Luffy returned to the Windmill Village. After bidding farewell to Garp at the dock, he saw a merchant ship coming over. Luffy saw a boy with a green algae head and three knives on his waist coming down from the ship.

"Who are you?" Luffy asked curiously.

Zoro's hand involuntarily tightened the handle of the knife. For some reason, he suddenly wanted to chop the child in front of him, and he couldn't suppress this thought.

"Who are you?"

Luffy's voice woke Zoro up. He suppressed the urge to chop people and asked, "Where is Mount Gorpo?"

"Over there!" Luffy pointed in the direction of a hill in the distance.


Zoro trotted over there.

"What is he doing at Sister Machino's bar?" Luffy looked at Zoro's agile figure from behind and wondered.

But Luffy didn't care. He had nothing to do and slowly went to Mount Gorpo to play with the little brother named Ace.

"What are you doing here?" Ace, who was practicing swordplay, asked Luffy when he saw him coming.

This little brat always likes to stick to him.

"I'm here to play. Hasn't the green-haired brother arrived yet? You asked me for directions." Luffy looked around and found that he didn't see the figure he remembered.

"Brother Bailey?"

"No, it's a guy with three swords."

Three swords, green hair, hearing these words, Kuina stopped what she was doing and asked, "How old is he, how tall is he?"

"One or two years older than me!"

"How tall, about this tall." Luffy gestured with his hands on Ace's body.


Kuina's first reaction was to think of Zoro through Luffy's description. As for why he hasn't arrived yet, Kuina already had the answer in her heart.

"Do you know him?" Ace asked.

"Well, it's the junior brother of Isshin Kendo Gym!" Kuina looked at the distance helplessly and said, "Hey! It seems I have to go find him!"

"Let's go together, I'm more familiar with this place!"


Kuina didn't refuse. After coming here, he spent most of his time practicing swords and studying here. He really didn't know much about this place, and it was much more convenient with Ace.

"I'll go too!" Luffy said hurriedly when he heard that he was going out to find someone. In his opinion, this should be a very interesting thing.

And now Zoro encountered a problem. He followed the direction pointed by the little brat, passed through a village, walked for a long time, and came to a place full of ruins.

There are many people here carrying waste and garbage on the ground, and there are constantly carts transporting these garbage out. Seeing this scene, Zoro was puzzled.

"Is this Mount Gorpo? It doesn't look like it! Forget it, let's ask first!"

"Uncle, do you know where Kuina is? I want to compete with him." Zoro found a middle-aged uncle who looked like a leader and asked.

"What, Kuina, we don't have a kid named Kuina here!"

"Also, don't disturb me while I'm working. You get 100 Baileys for moving a truck." The middle-aged man pushed Zoro aside impatiently.

"Forget it, I'll go ask other people..."

The answers he got were all unknown, and Zoro also learned that this place is not called Mount Gorpo but the Waste Terminal!

"I was fooled by that kid!" Zoro was very angry.

"Uh, why are you here?" At this time, a strange and familiar person appeared in front of Zoro, Ryan, who was finishing the enrollment of Goya Elementary School and came here to see the progress.

"You are Kuina's master!" Finally seeing an acquaintance, Zoro said anxiously: "Tell me where Kuina is, I'm here to challenge her this time!"

Zoro is very confident in her current strength. She believes that this will definitely avenge her and defeat Kuina.

"Isn't Kuina training at Mount Gorpo? Why did you come here?"

Zoro got angry when he asked this question, and said indignantly: "It was because a kid lied to me and said that Mount Gorpo was here, and then I came here, but I didn't find Kuina. If I see him again, I will kill him!"

Thinking about Zoro's directionlessness, Ryan tried to probe: "Is there a possibility that you are lost?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"I'm not that kind of person!" Zoro said firmly.

Well, Ryan can now be sure that Zoro must have found this place because he was lost.

I just don't know who is the big grudge who showed Zoro the way. He was chopped for doing good things, and Ryan felt very sympathetic.

"Then wait a minute, I'll take you back when I'm done!"

Then Ryan began to compare the blueprint in his hand with the terrain of the waste terminal. HePrepare to build this place into a very large industrial park.

This is also a decision that Ryan made after thinking for a long time. The first reason is the geographical location. Because it was used as a place to discharge garbage at the beginning, the waste terminal is quite far away from where people live, which is very suitable for development into an industrial park.

The second reason is that most of the indigenous people here are unemployed, have no income, and are idle. They must be given something to do, otherwise these people will become pirates, bandits, and bandits, because they have no proper means of making a living, so building an industrial park is also to solve their employment problems.

Third, it is also to prepare for the future branch of the Chamber of Commerce. After all, as long as you master the manufacturing industry, it will be much more convenient for you to do some business, and you can't lose money. Of course, it is better to make money.

Fourth, the construction of an industrial park can stimulate the economic development of the Kingdom of Goa to a certain extent. As long as you have goods in your hands, you can not only sell them domestically, but also export them. These are all means to promote the economy. If there are merchant ships, the Chamber of Commerce will come to you to purchase goods. Their arrival can also help the subsequent development.

The inspection was almost done, and Ryan was ready to go back, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he laughed out loud in a somewhat unkind way.

I saw that Liu Zoro was chasing Wang Luffy with a wooden sword and slashing.

Ace and Kuina each pulled one and stopped the fight.

Now Ryan finally knew who the big grudge who showed Zoro the way was, it was Luffy.

For some reason, Ryan remembered a scene he often saw when watching One Piece in his previous life. Zoro, who was tricked by Luffy, kept saying that he would chop Luffy with a knife.

I didn't expect to see it here. Zoro really chopped the two people who were not familiar with each other yet!

"Come on!"

"Liu Zoro, chop Wang Luffy to death!" Ryan cheered on the side.

But what Ryan didn't expect was that his cheering calmed Zoro down.

"My name is Zoro, not Liu Zoro!"

"My name is not Wang Luffy either!"

The two said to Ryan in unison.

Seeing that Zoro stopped chopping, Ryan felt a little regretful, but he did not continue to dwell on this issue, but directly took them back to Mount Gorpo.

Zoro continued his challenge, but the result was undoubted. His record with Kuina also became 0 wins and 1847 losses.

Zoro was improving, and so was Kuina. Since Ryan told Kuina not to be obsessed with strength, she has been focusing on improving her skills, and the burden on her body is also smaller than before. Many movements and sword moves that could not be done before can now be used.

Although Zoro's strength gradually became stronger than Kuina's over time, swordsmanship is not only about the strength of your strength, but also includes your skills, combat experience, and talent in combat, etc. These are the key to determining victory or defeat.

Zoro's control of the sword is obviously not as strong as Kuina's, and his strength is obviously not enough to defeat ten skills, so defeat is natural.

However, Zoro did not lose heart and said he would come again to challenge next time. In order to prevent him from getting lost, Ryan even sent someone to send him back, otherwise Ryan felt that Koshiro might have one less disciple.

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