Some people listened with interest and thoughtfulness, while others were confused. For example, Ace, who didn't know a few characters, and Luffy, who was only four years old, were in a state of sluggishness.

"I'm going to execute it right now!" Tiger said excitedly. Now he no longer has any doubts about Ryan's nine-character mantra. The only thing left is admiration.

"Are you sure you remember everything?" Ryan looked at Tiger questioningly.

Because no matter how good your plan is, if it is not communicated well and implemented properly, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Chief, don't worry!" It was not Tiger who spoke, but Jinbei. Jinbei shook the pen and paper in his hand.

Damn it! You still mess with this thing, carrying a pen and paper with you is something Ryan never expected.

"Attention, it must be conveyed in place!" Ryan still reminded uneasily.

Tiger patted his chest and said, "I'll do the work, so don't worry, Chief!"

Then Ryan began to communicate with Tiger and others about some detailed issues, such as how to run the branch, how to make friends with powerful people, etc.

After all, Tiger and others have never done these things before, including Ryan, who has never practiced them personally. Many things are just a matter of trial and error, and they need to accumulate experience to do better.

Failure is the mother of success. This is no nonsense. What Ryan and Tiger are doing now is to try to reduce the number of failures and reduce the losses.

"Brother Ace, I want to join the Freemen's Alliance!" Just as Ryan and everyone were discussing, a voice sounded, and the speaker was none other than Sabo, who had just been listening carefully.

"Saab, you?" Ace was confused as to why his good brother would suddenly say such a thing. This was different from the Sabo he usually knew!

Everyone looked at Sabo. This was the first time they had met this seven-year-old child.

"Oh, give me a reason!" Ryan looked at Sabo and smiled.

In the original history, Sabo only joined the revolutionary army after the Tianlong people visited the Kingdom of Goa. In order to prevent the Tianlong people from seeing the dirty things, the King of Goa Kingdom teamed up with the Blujem Pirates to prepare a fire to burn the waste. The terminus is where Saab encounters the revolutionary Monkey D. Long.

Later, Sabo saw through this country, so he stole a small fishing boat and sailed alone, leaving only a letter to give to Luffy. However, Sabo was attacked by the Draco because the ship patrolling the East China Sea passed by. The ship sank after the bombardment, and was rescued by Dorag at the critical moment. From then on, Sabo joined the revolutionary army and forgot all the things in the Kingdom of Goa.

Ryan wanted to know why Sabo, who had not experienced these things, wanted to join the Freemen.

"I hate the hypocrisy of nobles. I yearn for freedom. After listening to your description, I also want to join this great cause and contribute my own strength!" Sabo said excitedly.

"Are you strong in your own power?"

Sabo was stunned. He never thought that Ryan would answer like this.

"I..." Sabo opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out, because he was really weak now. What could a seven-year-old child do?

"Chief!" Tiger wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ryan raising his hand.

If it were another Ryan, he might agree, but after all, Sabo is Ace's best friend. Joining the Free Alliance is not just a child's play, it requires sacrifice.

In Ryan’s opinion, what does Saab know now? It was just a moment of excitement. If Ryan were a few years older, he might have agreed.

Sabo, who was rejected, stood there stupidly. Originally, because he was here because of Ace's relationship, his joining should not be a big problem, but the reality slapped him hard in the face.

What he didn't know was that it was because of Ace that Ryan refused to agree.

"Saab, it's okay, we can go to sea together in the future!" Ace comforted.

Sabo was silent, as if he had made some important decision. Sabo took a deep breath and said to Ryan: "I am a noble, and my status can help you a lot!"

"I'm sorry, Ace, I didn't mean to lie to you!" Sabo turned to Ace.

After telling the secret in his heart, Sabo felt that he felt much more relaxed, because in Sabo's heart, he disliked and resented the identity of a noble. He did not admit that he was a noble because he was afraid that Ace would know his identity. Stop interacting with yourself.

"It's okay, we have always been good friends, haven't we?" The young Ace had already shown an adult-like attitude. Not only was he not angry, but he also comforted Sabo.

"It seems that you have really made up your mind. I hope you won't regret it!" Jian SaBo's attitude was so firm that he even told his biggest secret, so Ryan stopped stopping him.

"You agreed!"


Sabo jumped up happily. What he said just now was not empty talk. He grew up in an aristocratic family and never had his own goals. His parents used him as a tool to let him marry a princess. It was Ace's dream to become a pirate before, but today he finally knew what he wanted.

Although he was the same age as Ace, the educated Sabo saw some things more thoroughly than Ace.

"Great, Sabo!" Ace was also happy for Sabo.


The two hugged each other tightly, and they had long forgotten about hiding their noble identities. Little Luffy, who was in Machino's arms, saw this scene and wanted to join in for some reason.

"Then let's continue?" Tiger smiled. He was also very happy about Sabo's joining. This was a good start. The Freedom Alliance welcomed the first member of noble status.

"Wait a minute, I've figured out how to deal with Goa King Bruce Pachulia!"

"What method? Isn't it just killing him?"

Ryan didn't answer, but took out a Den Den Mushi from his arms, and made a call regardless of the yawning little guy.

"bilibili! bilibili!"

Holy Land-Marijoa, Charlos, who was at the home of the Palace of Charulia, suddenly heard the sound of the Den Den Mushi in his arms.

"Master!" Charlos was startled at first, and then his face showed joy.

Because he only had one Den Den Mushi, which was the one that contacted Ryan, he knew that Ryan was looking for him again.

"Brother?" Palace of Charulia looked at Charlos, whose face was flushed because of the sound of the Den Den Mushi, and asked curiously.

"Ah, I have something to leave first!"

Without explaining, Charlos left here quickly.

When he came to a place where no one was, Charlos quickly answered the phone: "Master, I'm 007!"

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