Returning to Alabasta again, Ryan had a different feeling. Last time, Ryan came to find Robin, and he didn't have much contact with Alabasta.

This time, Ryan was going to get the historical text and understand the secrets of the Nefertari family 800 years ago, such as why they didn't live in Marijoa and gave up the opportunity to become the supreme Celestial Dragon, resulting in only 19 families in Marijoa now.

If they couldn't stand the behavior of the other 19 families, why did they form an alliance with them 800 years ago.

According to the information Ryan knows now, Joyboy and the current Celestial Dragons were in opposition 800 years ago, and the behavior of the Nefertari family did not seem to be Joyboy's enemy.

There are many intriguing things here, and there are too many contradictions.

According to Ryan's instructions, Bailey drove the Wanli Longteng straight to Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

It's funny to say that at this time, Alabasta's King Nefertari Cobra was worried about the pirates who had recently attacked coastal cities.

At this time, Cobra remembered that man--Crocodile, the hero of Alabasta!

At that time, because of Ryan's intervention, Crocodile did not reveal his idea of ​​​​plotting the country, so in the minds of all the citizens of Alabasta now, he is still the hero who protects them.

Since Crocodile took MR.1 to the New World, Alabasta has begun to suffer from pirates' sneak attacks and harassment again.

Coupled with the actions of the Navy in the past two years, Alabasta, as the forefront of the Grand Line, is even more miserable. After all, the closer to the Navy Headquarters Mary Vando, the stronger the Navy's control, the smaller the living space of pirates. As long as you commit a crime, the Navy Headquarters can send troops to capture you as quickly as possible.

The big pirates are either caught, hide, or go to the New World, so the frontier of the Grand Line, where the Navy's control is weak, has become a paradise for many small pirates.

This is also Cobra's worry.

"Father, you frowned, don't be sad." Cobra's daughter Vivi pinched his face and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, don't worry, today father will take you out to play!"

Seeing that his daughter cared about him so much, Cobra had the idea of ​​going out for a walk and relaxing at the same time.

"Great! Father is the best!" Vivi jumped up happily.

Cobra picked up Vivi and walked out of the hall.

"Father, ship, there is a ship in the sky!" Vivi in ​​Cobra's arms pointed to the distance.

Cobra looked subconsciously and saw a ship flying in the air, flying towards the palace at a very fast speed. The pirate flag flying on the ship shocked Cobra.

He recognized whose pirate flag it was, and a special sword was inserted into the skull from top to bottom.

"Bloody Swordsman Ryan!" Cobra put Vivi down in his arms and hurriedly said, "Vivi, go in first, don't come out!"

"What's wrong, father?" Vivi's eyes revealed great doubts.

"Hurry up!" Cobra urged.

Seeing her father's expression become ferocious, Vivi was frightened all of a sudden. In her impression, her father had never been so fierce to her.


At this time, the Wanli Longteng had landed in the palace.

"Too late!" At this time, Cobra felt that his body was hollowed out and he was weak all over.

It seemed that the bloody swordsman Ryan was coming for him. He had a grudge with Crocodile, the hero of their country, and the propaganda of the navy and the world government.

At this time, Cobra had only one sentence in his heart: My life is over!

"You are King Cobra!" Ryan asked as he led everyone down from the ship.

"I am, what do you want!" Cobra stared at Ryan fiercely, trying to use his attitude to let Ryan know that he was not easy to bully.

"Take me to your royal tomb, or you will die!" Ryan said lightly: "Including the child behind you!"

Hearing this, Cobra's heart moved slightly, and he asked tentatively: "What are you going there for?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just lead the way!" Enel was a little impatient.

In his opinion, the man in front of him really didn't know what was good for him!

"Come with me!" Cobra said directly without any hesitation. Compared with the things inside, his life and that of his daughter Vivi were more important.

The things were kept by his ancestors, and he couldn't understand them. He just knew that they were very important, that's all.

Following Cobra to the royal tomb, as soon as the door was opened, a huge stone tablet appeared in everyone's sight.

———————————————————400,000 words, brothers canWould you like to give some support?

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