"Ryan, what are you doing?" Everyone looked at the two people who suddenly appeared, especially Ryan, whose white robe became tattered and stained with blood.

Robin saw this scene and cast his eyes on Shanks. The gaze that seemed to come from the abyss made Shanks' scalp numb!

Shanks looked at Ryan, and then at Robin. As a person who had experienced it, he knew very well what was going on.

"Why are you so careless!" Robin blamed.

Ryan touched the back of his head and said a little awkwardly: "Haha, unexpected!"

"You are miserable, you fell in love!" After leaving this sentence, Shanks left quickly, leaving Ryan and Robin looking at each other.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The heart beat strongly, as if it was a cat caught stealing fish.

Ryan wanted to say something at this time.

"Robin, I..."

"Okay, I'm going to Goya Elementary School to teach those children!" Robin, a history teacher, left without looking back.

Just when he turned around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt that it was good at the moment. Some things would not be beautiful if they were revealed. Before the blind box was opened, no one knew whether it contained surprises or sadness.

Her childhood experience made her worried about gains and losses. Compared with gaining, she wanted more than losing.

Carefully maintaining this hard-won relationship is what Robin can do now.

"Alas, it's like this again!" Ryan sighed.

This situation is not the first time in the past year. He is also helpless. Every time he musters up the courage to say something, Robin evades it.

Forget it, let's go back and try to break through the domineering color domineering!

Two days later.

The murderous aura permeated around Ryan. This was Ryan's 365th attempt to merge all the murderous aura with the domineering color domineering, but the results were all failed without exception.

Ryan can currently do a small part of the fusion, but the more the number, the stronger the control required, and control has always been Ryan's weakness.

Ryan has been in a state of not being able to control his own power 100% for a long time, which has led to his current situation.

"It seems that I have to rely on the skills of ink and wash!"

"Try again!"

Putting away his mind, Ryan controlled the murderous aura around him, and merged it with the domineering aura. When it merged to 600 strands, Ryan still couldn't control it and failed again!

It is very simple for Ryan to merge a strand of murderous aura, but it is easy to make mistakes when the number is large, and the attention needs to be highly concentrated during the fusion.

When you repeat a simple thing, you will understand the difficulty of this thing.

It's like threading a needle. You need to complete it in one go and there can't be any mistakes. You can succeed at the first time, but when the time is getting longer and the attention is distracted, you are prone to mistakes.

This is the problem Ryan is facing now.

"Ryan, Tiger is here!" Bailey pushed the door in.

"Come on, let's check our achievements this year!" Ryan stood up slowly.

Goya Elementary School, the scene is already crowded with people. If it weren't for the ability of the Kongkong Fruit, Ryan really couldn't get in.

"There must be at least 100,000 people here!"

"At least hundreds of thousands less!"


You know, when Goya Elementary School was built, the scale was planned to be quite large, and it could accommodate tens of thousands of people.

But Ryan Ryan underestimated their enthusiasm. The streets and alleys near Goya Elementary School were all crowded with people.

If you look from the air, you can find that Goya Elementary School is now surrounded by people, and the dark crowd is still pouring in.

"Why are there so many people!" Even Ryan, who had expected it, was stunned at this time.

Originally, he thought it should be several times more than last year, but now it seems that he is wrong!

This is not a few times, it is dozens of times more!

"Many people came here last night..." Tiger pointed to the group of people holding blankets.

Everyone: "......."

"It looks like it's going to be hard today!" Although he said it was hard, you can't see any sadness on Tiger's face, but he is very excited.

This is their achievement, this is people's recognition of their efforts this year, otherwise there wouldn't be so many parents rushing to send their children here.

And those who had registered last year were now at the outermost edge, leisurely watching others squeeze in. Among them was a couple from last year!

"Mom, let's goSending the child here in 2017 is a wise choice!" The man joked.

"That's right, everyone in the surrounding area says I have good vision and decisiveness. The most wrong choice in my life is marrying you!" The man's wife raised her head and said proudly.

"The most correct choice in my life is to marry you!"

"Damn it, there are so many people here, why are you saying this!" Then the woman whispered in her husband's ear: "I'll reward you when I go back!"


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