The third day after the fight...

"Why don't we stop drinking, Jabba." Carter has already started shaking his head.

Jabba picked up the big bowl and drank while saying.

"No, I can still drink and continue to fight. I said I had to drink until that kid wakes up, so I have to do it, otherwise where will I put my face as Jabba."

"Uncle Carter, don't drink anymore, hurry up and save Ryan, it's been three days, he won't wake up forever, wuwuwu."

Bailey's voice was already crying.

"Don't cry here, kid, this kid is just exhausted, his physical condition is too poor now. He can't withstand the sword intent of the God Avoidance Sword Technique, I guess he will wake up soon, if he doesn't wake up, I can't bear it anymore."

"Jabba, you drink first, I can't do it."

Carter fell to the ground with a bang and immediately began to sleep, the flush on his face told the world what seemed to have happened just now.

Two hours later...

Ryan slowly opened his eyes. He had never thought that the consequences of forcibly using more power than his limit would be so serious. Ryan felt as if his whole body was falling apart, and he couldn't muster any strength.

"Water~ I need to drink water and eat. I'm so hungry!"

For Ryan, who hadn't eaten for three days, his stomach felt like it was on fire.

Bailey said anxiously after hearing Ryan's voice.

"Ryan, I'm glad you woke up. I'm so worried about you. I'll get you something to eat and drink right now."

"Thank you, Bailey."

Ryan's mouth corners slightly raised. It felt good to have a friend who cared about him.

"Boy, you have a good partner." Jabba's voice came from beside him.

"Of course, Bailey is my best friend in the world."

At this time, Bailey had just brought the food over. When they saw Bailey coming over, the two stopped talking tacitly.

Ryan didn't say anything, naturally thinking of the way Bailey looked at him before. Jabba thought that he was now the master of the two of them, so he naturally had to act like a strict teacher.

Seeing Ryan and Jabba chatting, he became curious, and asked curiously after putting the food behind Ryan.

"What were you two talking about just now? Are you saying bad things about me? Old man, I know I lost to you, I will never lose again next time."

Ryan and Jabba laughed out loud.

"Come on, Bailey, I believe you can do it!"

"Boy, you are still far from it!"

"That's it, I'll take a nap first, and I will take you to practice tomorrow." After saying that, Jabba fell asleep.

"Did you drink like this for three days?" Ryan asked curiously,

"Yes, Uncle Jabba said he would drink until you wake up, and then the two of them drank until now."

It's really amazing. As expected, the physical strength of people in the pirate world is a monster.

The best proof is that Akainu and Aokiji will fight for ten days and ten nights in Punk Hazard in the future.

"Uncle Jabba is really too proud to suffer."

"Ryan, we can practice together tomorrow to become stronger. Although you are better than me now, I will catch up."

Bailey was very excited to hear that he could start practicing tomorrow.

"Let's work hard together and become stronger together." Ryan smiled at Bailey.

"Ryan!" Bailey held Ryan's hands tightly.


"Hurry up and take a rest. I see you haven't rested for a long time."

It's a good thing that I was almost assimilated by Bailey. How could I, Ryan, be like this.

Ryan still remembered that he heard the system prompt to defeat Jabba before he fell into a coma. I don't know how many attribute points he got.

Ryan couldn't wait to check it out.

Congratulations to the host for defeating Spark Jabba and getting 80,000 attribute points.

Isn't Spark Jabba the left hand of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger?

No wonder it's so powerful. If it weren't for the system display, Ryan would not believe that the uncle in front of him was actually the legendary Jabba!

Ryan quickly opened the system panel.

Attribute Panel

Current host attribute points: 80,000

Host: Portgas D. Ryan

Physique: 24/1000 Primary

Physical skills: 2/1000 Primary

Swordsmanship: 162/1000 Sword Apprentice [Performing the Divine Avoidance Sword Technique deepens the understanding of swordsmanship and increases attribute points]

Overlord Haki: None

Armament Haki: None

Observation Haki: None

Fruit ability: None

Skill: Divine Avoidance

Weapon: Supreme Great Sword Ace

Unexpectedly, Ryan got 80,000 attribute points from Jabba by accident.

Ryan suddenly felt very happy. This was really a blessing from heaven. With 80,000 attribute points, Ryan needed to plan how to use the most reasonable.

First, add physique, and second, add swordsmanship. Ryan found that he was also a genius in swordsmanship. The initial swordsmanship attribute points of 8 points were much higher than others. This was Ryan's advantage.

Since he had an advantage, he had to magnify his advantages infinitely. Ryan still knew the principle of playing to his strengths and avoiding his weaknesses.

However, all the attribute points cannot be added at once.

First, it is not easy to explain why the strength suddenly increased so much, especially in front of Jabba.

Second, blind improvement is not very effective. He needs to ask others, such as Jabba, who will give Ryan good advice. The attribute points should be kept until tomorrow to ask for advice.

Thinking about it, Ryan slowly fell asleep.

At noon the next day, the sun was shining.

"Jabba, it's settled then. You take Ryan and Bailey to practice for three years, and I'll come to pick you up after three years."

Jabba leaned against the wall and said lightly: "Don't worry, old Carter, I will take good care of them."

"I'm leaving, Ryan and Bailey, you two must study hard here with Jabba, practice hard and strive to become strong." Carter said, touching Bailey's head.

Bailey said with a crying voice: "Uncle Carter, I will miss you."

Ryan patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, Uncle Carter, we two will take good care of ourselves, you don't have to worry about us. As for Bailey, I will watch him and don't let him make trouble."

"In that case, I'm leaving."

After that, Carter strode out of the yard.

