"Finally arrived." Ryan couldn't help but sigh when he saw the port full of people and the pirate ships that almost filled the entire port.

Because of the Eternal Pointer, Ryan and his group sailed on the sea for longer than Ryan had imagined. If it weren't for the good man Siegel, he might still be on the sea.

"Then let's say goodbye here, Ryan." Hawkeye threw Ace in his hand to Ryan and said.

"I'll give it to you. I have a sword now." He also mentioned the wooden horse bull on his waist.

"No, I will find my own supreme sword."

Ryan sighed with "Ace".

In fact, Ryan tried to invite Hawkeye to board the ship before, but Hawkeye refused. Hawkeye's reason for refusal was simple and Ryan couldn't refute it.

Hawkeye said this at the time: "I can never become the world's number one swordsman with you, so I need my own adventure."

Ryan has never mentioned this topic since that conversation, and now it's finally time to say goodbye.

Looking at Hawkeye Ryan who was walking down the ship, he shouted: "Hawkeye, are we friends?"

Hawkeye turned his head and looked at Ryan twice and replied: "I guess so." Then he left without looking back, and soon disappeared in the surging crowd.

Ryan did not notice that Hawkeye smiled when he heard that sentence, but when he turned around, he returned to his usual cold personality.

"What a proud guy, let's go, we also need to have our own adventures." Ryan took the lead in getting off the ship

Then everyone got off the ship one after another and came to the first stop of their great route, the Kingdom of Alabasta.

One of the member states of the Alabasta World Government, the Nefertari family, one of the victors 800 years ago. In the end, he did not stay in the holy land of Marijoa to become a high-ranking Celestial Dragon, but returned to his own country to continue serving the people of Alabasta.

But the history of Alabasta does not stop there. In Alabasta, you can even find traces of human life thousands of years ago.

Because the remains of ancient civilizations can be seen everywhere in Alabasta, this place has become a must-visit place for archaeologists.

"Captain, when are we going to make a new pirate flag?" Kidd asked.

Ryan was also very curious about why Kidd was so concerned about the pirate flag, because Ryan had designed his sword "Ace" on the previous pirate flag.

Now since Ryan had the Trojan Bull, "Ace" has never been used again. So Kidd proposed to redesign a pirate flag. After all, the Ryan Pirates were not unknown.

Seeing that it was still early, Ryan said to everyone: "Now, it's still early."

Everyone came to a store specializing in designing pirate flags and walked in. Although the arrival of the Great Pirate Era has made many countries in the Grand Line more chaotic, wars often occur and many people die.

But one thing has to be admitted that the arrival of the Great Pirate Era has stimulated the economy of the Grand Line in disguise. Pirates from all over the world continue to flock to the Grand Line with people and money.

Especially in coastal cities, although it is chaotic here, the living conditions of the people have improved a level compared with the past. After all, so many pirates who come to the Grand Line also need to eat and consume.

If no one pays, no one will do the pirate business. Even some cities with poor economy welcome the arrival of pirates, but this will make the people of the four seas suffer.

Most of the countries where the future revolutionary army launches revolutions are in the four seas because of this. It is not only that the world government has poor control over the four seas, but also that the living conditions of the people in the four seas are more difficult and more people can't survive.

Barren soil is more likely to breed the fire of revolution. Normal people who live well will think about resistance and revolution.

When Ryan and his group came in, the waiter was about to come up to entertain them, but unexpectedly, the fat shop owners came up to greet them directly.

The shop owner smiled and said, "Master Bloody Swordsman, please come this way."

Ryan asked curiously, "You know me."

"How can we not know a big shot like you when we are in this line of work?" The shop owner smiled,

Then he led Ryan and the others to a room, leaving only the confused waiter

Ryan looked around and found that the decoration here was much more exquisite than the outside. He secretly said, "It seems that this is a VIP room. It turns out that privileges exist everywhere."

"Master, you are here for those two things too." The shop owner asked with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Ryan and the others were confused. It didn't sound like a pirate flag from the boss's words.

Ryan asked, "What are those two things you are talking about?"

Now it was the shop owner's turn to be confused. It turned out that you didn't know. The news has spread all over the Grand Line.At the moment, he could only explain patiently: "One is the supreme sword "Night", and the other is some ancient weapon. Many pirates have come in the past few days, and I heard that there are also big pirates coming back from the New World."

"Explain it clearly."

"The supreme sword "Night" was dug out from the ground by a group of archaeologists. A few days ago, I heard that it was in the hands of a group of pirates from the West Sea, but now I don't know. As for the ancient weapon, I don't know where the news came from."

"Night", one of the twelve supreme swords, actually appeared in Alabasta, and Hawkeye is also in Alabasta now.

"Is it really destiny? Is the power of fate so strong that it cannot be changed?" Thinking of this, Ryan wanted to try whether fate is really unchangeable.

In fact, since Ryan came to the pirate world, many things have changed, but he didn't find it himself.

The boss didn't understand the ancient weapons, but Ryan certainly knew what the ancient weapons referred to. It was the Hades among the three ancient weapons. No wonder there are so many pirate groups in the port. Ryan thought it was normal. Unexpectedly, they were attracted by two things.

"Since you just asked me if I came here for this, you must have some news." Ryan glanced at the shop owner and said lightly.

"My Lord, I have a good eye. Of course I have some news, but that..." The shop owner rubbed his hands and said.

Ryan understood immediately after seeing this action.

"Don't worry, the money will be yours." After saying that, Ryan gestured to Bailey.

Then Bailey took out a big box and opened it directly, and it was full of Bailey.

The shop owner's eyes immediately stared at the money in the box without blinking.

"Hurry up and tell me." Ryan urged.

The boss took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ryan. Ryan looked closely and saw only four big words written on the paper: "Albania".

Ryan crumpled the paper into pieces with his hands and said, "We also want to make a pirate flag. How much does it cost?"

"100,000 Baileys, the pirate flag is a gift to you." Looking at the paper powder scattered on the ground, the shop owner trembled and said.

Then Ryan told the shop owner his idea and it was done soon.

Kidd couldn't wait to unfold the pirate flag he had just made. A bone was placed across the middle of the skull, and an ancient double-edged sword pierced the entire skull from top to bottom. The sword was naturally designed in the shape of a wooden horse and a cow.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"That's right, don't you see who designed it." Ryan laughed.

After the matter was done, Ryan and his party went to find a place to stay and prepared to rest. After living on the sea for so long, everyone was a little tired, not only physically but also mentally.

After Ryan left, the shop owner said to the clerk: "Report the news of the bloody swordsman Ryan to Lord Crocodile."

In a castle in Alabasta-Rainland, a man with a cigar in his mouth looked at the news in his hand and said, "An interesting guy is here."

"Who?" A female voice asked in the dark.

"Bloody Swordsman Ryan!"

"Will that affect our plan?" A voice came again in the dark.

"No, just a newcomer." After a moment's hesitation, the man continued, "Spread the news that the bloody swordsman Ryan is going to snatch the supreme big knife "Ye". "

Soon the castle fell into silence again.

The next day, the news that the bloody swordsman Ryan came to Alabasta to snatch the supreme big knife "Ye" appeared in the Grand Line.

Porphytus and Kuzan, who were far away in the sky, smiled when they saw the news and said, "Finally found you!"

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