The next morning.

When Ryan was still asleep, Tiger, Jinbei and Sabo came to Dadan's family early.

"Uh, why are you here!" Ryan was still a little confused after being woken up by Bailey.

Yesterday, he told Tiger that he had something to do and came to him. Unexpectedly, it was only a day later, and there was something. To be honest, Ryan really couldn't think of what they couldn't solve and needed to discuss with him.

"Sabo, you tell me!"

Then Sabo told Ryan what he saw and heard when he returned home yesterday.

It turned out that after Sabo returned home yesterday, he found that his father, Otluk III, was in an extremely excited state. Curious Sabo asked casually.

Then he learned that the king was going to burn down the waste terminal with a fire. When Sabo heard the news, his first reaction was to think of the poor people living in the waste terminal.

As a result, he didn't listen to Otluk III's instructions to get closer to Princess Sally.

"Is that so!" Ryan stroked his beardless chin and thought thoughtfully.

At that time, Ryan only thought of asking Charlos to come and deal with the king and some nobles, and neglected this point.

"Now we have no idea when they will act, and the scope of the waste terminal is too large. Even if we send someone to guard it, we can't take care of it!" Tiger was a little anxious.

"How about we evacuate the people in the waste terminal and let them move out?" Fujitora tentatively said his suggestion.

"It's difficult!" Sabo said in a deep voice: "I know there, they have no place to live, and asking them to move out is tantamount to asking for their lives. They will definitely not agree."

Fujitora frowned slightly. Among all the people present, Sabo undoubtedly had the deepest understanding of the waste terminal. He said so, which shows that his idea is indeed difficult to realize

"Got it!" Looking at the frowning Fujitora, Ryan suddenly had a solution.

"What solution, tell me quickly!"

Enthusiastic citizen Fujitora is very concerned about the safety of ordinary people.

"The solution lies in you!" Ryan smiled brightly, and Fujitora was a little panicked.

"Could it be..."

Fujitora did not continue to speak, because he understood Ryan's meaning from Ryan's eyes, and he was not wrong. This was Fujitora's self-cultivation as a qualified tool man.

"Okay, then I'll live there these days!"

For the lives and property of the people, Fujitora thought it was normal to make some sacrifices.

"What are you talking about!" Tiger said in confusion.

Sabo and Jinbei on the side also nodded to show that they did not understand, and the old members of the Blood Sword Pirates all showed strange smiles.

That's right, Ryan's solution is to let Fujitora live in the waste terminal as a lookout on the ship. It is no problem to monitor the waste terminal with Fujitora's observation Haki.

Although he is a blind man.....

After all, it is not necessary to observe everyone. As long as you find and rush over to put out the fire when it starts, Ryan chooses the most unworthy method-waiting for the rabbit.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Ryan patted Tiger's shoulder and said.

Seeing Ryan so confident and confident of winning, Tiger chose to believe him!

"Okay, then I'll go back!"

"Don't worry," Ryan nodded and said, "We'll go with you later!"

Then, Fujitora went to pack up, because he didn't know how many days he would stay, so Fujitora took everything he could bring and was ready for a long-term battle.

After several people arrived at the waste terminal, they settled Fujitora, left a space coordinate, and went back alone, leaving Fujitora alone here.

At least Ryan thought so.


"Come on, place your bets, place your bets!"

"Buy and leave!"

"Buy big!"

"You, a blind man, also like to play this?" Someone next to him saw Fujitora also participating in it and laughed.


"Open, small!"

"Oh, what a pity!" Fujitora, who didn't bet, said regretfully.

The most abundant thing in the Waste Terminal is the casino. The poorer the people, the more they want to get rich overnight through gambling. People who live and stay here for a long time have a gambler mentality in their hearts. Their goal is to find something valuable here.

In Goa Kingdom-Gao Town, two guests were welcomed to the home of Teruk III.

The leader of the Sig Bandits-Sig!

The captain of the Sapphire Pirates-Blue Gem!

In order to ensure that everything is foolproof and for his own better life in the future, Outluk III specially invited, in Goa Kingdom-Gao Town ...Sig, who has become famous in the country.

As for Bluejam, he is an old acquaintance of his. Many things that Outluk III was inconvenient to do were done by Bluejam. It was not the first time for the two to cooperate.

"You actually asked me to cooperate with pirates. Do you look down on me?" Sig, who was wearing a maroon coat, slammed the knife in his hand heavily on the table to express his dissatisfaction.

Sig has always looked down on those so-called pirates, and he has killed many pirates like Bluejam.

"Do you want to die?"

As the saying goes, it is better to lose the battle than the battle. Although Bluejam knew that Sig was not easy to mess with, he still didn't want to lose face in front of Outluk III.

He also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to live in Gaozhen and become a noble noble.

He had had enough of the fearful life of a pirate. Not only did he face the challenge of other pirate groups, but he also faced the threat of the navy. If he could obtain the title of noble, his second half of life would be settled.

Sig was also a man of temperament. He drew his knife and pointed it at Bluejem, ready to kill him if they disagreed.

"Okay, don't have a conflict!" Seeing that the situation was not right, Otluk III hurried out to mediate: "I still count on you two for the next thing."

While speaking, Otluk III also looked at Bluejem on purpose. He really didn't have a good way to control Sig.

This man was unruly and had many fierce subordinates. If it weren't for his great reputation and the importance of this matter, Otluk III really didn't want to contact him.

Bluejem immediately became quiet, and although Sig still had a disdainful look on his face, he still had to give his employer face.

"You two, one will support the south and the other will be responsible for the north. You must solve the waste terminal in these two days!" Seeing that his words had worked, Otluk III arranged the work for the two.

Then he handed a stack of Bailey to the two of them: "This is a deposit. After the matter is completed, there will be a big reward!"

"Okay, then I'll leave first!" Sig weighed it and left after getting what he wanted. He still had to go back and explain to his subordinates.

"Do you want to kill him?" After Sig left, Bluejem said viciously.

"You decide."


"Got it!" Although Otluk III did not say it clearly, the clever Bluejem immediately understood what he meant. He might not be able to compete with Sig in a frontal battle, but it was not certain that he could attack from behind!

Bluejem walked out of the door with a smile. He had to go back and make arrangements on how to deal with Sig afterwards.


After the two left, Otluk III's face immediately darkened. No matter whether it was Bluejem or Sig, he would not let them go afterward, leaving him with handles and stains.

This is the self-cultivation of a noble.

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