Carter stopped at the corner of the alley, turned around and waved, saying: "Come on, I believe you will definitely become an excellent navy."

Bailey heard Carter's words and shouted: "Uncle Carter, I will definitely work hard to become an excellent navy... navy?"

"Ryan, aren't we going to be pirates? Why are we going to be navy again?"

Fortunately, Uncle Carter has gone far away now, otherwise Ryan suspected that Uncle Carter would definitely run back and catch them both for ideological education after hearing this.

Hearing this, Jabba said with a smirk: "So you two little guys are lying to old Carter. Can you tell me why you want to become pirates, Bailey?"

After contacting each other for a while, Jabba knew that it was too difficult to get words out of Ryan, the little fox.

Bailey is different. This kid is simple-minded and basically answers every question.

Sure enough, when Bailey heard Jabba ask this, he answered without thinking: "Ryan said he would take me to find the best crew in the world to experience the customs and customs of the world, taste all the delicacies in the world, drink the strongest wine, pick up the most beautiful girls, and be the freest person in the world."

"Be the freest person in the world? What a great dream. Just like the captain."

Jabba raised his mouth slightly and said: "Then do you want to be the Pirate King?"

"Pirate King?"

Ryan smiled and said: "I won't become the Pirate King just to become the Pirate King, but if I become the Pirate King unknowingly during the journey, it would be great."

"The most important thing in the journey is not the destination but the scenery on the road. The process is the most important thing, not the result, isn't it, Mr. Jabba?"

The most important thing in the journey is not the destination but the scenery on the road. Jabba savored this sentence carefully.

"Yes, Ryan, you are right. The process is the most important thing, not the result. I really miss the days when I went on adventures with everyone."

Jabba looked at Ryan deeply. This sentence was actually said by an 8-year-old child.

From this moment, Jabba knew that this 8-year-old child who was much more mature than his peers would definitely create huge waves in the future.

This child was also very talented, and Jabba was immediately full of expectations for training Ryan.

"Come to my room, I will first talk to you about the basics to determine your next training plan."

After saying that, Jabba left, and Ryan and Bailey followed immediately.

"Do you two know how many types of strong people there are in the sea?"

Ryan replied: "Physical skills, swordsmanship, domineering, devil fruit ability users, right, Mr. Jabba?"

"It seems that old Carter has told you some basic things before he came, so let's start choosing the direction and customizing the plan directly."

Hearing this, Bailey's weak voice sounded next to him: "I don't know, Mr. Jabba, Uncle Carter didn't tell me."



"Okay, let's continue. What Ryan said just now is right. It is roughly divided into these types. You two have not eaten the devil fruit, so put it aside for now. You are too young to practice domineering now, so you should focus on laying the foundation."

"The rest is physical skillsand swordsmanship. Everyone has different talents. Some people are more suitable for practicing physical skills, while others are more suitable for practicing swordsmanship. In addition, human energy is limited and it is impossible to be comprehensive, so practice needs to focus on one aspect. "

"Find a practice method that suits you, so that you can improve very quickly. For example, I mainly practice physical skills and domineering. If you practice each ability to the extreme, you can become the world's top powerhouse."

The Ryan that Jabba talked about knows that, for example, Luffy in the future will be mainly based on the devil fruit, supplemented by physical skills + domineering.

The three admirals of the navy have all practiced the devil fruit to the point of awakening, and Doflamingo has also developed the devil fruit to the point of awakening. If it weren't for Luffy's protagonist halo being too strong, he wouldn't have lost.

Jabba continued, "For example, Ryan has a stronger talent in swordsmanship, so he can focus on swordsmanship. As for you, Bailey, according to my observation, you have a good talent in physical skills, so you can practice directly in a way that focuses on physical skills. Do you two have any questions? "

Ryan and Bailey said in unison: "No problem."

"Well, I will make a one-year training plan for you. Ryan, you will practice boxing with me every morning in the future."

"Run 10 laps around the town in the morning. When you get used to it, I will increase the number of laps and the weight. In the afternoon, you will exercise and polish your body, focusing on arm strength. An excellent swordsman needs to have strong arm strength so that your sword will have power. In the evening, you will practice basic swordsmanship. "

"Although I don't know much about swordsmanship, I know that the most basic swordsmanship is stabbing, picking, chopping, cutting, and lifting. As long as you lay a solid foundation for these basic skills, it will be much easier for you to practice superior swordsmanship. "

"Understood! "Ryan replied.

Ryan actually knew this truth. After all, everyone who has watched One Piece knows that Hawkeye fights with a flat attack, but Hawkeye at that time had already returned to the basics, while Ryan is just starting out now.

Jabba continued, "Bailey, you will practice boxing with me every morning in the future, and run laps with Ryan in the morning. In the afternoon, you will also polish your body, but you need to do it more comprehensively, and every part of your body needs to be exercised. In the evening, I will give you one-on-one guidance on physical training. Do you understand?"

"And you will practice sparring every seven days, so that I can see your results. Based on your practice, I will modify and adjust your next training plan. Whether you can stick to it depends on you. If you can't stick to it, you can go back to Old Carter directly. "

Jabba's training plan was very full, and basically there was little time to rest except for eating and sleeping.

Ryan and Bailey saw something called determination in each other's eyes. Ryan, of course, was not mentioned. After all, Ryan's real age was 18 years old, and he understood the truth that "only those who endure hardships can become superior people."

Bailey was used to suffering since he was a child, and although Bailey was a little green, his willpower was very strong. We could get a glimpse of it from the last time he broke the limit.

"Take a good rest today, and we will officially start tomorrow."

Tomorrow represents hope and the future. The turning point of Ryan and Bailey's fate begins here.

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