Instantly, the entire sea surface made a "crackling" sound of freezing. In just a few breaths, the entire sea area was frozen except for the vicinity of the navy warships.

And Sakaski landed firmly on the ice.

"It's Admiral Qingzhi!"

"We are saved!"

"That damn pirate is going to be in trouble!"

Qingzhi's arrival attracted cheers from the navy. Two of the four admirals of the Navy Headquarters came here. Is there still a way for the Blood Sword Pirates to survive?

The man put down his bicycle, walked in front of him, and said with concern: "Ah, it's really ugly, Sakaski!"

The faint smile on Qingzhi's face made Sakaski feel very uncomfortable at this time, so he turned his head away proudly and ignored Qingzhi.

"What's going on?" Qingzhi put away his smile and asked. He had never seen Sakaski in such a miserable state. In his impression, the Blood Sword Pirates were strong, but not so strong that even Sakaski could not stop them.

"I was careless!" Sakaski replied indifferently, and then asked in confusion: "Kuzan, why are you here?"

"Marshal Sengoku asked me to come here, and by the way, I will pick up the kings of several member countries such as Alabasta to Marijoa to attend the World Conference!"

"So that's it!" Sakaski suddenly realized that it was Marshal Sengoku, so it's okay!

At this time, Sengoku was staring at the sky of Marinford in a daze: "Sakaski and Kuzan should bring good news!"

At this time, he was not very sure, because the Blood Sword Pirates were too evil. The first time he, Garp, and Kizaru fought, they had defeated the opponent, but they failed because of the arrival of Whitebeard.

The second time, He, Aoki, Kizaru, and Jiyuan led the team and had successfully captured the members of the Blood Sword Pirates. The situation was about to be decided, but it was ruined by Charlos, a Celestial Dragon.

This time, Sakaski led the team and Kuzan supported it. This was the third time!

"Fujitora, your old rival is here!" Ryan smiled at Fujitora above.

Every time Ryan met Aoki and fought against him, it was Fujitora. The two have gradually become old rivals. In fact, they are a little similar. They are both people with a sense of justice, but the direction they choose now is different.

Although his side is now in a disadvantage, Ryan is not ready to leave. He still wants to try to see if he can kill Sakaski here. Since he has confirmed that he is an opponent, he must not hold back.

Although he has a little appreciation for Akainu in his heart, among the three admirals of the navy, Akainu is the most worthy of his salary. No leader would refuse such a person as his subordinate.

"It's a pity that we are in different camps!" Ryan sighed softly.

Then he slowly landed on the frozen sea, looking at Aoki and Akainu from a distance.

"Let me do it, you take a rest first!" Aoki stood in front of Akainu, with cold air surging on his body, looking at Ryan with a serious face.

Ryan was able to defeat Sakaski, whether it was because of Sakaski's carelessness or not, Ryan's strength had changed dramatically compared to two years ago.

You know, even he himself couldn't defeat Sakaski.

"See you again!" Aoki said sadly.

He had complicated feelings about Ryan. Ryan had never attacked civilians, but he was a pirate. In the conversation in Alabasta two years ago, Ryan pointed out the problems of the world government fiercely and portrayed a relatively equal and free world, which was also what he longed for.

When Garp came back, he told him about what Ryan did in the Kingdom of Goa, which shocked him. Why is it that a pirate is trying to make the world better, but the World Government is still there whitewashing the peace without doing anything?

After becoming the admiral of the navy, he came into contact with more things than before, and he felt more and more that what Ryan said at that time was right, and his heart became more and more conflicted.

Otherwise, he wouldn't drink tea and bask in the sun with Kizaru all day long.

"Well, long time no see." Ryan replied lightly, and then tightened his sword in his hand. With a powerful enemy at hand, he dared not be careless at all.

Akainu looked at him with his eyes wide open: "You two are making trouble, you are here to fight, not to say hello!"

This is also the reason why Akainu and Qingzhi don't get along, because sometimes he is really incomprehensible. Since the pirates are right in front of you, why say hello, just go straight up!

The gap between the two is a conflict of ideas.

"Frozen time capsule!" What no one expected was that Qing Zhi actually took the initiative and attacked without any warning.

A cold shock wave came from Qing Zhi's right hand.It was sent out, rushing towards Ryan.

This freezing time capsule was used by Qingzhi when he was still a vice admiral to freeze the former vice admiral Sauro of the Navy Headquarters from a distance.

Once you are hit, you will fall into Qingzhi's fighting rhythm. Fortunately, Ryan has been concentrating his attention. After Qingzhi made a move, he instantly dodged to the left.

The cold air shock wave continued to move forward, directly freezing the frozen sea surface in the distance.

The power of the natural fruit that can destroy the world is really terrible. Although Shanks, Garp and other strong men are strong, they are still inferior to them in terms of large-scale destructive power.

The same is true for Ryan, unless he develops the empty fruit further and awakens it!

As soon as Qingzhi and Ryan fought, the others stopped one after another, because they couldn't tell the winner for the time being, and entered the halftime break very tacitly. The winner of this battle still lies in Ryan and Qingzhi.

Akainu was sitting on the ice to take a short break, preparing to recover his strength, and then take a cold breath to give Ryan a hard blow.

The fight between the two was somewhat different from what Bailey and others had imagined from the beginning.

Ryan was completely suppressed by Qingzhi. Since the beginning of the fight, he has been at a disadvantage. From the scene, it seems that he has no power to fight back.

Although Ryan was injured and consumed a lot of physical strength when fighting with Akainu before, it shouldn't be like this. You know, Ryan just defeated Akainu, who is also a navy admiral.

At this time, we have to mention the battle environment. Before, Ryan and Akainu had been fighting in the air. In fact, this would prevent Akainu from fully exerting his strength.

Ryan did not have this limitation. Fighting in the air could infinitely magnify his physical advantage. When fighting, he could occasionally use the ability of the Empty Fruit, because the razor in the Navy Six Styles was similar to Ryan's short-distance teleportation, but the teleportation would be faster.

In addition, Akainu had been hit by Ryan before and was injured, and Akainu was careless, so Ryan was able to suppress Akainu.

When facing the full-state and very serious Qingzhi, Ryan, who was already at low health, certainly could not get any advantage. The difference between the combat power of this level was very small, so Ryan was completely crushed by Qingzhi.

However, it was not so easy for Qingzhi to defeat Ryan in this way. Ryan's biggest advantage now was his high blood!

"Hell Dog!" Akainu, who was originally sitting on the ice and recovering his strength, took the opportunity when Ryan's right foot was frozen by Qingzhi and attacked directly!

"Captain!" Everyone on the Wanli Longteng shouted loudly, trying to remind Ryan.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Ryan was not surprised by Akainu's sneak attack. This man would not care about any means as long as he could defeat you.

Ryan's domineering aura wrapped around his sword blocked Akainu's attack, but he was also directly knocked into the water.

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