Marine Headquarters - Marinford.

Kizaru came out of Sengoku's office with no desire to live. He had just received some kings who came to the World Conference to the Sabaody Islands. Before he had time to rest, he was assigned a difficult task by Marshal Sengoku.

That is to keep an eye on the Blood Sword Pirates alone to prevent them from sabotaging during the World Conference.

And in the information Sengoku gave him, Sakaski was defeated by the bloody swordsman Ryan, which made his mission even more difficult.

He knew Sakaski's strength, and even he was not sure he could defeat him. Although Marshal Sengoku said that Sakaski was careless, no matter what the reason, he was defeated, and Ryan's strength was beyond doubt.

Fujitora, who could restrain him to a certain extent, was a Gravity Fruit user, and Enelu, who was also a top-level Natural Fruit user, plus Ryan, who was on par with the admiral.

This was simply a devil's mission!

"I didn't expect that the young people back then would be so strong now!" Kizaru breathed in the fresh air of Marinford. According to the naval intelligence, the Blood Sword Pirates are now in the Food City Puji!

So, he will go to the Food City Puji alone tonight!

Kizaru returned to his office alone, lit a cigarette in a place where no one could see him, and looked at the gradually darkening sky outside. At this time, he seemed to have changed into a different person, with worries in his eyes.

"The Great Pirate Era is becoming more and more difficult to stop. Can Marshal Sengoku's plan really be perfectly realized?"

He was very hopeful before, otherwise he would not have stood on Sengoku's side at that time. In recent years, the Grand Line has indeed been much more stable than before, and there are fewer and fewer great pirates. They either flee to the New World or disappear.

But now the appearance of the Blood Sword Pirates has broken the fantasy of many people. The Great Pirate Era was just suppressed, and it is still a long way from the end. Young pirates are still growing.

As long as the pirates are not caught and killed by the navy, these people will become more and more difficult to deal with. The Blood Sword Pirates just appeared first. Who can guarantee that there will not be another such pirate group on the sea!

Those pirates are just silent, not destroyed. One day in the future, they will come back again. If they don’t die in silence, they will explode in silence. If the navy can’t suppress them one day in the future, it will be a disaster for the world.

Pirates who are severely suppressed by the navy will vent wantonly on this sea like hungry beasts.

Maybe others can’t see the danger hidden in this calm sea, but Borsalino sees it. When he was young, he was also a high-spirited teenager. Although he was mature, the sense of justice in his heart was no weaker than anyone else, otherwise he would not have a good relationship with Akainu.

Because when they were young, their ideas were very similar, both wanted to fight pirates at all costs and eliminate evil, but as his position was promoted, he knew and came into contact with more and more things, and saw more and more things. The world is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, and his concept of justice has been hit unprecedentedly.

He has seen the justice he believes in being ruthlessly trampled by the world government more than once, and the civilians he protects have been enslaved and oppressed by the Celestial Dragons.

As time goes by, his style of doing things becomes unpredictable to the people around him, and a new concept of justice is born-ambiguous justice!

He is not like Akainu who can always stick to his original idea. He is not like Qingzhi who is confused and chooses to take another path.

His choice is to lie down. Since he can't change all this, why bother to add troubles? Justice began to become ambiguous in his heart.

What is justice? There is no answer, and he himself doesn't know it. But he will still contribute to the navy and fulfill his due responsibilities.

When he encounters some pirates who have not done anything harmful, he will choose to let them go a little bit, because there are some things he cannot do as a navy, but there are others who can do it!

This is also the reason why he chose to let them go when he captured Ryan before. Basically, all the files of the pirates are in his mind. He has some impression of what they have done and what kind of personality they have.

Therefore, there is also a yellow monkey who punches in to work every day in the navy!

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