"Are you leaving?" Ryan looked at Dorag and said, "You can stay a little longer!"

Now Ryan completely regarded Dorag as his future subordinate. They had just fought to the death, but now he was polite.

"Ah, I have to go back to the West Sea to deal with things!"

"Okay, then I won't keep you!" Since Dorag insisted on leaving, he didn't force it.

"I'll leave with you too. Come to me anytime if you want to spar!" Koshiro said with a smile. Seeing that his friend's child had grown up well, Koshiro's purpose of coming here had been achieved.

And after today, he had no worries about handing Kuina over to Ryan for training. Such a man probably wouldn't teach his daughter bad things.

Ryan also understood Koshiro's implication, and he would ask him for advice on the soft sword whenever he had time.


"Kuina, you have to listen to your master and train well, understand?"

"Got it, father!"

Drag handed Ryan a Den Den Mushi and said, "We can use this to contact each other if we have anything in the future!"

Playing with the Den Den Mushi in his hand, Ryan said slowly, "Okay!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Drago, Koshiro and the other two left. When Drago left, when no one was paying attention, he took a deep look at Luffy who was standing there stupidly.

The moment he walked out of the door, Drago had a faint smile on his face. He benefited a lot from this trip to the East China Sea.

"Dragon, you?"

"You are wrong!" After saying that, he headed towards the sea without looking back. Their ship was still docked there.

After they left, Kidd was the first to jump out.

He pointed at the little Luffy beside him and said, "Captain, what should we do with this kid!"

Luffy? Ryan smiled and said to Luffy, who looked confused, "Come here, brother."

Little Luffy was not afraid of the stage, and walked towards Ryan with cheerful little steps. Ryan hugged little Luffy in his arms and said in a gentle voice, "Do you want to be a pirate?"

"No, I want to be the man of the Navy King!" Little Luffy said in a baby voice, "That's what grandpa said!"

"Garp?" Ryan was stunned. Luffy didn't have the idea of ​​becoming a pirate yet. Is it because he hasn't met Shanks and made a promise yet?

Isn't it?

Ryan had the idea of ​​brainwashing Luffy and letting him join the Freedom League, but then gave up. The old man Garp had let him go several times, and his father Dragon was still his "subordinate".

So Ryan gave up this wonderful idea, and let Shanks deal with this baby-voiced Luffy in front of him.

"Then you should work hard, and don't let your grandfather down!"

Ryan emphasized the word "don't let down" very much.

"Yeah!" Little Luffy nodded heavily, and then ran to Ace and Sabo to play with them. Unfortunately, Ace didn't like to play with such a little brat, but Sabo was quite welcoming to Luffy.

"By the way, have you found out about the Slave Hunting Association in the East China Sea?" Ryan asked Tiger beside him.

Originally, I wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but it was delayed because of the matter of Enel and Dragon. Ryan still remembers the evil organization of the Slave Hunting Association.

"I found it!" Tiger said with a little resentment: "The person in charge of the Slave Hunting Association in the East China Sea is the current king-Bruce Pachulia!"

"What!" Sabo, who was teasing little Luffy, exclaimed. Although he didn't know what kind of organization the Slave Hunting Association was, he knew it was definitely not a good organization, and their king was actually the leader of this organization.

King Bruce Pachulia, whom Sabo had met at a banquet, was a man who always had a smile on his face. He was also very famous in the aristocratic circle and was a good king.

Seeing this, Sabo pushed Luffy away and listened attentively. He really wanted to know what was going to happen next. Today, Sabo had been shocked many times by Ryan and Dragon, and this time was no exception.

Only Luffy was left standing there blankly, looking at Sabo and then at Ace. Finally, Luffy decided to go and play with the auntie who could discharge electricity.

Ryan was fine. After hearing this, Fujitora slammed the table angrily: "I'm going to the palace to kill him now!"

Looking at Fujitora, who had a few more forehead wrinkles because of anger, Ryan whispered: "Don't be so reckless!"

Fujitora calmed down immediately after hearing Ryan's words. As he got to know Ryan more and more, Fujitora became more and more convinced of Ryan, especially after experiencing the previous PK between Ryan and Dragon.

If before in Fujitora's mind, Ryan was one of the candidates to save the world, then now it has changed from one to another.Become the only one, because Ryan not only wants to overthrow the world government, but also completely change the world.

"Tiger, it seems that many people in the Free Alliance know that I am the leader. What's going on?"

Before dealing with this king, Ryan needs to solve the current problems of the Free Alliance.

"You are indeed our leader. I have done all the other requirements, but I can't do this. This organization was established by you. I can't do this!" Tiger said righteously, his eyes full of determination.

Ryan ordered, whether it was daily singing, rule making, or the way to absorb personnel, Tiger was meticulous in executing, just like the 100 people who just joined the Free Alliance, Tiger also did it according to Ryan's standards.

Let them stay in the organization for 15 days, train, eat, and sleep together every day, and then absorb them in one fell swoop through speeches. In this way, the people who come in will have no problems with recognition and loyalty, and the success rate is also ridiculously high.

"Hey!" Ryan sighed, "It's my fault for not telling you clearly!"

"I told you not to say I'm the leader for a reason. You are the leader. The World Government's judgment of the Free Alliance is nothing more than an organization composed of a group of slaves. They are just taking revenge on the nobles because they have suffered. The World Government will not take it too seriously, and our development will be much easier!"

"But if I were the leader, what would be their first reaction? They would think that this is an organization that wants to subvert the world and would try every means to eradicate us. Even if we have the strength and can survive, the speed of development will definitely be much slower, just like the current revolutionary army, which can only develop in the dark. Is this what I want to see?"

"After all, we are not strong enough to compete with the World Government now!"

Tiger lowered his head, like a child who made a mistake, helpless and regretful. He knew he made a mistake.

Seeing Tiger like this, Ryan comforted him: "It's okay, it's not too late now. You should immediately notify all the people in the Freedom Alliance to carry out the de-Ryanization operation. All the information about me in the Freedom Alliance must be destroyed, and no one is allowed to mention my name again."

"From now on, there will be only one leader in the Freedom Alliance, and that is you, Fisher Tiger!"

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