every time Ron came back, Kuzan went on a mission, and they missed the chance to meet several times.

Since then, Kuzan and Ron have never met again, but sometimes they would hear news about each other.

I didn’t expect to hear such news this night.

Looking at Kuzan who was a little dazed, Zhan Guo sighed slightly that this was something Kuzan had to go through on his growth path.

I also went through this in the past, and this hurdle must be overcome by Kuzan himself, and no one else can help him.

This world is not black and white. Where there is light, there must be darkness, and most of the darkness lives next to light.

What we can do is to make this world a little better in our own way.

"So I need someone to go there."

"First, investigate the whole story and see if it's as Colonel Fili said."

"Second, because everyone is dead, we need to temporarily transfer people from the headquarters to take them there.

"Third, the people who massacred the entire naval branch must be caught. No matter what Ron does, the dignity of the navy cannot be challenged. If it is not handled properly, the entire South China Sea will fall into chaos."

As soon as Zhan Guo finished speaking, Kuzan's voice sounded.

"I'll go!"

"I came from the South China Sea and I'm more familiar with that place."

Zhan Guo looked at Kizaru.

Kizaru spread his hands: "I'm busy recently..."

"Okay, then Kuzan will go. In addition, the bounty for these two people will be issued tomorrow. I'm sorry to bother you with this matter. "

After that, he handed the two bounties that had just been made on the table to Kuzan.

Kizaru also curiously leaned over to see that the corner of his mouth twitched, because this twitching made Kizaru look extremely wretched at this time.

As for why Kizaru was like this, we have to ask the content of the two bounties.

Ryan bounty amount 100 million Bailey

Bailey bounty amount 30 million Bailey

For two newcomers who have not yet entered the Grand Line, these two bounties are unprecedented, especially Ryan's 100 million bounty order, which is considered a big pirate in the Grand Line.

This shows the severity of the matter and Ryan's danger. If every new pirate learns from Ryan, the whole world will be in chaos.

Kuzan stared at the two people in the bounty order, as if he wanted to deeply engrave Ryan and Bailey in his mind.

If Ryan was here, he would probably sing a song.

"You exist in my deep mind. ”

“In my dream”

“In my heart”


[The author couldn’t help but joke here. Typing is too boring. The author needs to find the joy of typing by himself.]

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