Ryan did not rest immediately after returning to Dadan's family, but began to try the operation of Armament Haki.

Just now when he was fighting with Garp, he really found something.

The three colors of Haki, Observation Haki and Overlord Haki, are related to human will and induction, but Armament Haki is different. Armament Haki is a kind of power that exists in everyone's body.

As long as you work hard enough, you can rely on practice to get Armament Haki. There are people who are born with Overlord Haki in the pirate world, and there are people who are born with Observation Haki, but there is no natural Armament Haki.

Armament Haki has different usage techniques due to its fluid characteristics, which can be divided into "hardening", "entanglement", "external release" and "internal destruction".

The use of Armament Haki has high and low skills, but this does not mean that the strength of Armament Haki is high or low, and low does not mean high or low strength.

For example, Ryusakura in Wano Country is a high-level technique. Many warriors in Wano Country know it, but this does not mean that their Armament Haki is very strong.

The strength of Armament Haki is related to its quantity, quality, and physical strength.

For example, when Ryan just fought with Garp, Ryan found that the quality of his Armament Haki was very high. If the strength of Ryan's current Armament Haki is ice condensed from water, then Garp's Armament Haki is steel.

Because when Ryan collided, he actually felt pain in his hand covered with Armament Haki, which is the strength of Garp's Armament Haki.

But no matter how Ryan tried, he didn't feel that his Armament Haki was enhanced at all.

"It seems that the method is wrong, how about asking Garp?"

Although he knew that the possibility of Garp telling him was very small, Ryan still wanted to try it, just in case it succeeded.

Ryan did it right away, and came to Machino's bar the next moment, but there was no sign of Garp.

"Where is Garp?" Ryan asked Machino who was cleaning.

"Mr. Garp left after you just left!" Machino has long been accustomed to Ryan's appearance.

Uh, Ryan used his observation Haki to sense and found that Garp's breath was near the coast, and there were other people's breath there.


Ryan thought about it and decided not to look for Garp for the time being, and wait until tomorrow.

Then Machino watched Ryan disappear.

"This Ace's brother is really amazing!"

Since he didn't find Garp, Ryan went back to rest.

The next day, Ryan found Garp wandering around the windmill village alone. Unfortunately, Garp didn't tell him how to make his armed Haki stronger.

Robin, who was reading a book, saw Ryan's depressed look and called him: "What's wrong, Ryan, is there something wrong?"

"Uh... Nothing!"

This was the first time Robin took the initiative to talk to Ryan in the past few days, causing Ryan to not react for a while.

At present, Ryan didn't know what he thought of Robin. In his previous life, Ryan did like Robin, but that was virtual, not real. He only liked Robin's attitude towards life and felt sorry for Robin's experience.

But when the character in the anime became real, it was different. At first, Ryan just wanted to prevent Robin from suffering as in the anime.

But what Ryan didn't know was that as they got along slowly, he actually fell in love with Robin. It was different from the appreciation of virtual characters, but a kind of affection generated from daily interactions.

"Oh, I'm glad you're okay!" Robin said casually, adjusting his glasses.

"Then I'll go!"

After saying that, Ryan went to practice, and by the way, he saw how Ace and the others were practicing.

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