
Ryan flew backwards more than ten meters. Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and he looked at Shanks with a smile in astonishment. He didn't expect that Shanks had mastered this move now.

For some reason, he thought of the scene where Kaido helped King Luffy to quit drug addiction, but Ryan didn't faint directly. He was just caught off guard and suffered a minor injury!

Sure enough, with the magic pen wrapped in the domineering color, the power is much stronger.

As for why Shanks could avoid the gods, Ryan was not surprised. As Roger's most optimistic person, it seemed normal for Shanks to know Roger's swordsmanship.

"The domineering color entanglement has a strong blessing on the attack, which is worthy of the threshold of the emperor!" Ryan exclaimed, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to peek into the domineering color entanglement, but I don't know if the red-haired teacher will be as dedicated as the teacher of Cornetto.

"Come again!" Ryan roared and continued to rush towards Shanks.

With the Kong Kong Fruit, he could have fought a guerrilla war, and it would have been difficult for Shanks to hit him, but Ryan chose to confront Shanks head-on at this time.

The opportunity was rare. It was not easy to meet someone who could be domineering, and this person would not kill him. How could Ryan miss such an opportunity?

Even if this battle failed because of Ryan's choice, he would not feel sorry. There were many opportunities to defeat Shanks and get attribute points, but the opportunity to get one step closer was rare.

Moreover, Ryan felt that Shanks's three colors of domineering seemed to be stronger than his own. The domineering color and armed color had been sensed when they fought. The observation color could not be seen at present, but it could be roughly inferred from the other two colors of domineering.

Ryan's current advantage is his fruit ability, the sword body he just obtained, and the swordsmanship that is slightly better than Shanks.

It can be said that each has its own advantages. At present, it seems that Shanks's advantage is even stronger. The blessing of domineering on combat power is really strong!

Then there was this scene. Ryan was tirelessly killing Shanks, and each time he was thrown backwards.

From the scene, Ryan was being mercilessly beaten by Shanks.

But Shanks, who was on the advantage side, did not have a relaxed expression on his face at this time, but became more and more solemn.

Ryan seemed to have changed into a different person at this moment. Although his hair was so messy and his clothes were still so tattered, he no longer looked down and haggard! His haggard face was glowing with a dazzling brilliance!

Before, he was like a sword hidden in a box, keeping a low profile and not showing his edge, so no one could see its brilliant brilliance!

As Shanks continued to beat, the sword hidden in the box emitted a dazzling light at this time. Although Ryan was in a mess at this moment, his aura was slowly getting stronger.

Ryan's domineering aura and murderous aura were constantly in contact and intertwined at this time, and a small part of the murderous aura had merged with the domineering aura.

"Is the Conqueror's Haki going to break through?"

This was something Ryan had never expected. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to learn how to use Conqueror's Haki, but under the pressure of Shanks's powerful strength.

The murderous aura that had been accumulating on his body would actually merge with the Conqueror's Haki. All along, the murderous aura was a means for Ryan to bluff people. It was non-lethal and a bit illusory.

But when the murderous aura merged with the Conqueror's Haki, Ryan actually felt a breakthrough. When the murderous aura was completely integrated with the Conqueror's Haki, his Conqueror's Haki would break through the bottleneck of 99999 like his physique and reach the ultimate.

In fact, Ryan also hit it by mistake. The murderous aura and the Conqueror's Haki are both things of will, and their functions are somewhat similar, both of which are to deter others.

And Ryan felt that a normal breakthrough of the Conqueror's Haki should not be like this. After all, he did not feel any murderous intent in Shanks' Conqueror's Haki.

"Is this a mutation?" Ryan was puzzled.

Feeling the amazing momentum of Ryan, the pressure of the Conqueror's Haki became stronger and stronger, and Shanks also felt the murderous intent and bloody breath.

This kind of Conqueror's Haki, even the knowledgeable Shanks has never heard of it!

Looking at Ryan, whose injuries were getting worse and worse, but whose momentum was getting stronger and stronger, a word appeared in Shanks' mind.

Bloody Swordsman!

At this time, Ryan, who stood with a sword in one hand, seemed to have really walked out of the God of Death in hell.

There is only a wrong name, not a wrong name!

Shanks's Conqueror's Haki is red, while Ryan's is blood red. Because of the fusion of murderous aura, Ryan is surrounded by blood.

Blood red, bloody, great swordsman!

It has to be said, Ryan and the title of Bloody Swordsman really suit each other, although he doesn’t like it!

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