"The reputation of Puji Food City is well-deserved!" Ryan and his group exclaimed.

Standing on the Wanli Longteng and looking down, the entire food city is in full view. There are crowds of people and shops below. All the shops are related to food without exception. There are also vendors pushing carts to sell snacks on the street. Colorful balloons and slogans promoting food can be seen everywhere. There are houses made of cakes and stores made of special ingredients. This place meets all Ryan's imaginations of the food city!

Even in the sky, Ryan still smelled the unique fragrance of food.

This fragrance is not emitted by a single kind of food, but after hundreds of years of development of the food city, it has its own unique fragrance. It is a kind of smell that is emitted by the fusion of all the food that has appeared here.

Normally, the fusion of multiple fragrances is extremely easy to make it smell bad, but it is obviously not feasible here.

Ryan closed his eyes and greedily felt the fragrance drifting in. It seemed as if he saw a picture scroll. It was the food that had appeared in the food city for hundreds of years, listed one by one in front of you waiting for you to taste and enjoy.

"Let's go shopping!"

After Bailey controlled the Wanli Longteng to land, Ryan put the boat into his storage space.

Everyone strolled in the bustling food street. Everything here was so pleasing to the eye, just like walking into a palace of architecture that brought together ancient and modern Chinese and foreign buildings. From the phoenix sculpture at the corner of the street to the different styles of store decorations on the street, everyone felt the charm of architectural art. Those people from different races also added a lot of foreign folk flavor to this street.

"I want to eat this!" Lori reached out to Bailey, because Bailey was responsible for managing the money on the ship.

After getting the money, Lori ran to a small stall and bought a handful of octopus balls.

Picking up a bunch of octopus balls, Lori took a bite, and the gravy inside the balls spurted out, filling Lori's cherry mouth.

Lori didn't care, she stretched out her flexible tongue to lick the gravy on her lips, then nodded with satisfaction and handed the octopus balls in her hand to everyone.

Ryan's mouth twitched when he saw it. Is this an octopus ball? Why does he feel like a peeing beef ball!

Everyone was not polite and started eating.

"Not bad!" Kidd and others also gave comments after eating.

In this way, everyone walked forward while enjoying the food.

"Blood Sword Pirates!"

"It's the Blood Sword Master - Ryan, and the Blind Swordsman Fujitora!"

"That's Red Light Kidd from the Traffic Light Group!"

"His bounty is as high as 100 Baileys, haha!"

"They have disappeared for two and a half years and now they are back. What are they planning to do this time?" said a young man in the crowd. He knew the time when Ryan and his friends disappeared so well. This man obviously knew and studied them.

"Can you sign for me?"

"It's the real Blood Sword Master!"


Ryan and his friends still attracted people's attention. Although they have faded out of people's sight in the past two years, their stories are still circulating in this sea.

It's normal for people to recognize them.

But what surprised Ryan was that these people were not afraid of him at all. You know, he has a bad reputation. When he was in other places before, people would hide far away and dare not approach him as long as they found out that it was him. But these people actually took the initiative to come up to him. They are really brave!

"Get out of the way!" Kidd, who was in a bad mood, dispersed the crowd. Seeing Kidd's fierce expression, they realized that the other party was not a good person, but a world-famous pirate!

However, they were not afraid of this, but just stopped surrounding him.

Seeing that the crowd did not surround him, Ryan did not care. He was not a bloodthirsty person. These people did not provoke him, so there was no need to kill more.

Continuing to move forward, a ring appeared in front of him. The ring was full of people. There was a man and a woman holding a loudspeaker-type Den Den Mushi on it to create an atmosphere.

"What are they doing there?" Ryan asked a person.

Unfortunately, the man ignored Ryan and raised his hand to cheer.

"The annual wine competition!" A familiar voice sounded.

Ryan and his people looked at the source of the sound and saw a man carrying a supreme big knife walking towards them.


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